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Test 1


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Functional Requirements for Construction Planning
technology choice, WBS, Budget
Special Knowledge Domains
Project Integration, Project Scope, Project Time Mgmnt, Cost Mgmnt, Quality Mgmnt, HR Mgmnt, Communications Mgmnt, Risk Mgmnt, Project Procurement Mgmnt.
Schedule of Values
A detailed statement furnished by a construction contractor, builder, or others, apportioning the contract value into work packages----used as the basis for submitting and reviewing progress payments
Changes to the WBS can occur what reasons
1. Changes ordered by owner since the contract was awarded 2. Changes in the way the Builders was to conceptualize the WBS
Work Plan
Describes what will be built, how it will be built, and when it will be built
Normal Distribution
A good approximation to the beta distribution in the center of the distribution.
Schedule Crashing (Possibilites)
1. Overtime 2. Multiple Shifts 3. Subcontracting 4. Acquirement of Additional Resources
Business Functional Areas
Business Mgmnt, Estimating, Project Mgmnt, Construction, Engineering, Equipment Mgmnt, Accounting
Code of Accounts
A systematic coding structure for organizating and managing assets, cost, resources, and schedule activity information
6 Contents of Accounts
1. Accounting 2. Geographical 3. Physical 4. Resource 5. Activity 6. Timing
WBS contains __________ as Row Headers and ____________ as Column Headers
Activities and Total Cost
Project Management
Specific mission oriented, team dissolved upon completion. The art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of the project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction.
A list of every cost item to be incurred on a project
A hierarchical coding system with multiple levels plus keyword text descriptions of each item.
Basic Ingredients
Venn Diagram of General Mgmnt, Special Knowledge Domains, Supporting Disciplines with PM as hub
4 Attributes of Code of Accounts
1. Usage 2. Content 3. Structure and Format 4. Standardization
Alpha-Numeric Characters
Utilized to represent desired Acount Code Information
7 Processes in the Build Phase of the Construction Stage of the Project Life Cycle.
Organize, Plan, Implement, Perform, Control, Close, Assess
4 Approaches
a) Mgmnt Process Approach, b) Mgmnt Science/Decision support Approach, c) Behavioral Science Approach, d) Sustainable Competitive Advantage
7 Business Functional Areas
Business Management, Estimating, Project Management, Construction, Engineering, Equipment Management, Accounting
80/20 Rule
20% of the Activities hold 80% of the Durations
WBS Activity
1. Consumes Time 2. Consumes Resources 3. Has a Definable Start/Finish 4. Assignable 5. Measurable
Sub-totaled collection of related planned cost figures that make up a job's budget
Contract Stakeholders
Owner, Designer/CM, Contractor, Sub
General Management
Has a broader outlook and a greater continuity of operations.
Project Life Cycle
Plan, Design, Procurement, Construction, Ops/Maintenance, Retrofit and/or Decommission
Basic Principles of Code of Accounts
1.COA's serve many users and usages, but should have one master 2. Project information is limitless, but COA formats are always constrained 3. A COA is a communication tool requiring structure and a dictionary like a language 4. Standardization is always better in the long term
can aid in the organization and derivation of the WBS Code
A reorganization of the job's price structure by "account," used to measure the departure of as-built cost from planned cost
Business Functional Areas
Must all exchange data for construction contracting best practices
Three Main Courses of Action when Resource Conflicts Exist
1. Resource Leveling 2. Resource Allocation 3. Schedule Crashing
Work Packages or WBS Activities
Have their own resources, and on larger projects their own dedicated support personnel
Work Breakdown Structure
A hierarchical division of work scope into manageable parts that correspond to key deliverables, phases, or milestones

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