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Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
identify the slide - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of all cells and their functions...
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Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of everything...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of everything...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of everything...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of everything...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of everything...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of everything...
Identify the slide? - Be sure to give full description of everything...
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- Define: Axis
- vertidal up/daown part of plant
- Define: the 4 root system functions
1) anchorage- holds plant implace against wind
2) absorption - minerals and water from the soil environment
3) conduction - vascular sustem moving water, minerals, and food (sucrose)
4) storage - holds onto sugar (sucrose) - Define: Tap (primary) root
- The primary root of a plant formed in direct contiuation w/the root tip or radicle of the embryo; forms a stout, tapering main root from which arise smaller, lateral roots
- Define: Lateral (branch) roots
- A root that arises from another, older root; also called a branch root, or secondary root, if the older root is hte primary
- Define: root apex
- tip of root
- Define: root apical meristem
- RAM, produces three primary meristems (procambium, ground meristem, and protoderm) plus the root cap, which protects the apical meristem from rock, dirt and other pathogens
- Define: Shoot system
- composed of stems and leaves
- Define: shoot apex
- The terminal bud of a plant, which consiste of the apical meristem and the immediate surrounding leaf primordia and developing leaves and adjacent stem tissue
- Define: Shoot apical meristem
- SAM is a small group of dividing cells that generate all of the aerial parts of the plant, such as floral arrangements, stems, leaves etc... Provides the frame work for the analysis of the plant...
- Define: stem
- the part of the axis of vascular plants that is above ground, as well as anatomically similar portions below ground, such as rhizomes or corns
- Define: stems 4 main functions
1) CONDUCTION - water, minerals, food
2) storage - food
3) beard leaves & repoductive structures
4) If green, photosynthesis is carried on - Define: node
- point along stem where leaves attach
- Define: internode
- distance between nodes
- Define: leaves
- leaves main function - photosynthesis haopens primarily in the leaves
- Define: petiole
- the stalk of the leaf
- Define: blade
- the broad, expanded part of the leaf; the lamina
- Define: leaflets
- one of the parts of a compound leaf
- Define: axil
- the upper angle between a twig or leaf and the stem from which it grows
- Define: axillary bud
- is found in the axil, w/the right signal it produces a branch w/leaves
- Define: dermal tissue system
- the outer covering tissue of the plant, the epidermis of the periderm
- Define: epidermis
- the outermost layer of cells of the leafand or young stems and roots; primary in orign
- Define: epidermal hairs (trichomes)
- an outgrowth of the epidermis, such as a hair, scale, or water vesidle
- Define: vascular tissue system
- xylem and phloem
- Define: xylem
- a complex vacular tissue through which most of the water and minerals of a plant are conducted; characterized by the presence of tracheary elements
- Define: phloem
- the food conducting tissue of vacular plants, which is composed of SIEVE ELEMENTS, various kinds of PARENCHYMA CELLS, fibers, and SCLEREIDS
- Define: ground tissue system
- all tissues other than the epidermis (or periderm) and the vascular tissues; also called fundamental tissue system
- Define: cortex
- ground tissue region of a stem or root bounded externally by epidermis and internally by the vascular system; a primary tissue region; also used to refer to the peripheral region of a cell protoplast
- Define: plant organs
- inside parts of the plant
- Define & Identify 3 tissue system
- a tissue or group of tissues organized into a structural and functional unit in a plant or plant organ. There are three tissue systems: dermal, vascular, and ground, or fundamental
- Define: ground tissue systems
- cortex
- Define: tissue
- a group of similar cells organized into a structural and functional unit
- Define: simple tissue
- a tissue composed of a singler cell type; parenchyma, collenchyma, and scllerenchyma are simple tissue
- Define: parenchyma
- a tissue composed of parenchyma cells, which are living, generally thin-walled cell of variable size and form; the most abundant kind of cell in plants
- Define: collenchyma
- a supporting tissue composed of sollenchyma cells, common in regions of primary growth in stems and in some leaves, collenchyma cells are elongated living cells with unevenly thickened, nonlignified primary cell wall
- Define: sclerenchyma
- a supporting tissue composed of sclerenchyma cells, including fibers and sclereids, sclerenchyma cells are cells of variable form and size w/more or less thick, often lignified, secondary walls; may or may not be living at maturity; includes fibers and sclereids
- Define: fiber
- an elongated, tapering, generally thick-walled sclerenchyma cell of vascular plants; its walls may or may not be lignified; it may or may not have a living protoplast at maturity
- Define: sclereid
- a sclerenchyma cell w/a thick, lignified secondary wall having many pits. Sclereids area variable in form but typically not very long; they may or may not be living at maturity
- Define: complex tissue
- a tissue consists of two or more cell types; epidermis, peiderm, xylem and phloem are complex tissues
- Define: tracheary elements
- the general term for a water-conducting cell in vascular plants; tracheids and vessel elements
- Define: tracheids
- an elongated, thick-walled conducting and supporting cell of xylem. It has tapering ends and pitted walls w/out perforations, as contrasted w/a vessel element. FOUND IN: nearly all vascular plants
- Define: vessel elements
- one of the cells composing a vessel; also called vessel member
- Define: sieve cells
- a long, slender sieve element w/relatively unspecialized sieve areas and w/tapering end walls that lack sieve plates; found in the phloem of gymnosperms
- Define: sieve tube members
- one of the component cells of a sieve tube; FOUND primarily in flowering plants and typically associated w/a companion cell; also called sieve tube element
- Define: companion cells
- a specialized parenchyma cell associated w/a sieve tube element in angiosperm phloem and arising from the same mother cell as the sieve tube element
- Define: epidermal cell
- ordinary epidermal cells are the outer boundary cell
- Define: guard cells
- pairs of specialized epidermal cells surrounding a pore, or stoma; changes in the turgor of a pair of guard cells cause opening ans closing of the pore
- Define: stoma
- a minute opening, bordered by guard cells, in the epidermis of leaves and stems through which gases pass; alsoused to refer to the entire stomatal apparatus - the guard cells plus their included pore
- Define: subsidiary cells
- an epidermal cell morphologically distinct from other epidermal cells and associated w/a pair of guard cells; also called an accessory cell
- Define: trichomes
- an outgrowth of the epidermis, such as a hair, scale, or water vesicle
- Define: cuticle
- waxy or fatty layer on outer wall of epidermal cells, formed of cutin and wax
- Define: leaf primordia
- a lateral outgrowth from the apical meristem that will eventually become a leaf
- Define: axillary bud primordia
- an axillary bud that is in its earliest stage of differentiation
- Define: meristematic cells
- are incompletely or not at all differentiated, and are capable of contiued cellular division, these cells ae small and protplasm fills the cell completely, they are packed closely together w/out intercellular cavities...
- Define: mitosis
- a process during which the duplicated chromosomes divide longitudinally and the daughter chromosomes then separate to form two genetically identical daughter nuclei; usually accompanied by cytokinesis
- Define: elongation
- elongation of the stem is inhibited and the emphasis of development shifts from straight growth to expanding photosynthesis capacity.
- Define: differetiation
- a developmental process by which a relatively unspecialized cell undergoes a progressive change to a more specialized cell; the specialization of cell and tissues for particular fuctions during development
- Define: primary meristem
- a tissue derived from the apical meristem; of three kinds: protoderm, procambium and ground meristem
- Define: protoderm
- primary meristematic tissue that gives rise to epidermis
- Define: procambium
- a primary meristematic tissue that gives rise to primary vacular tissues
- Define: ground meristem
- the primary meristem, or meristematic tissue, that gives rise to the ground tissues
- Define: maturation
- the final differentiation processes in biological systems, such as the final ripenig of a seed or the attainment of full functional capacity by a cell, a tissue, or an organ
- Define: primary tissue
- cells derived from the apical meristems and primary meristematic tissues of root and shoot; as opposed to secondary tissues derived from cambium; primary growth results in an increase in length
- Define: vascular bundles
- a strand of tissue containing primary xylem and primary phloem and frequently enclosed by a bundle sheath of paranchyma or fibers
- Define: pith
- the ground tissue occupying the center of the stem or root w/in the vacular cylinder; usually consists of parenchyma
- Define: pith ray
- region of tissue between vascular bundles in a stem
- Define: primary root
- the first root of the plant, developing in continuation of the root tip or radicle of the embryo; the TAPROOT
- Define: tap root system
- a root system consisting of one or more prominent, swollen roots w/few side roots; often a food storage structure. Also, the primary root of a plant formed in direct continuation w/the root tip or radicle of the embryo; forms a stout, tapering main root from which arise small, LATERAL ROOTS
- Define: fleshy tap root
root that doesn't grow with depth, but more on girth (hairy root)
Example of taproot: carrot - Define: fibrous root system
- sometimes called adventitious root system, is the opposite of a tap root system. It is usually formed by thin, moderately branchong roots growing from the stem, usually seen in ferns and most trees after the first few years of growth, this is a horizontal surface root and only a few vertica, deep anchoring roots.
- Define: adventitious root
- is a root growing from stems or leaves
- Define: prop roots
- is an adventitious root arising from the stem above soil level and helping to support the plant; common in mnay monocots, for maize (corn)
- Define: aerial roots
- are roots that are aboveground. They area almost ALWAYS Adventitious. Example: orchids or ivy
- Define: root nodules
- occur on the roots of plants that associate w/ symbiotic bacteria
- Define: bacteria
- the phylogenetic domain consisting of all prokaryotes that are not members of the domain Archaea
- Define: nitrogen fixation
- the incorporation of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds; carried out by certain free-living and symbiotic bacteria
- Define: root cap
- a thimblelike mass of cells that covers and protects the growin tip of a root
- Define: mucigel sheath
- a slime sheath covering the surface of many roots
- Define: region of cell division
- a place/location where the division of cell and its contents, usually into two roughly equal parts