undefined, object
copy deck
- Exaggerated over-curvature of thoracic area of vertebral column
- kyphosis
- Lateral deviation of vertebral column
- scoliosis
- Major feature of cervical vertebrae
- transverse foramina
- Vertebra located at level of iliac crest
- l4
- Ligament that connects internal surface of laminae of vertebrae
- ligamentum flavum
- Ligament that checks hyperextension of vertebral column
- anterior longitudinal
- Ligament affected with whiplash injury
- anterior longitudinal
- Ligament which limits skull rotation
- alar
- Defective portion of vertebra with spondylolisthesis in cervical area
- pedicle
- Defective portions of vertebra with spondylolisthesis in lumbar area
- Pars Interarticularis; Lamina
- Common direction of all superior articular facets of vertebrae
- posterior
- Structure in contact with posterior surface of dens
- Transverse Ligament of Atlas (part of cruciate ligament)
- Most commonly herniated intervertebral disc
- L4/L5
- Most common nerve compressed with herniated intervertebral disc
- L5
- Spinal nerve affected by protrusion of the disc between C5/6
- C6
- Thoracic intercostal space located deep to triangle of auscultation
- sixth
- Vertebral level of lumbar puncture
- L4
- Innervation of suboccipital muscles
- suboccipital nerve
- Roof of suboccipital triangle
- semispinalis capitis
- Floor of suboccipital triangle
- Posterior Arch of the atlas; Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
- Major vessel within suboccipital triangle
- vertebral artery
- Synonym for dorsal ramus of C2
- Greater Occipital nerve
- Inferior extent of dura - arachnoid sac
- sv2
- Inferior extent of spinal cord
- extradural (epidural) space
- Most frequently fractured bone of body
- clavicle
- Most frequently dislocated carpal bone
- lunate
- Most frequently fractured carpal bone
- scaphoid
- Name of fracture of distal radius that produces "dinner fork" appearance
- colles' fracture
- Nerve injured with fracture of surgical neck of humerus
- axillary
- Nerve injured with fracture of medial humeral epicondyle
- ulnar
- Nerve injured with fracture of shaft of humerus
- radial
- Nerve injured with wrist drop
- radial
- Muscle that is chief flexor and chief extensor at shoulder joint
- deltoid
- Muscles innervated by axillary nerve
- Deltoid, teres minor
- Muscle that initiates abduction of arm
- supraspinatus
- Most commonly torn tendon of rotator cuff
- supraspinatus
- Two muscles that rotate scapula for full abduction of arm
- Trapezius, serratus anterior
- Tendon that courses through shoulder joint
- Long head of biceps
- Chief supinator muscle of hand
- Biceps brachii
- Injury to what nerve causes winged scapula
- Long thoracic nerve
- spinal levels of axillary nerve
- c5 and c6
- spinal levels of muscle of hand
- c8 and t1
- dermatome thumb
- c6
- Nerve to thenar compartment
- Recurrent branch of median
- Innervation of all interosseous muscles
- Ulnar (deep branch)
- Region affected by upper trunk injury of brachial plexus
- Shoulder muscles
- Region affected by lower trunk injury of brachial plexus
- Intrinsic hand muscles
- Nerve compressed with carpal tunnel syndrome
- median
- Nerve affected by cubital tunnel syndrome
- ulnar
- Paralysis of which results in total "claw" hand
- Lumbricals
- Boundaries of femoral triangle
- Inguinal ligament, sartorius, adductor longus
- Structure immediately lateral to femoral sheath
- Femoral Nerve
- Structure immediately medial to femoral artery in femoral sheath
- Femoral Vein
- Contents of femoral canal
- Deep inguinal lymph node
- Medial boundary of femoral ring
- Lacunar Ligament
- Structures that course throughout entire length of the adductor canal
- Femoral Artery and vein
- Structures that course through only portion of the adductor canal
- Saphenous nerve, nerve to vastus medialis, descending genicular vessels
- Muscle that forms floor of popliteal fossa
- popliteus
- Muscle that is chief flexor at hip joint
- iliopsoas
- Muscle that prevents pelvis from tilting when walking
- gluteus medius
- Muscle that extends leg
- quadriceps femoris
- Muscle that unlocks knee joint
- Popliteus
- Muscle affected with "foot slap"
- Tibialis Anterior
- Chief invertors of foot
- Tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior
- Chief elevators of foot
- Fibularis Longus and fibularis brevis
- Ligament that checks backward displacement of femur on tibia
- Anterior Cruciate
- ligament laxity with positive valgus maneuver
- Medial Collateral
- Most commonly injured ankle ligament
- Anterior talofibular
- Ligament stretched with "flat foot
- Spring (calcaneonavicular)
- Joints for movements of inversion and eversion
- Subtalar and transverse tarsal (midtarsal)
- Major artery to head of femur in adult
- Medial femoral circumflex
- Nerve affected with fracture of head and neck of fibula
- Common fibular
- Tendon affected with avulsion fracture of fifth metatarsal bone
- Fibularis brevis
- Innervation of adductor magnus
- Obturator, tibial portion of sciatic nerve
- Nerve affected with tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Tibial
- Cutaneous innervation to medial side of foot
- Saphenous (L4)
- Cutaneous innervation to lateral side of foot
- Sural (S1)
- Cutaneous innervation to heel
- Tibial
- Cutaneous innervation to dorsal aspect of web between toes 1 and 2
- Deep fibular
- Cutaneous innervation to most of dorsum of foot
- Superficial fibular
- Major dermatome to big toe
- L4
- Dermatome to small toe
- S1
- Spinal level of patellar reflex
- L4
- Spinal level of Achilles reflex
- S1
- Locking of knee when walking suggests
- Meniscus Injury (tear)
- Major injury triad with lateral impact to knee
- Medial collateral, medial meniscus, anterior cruciate
- Dermatome around nipple
- T4
- Vertebral level at inferior angle of scapula
- TV7
- Structure that lies immediately posterior to manubrium
- Rib related to oblique fissure of lung posteriorly
- 2nd rib
- Rib paralleled by horizontal fissure of right lung
- 4th rib
- Inferior extent of lung at midciavicular line
- 6th rib
- Inferior extent of pleura in midclavicular line
- 8th rib
- Inferior extent of lung in midaxillary line
- 8th rib
- Inferior extent of pleura in midaxillary line
- 10th rib
- Inferior extent of lung posteriorly
- 10th rib
- Inferior extent of pleura posteriorly
- 12th rib
- Innervation of costal pleura
- Intercostal nerves
- Innervation of mediastinal pleura
- Phrenic nerve
- Site for auscultation of pulmonary valve
- Left 2nd interspace
- Site for auscultation of aortic valve
- Right 2nd interspace
- Site for auscultation of tricuspid valve
- Xiphisternal joint
- Site for auscultation of mitral valve
- Left 5th interspace midclavicular line
- Heart chamber with greatest sternocostal projection
- right ventricle
- chamber that forms the apex of the heart
- left ventricle
- major chamber that forms the base of the heart
- left atrium
- Heart chamber that contains moderator band
- Right ventricle
- Artery that determines coronary dominance
- Posterior interventricular
- Usual origin of SA and AV nodal arteries
- Right coronary artery
- location of the sa node
- christa terminalis
- Major vessel that drains musculature of heart
- coronary sinus
- innervation of fibrous pericardium
- phrenic nerve
- Most common cause of systolic ejection murmur
- aortic stenosis
- Rib associated with sternal angle
- Second rib
- Vertebral level associated with sternal angle
- Disc between TV 4 - TV5
- Location of ductus arteriosus
- Between left pulmonary artery and aorta
- Nerve potentially injured with repair of patent ductus arteriosus
- Left recurrent laryngeal
- Veins that unite to form brachiocephalic
- Subclavian and internal jugular
- Veins that unite to form superior vena cava
- right and left brachiocephalic
- Termination of azygos vein
- Superior vena cava
- Structures that lie to right and left of thoracic duct
- Azygos vein, aorta
- Spinal levels of greater splanchnic nerve
- T5 - 9
- Spinal levels of lesser splanchnic nerve
- T10-11
- Spinal levels of least splanchnic nerve
- T12
- Thoracic structures that can compress esophagus
- Left bronchus, aorta, diaphragm
- Disease often associated with thymoma
- Remnant of umbilical vein
- Round ligament of liver
- Dermatome to umbilical area
- t10
- Dermatome to suprapubic area
- L1
- Vertebral level associated with origin of celiac artery
- t12
- Vertebral level associated with origin of superior mesenteric artery
- L1
- Vertebral level associated with origin of renal arteries
- L2
- Vertebral level associated with origin of gonadal arteries
- L2
- Vertebral level associated with origin of inferior mesenteric artery
- L3
- Vertebral level of umbilicus
- DISC L3/L4
- Vertebral level of aorta bifurcation
- L4
- Vertebral level for formation of lVC
- L5
- Spinal levels to muscles of anterior abdominal wall
- T7-L1
- Structure that forms superficial inguinal ring
- Aponeurosis of External oblique
- Structure that forms deep inguinal ring
- Transversalis fascia
- Structure that forms floor of inguinal canal
- Inguinal ligament
- Bony attachments of inguinal ligament
- ASIS and pubic tubercle
- Structures that form conjoined tendon
- Internal Oblique and transverses abdominus
- Abdominal layer continuous with external spermatic fascia
- External oblique
- Abdominal layer continuous with cremasteric fascia
- Internal oblique
- Abdominal layer continuous with internal spermatic fascia
- Transversalis fascia
- Structure that lies between protrusion sites of direct and indirect inguinal hernias
- Inferior epigastric artery
- Type of hernia that enters deep inguinal ring
- Indirect inguinal
- Most common type of hernia
- Indirect inguinal
- Most common side for indirect inguinal hernia
- right
- Type of hernia that protrudes through Hesselbach's triangle
- Direct inguinal
- Boundaries of Hesselbach's triangle
- Inguinal ligament, rectus abdominus, inferior epigastric artery and vein
- Type of hernia that traverses both deep and superficial rings
- Indirect inguinal
- Fluid in processus vaginalis
- Hydrocele
- Communication between greater and lesser sacs
- Epiploic foramen
- Superior border of epiploic foramen
- Caudate lobe of liver
- Inferior border of epiploic foramen
- part one of duodenum
- Posterior border of epiploic foramen
- Ligament that contains portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct
- Hepatduodenal (lesser omentum)
- Hepatduodenal (lesser omentum)
- Phrenicocolic ligament Hepatduodenal (lesser omentum)
- Structure that limits spread of ascitic fluid within infracolic compartment
- Root of mesentery
- Superior extent of right paracolic gutter
- Hepatorenal recess
- Most inferior portion of peritoneal cavity in female
- Rectouterine pouch
- Structures supplied by celiac artery
- Stomach, duodenum, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas
- Branches of celiac artery
- Left gastric, common hepatic, splenic
- Blood supply to stomach
- Right and left gastroepiploics, right, left and short gastrics
- Major structures of stomach bed
- Pancreas, spleen, left kidney and suprarenal, diaphragm
- Ducts that join to from common bile duct
- Cystic and common hepatic
- Structure that separates right and left lobes of liver
- Falciform ligament
- Origin of cystic artery
- Right hepatic artery
- Ribs directly related to spleen
- Ribs 9-11
- Organs related to spleen
- Stomach, colon, left kidney and tail of pancreas
- Artery to small intestine
- Organs supplied by both celiac artery and SMA
- Duodenum, pancreas
- Organ supplied by both SMA and IMA
- Transverse colon
- Vessel located posterior to head of pancreas
- Vessel located posterior to neck of pancreas
- Portal Vien
- Veins that unite to form portal vein
- Splenic, superior mesenteric
- Clinically important organs for portacaval anastomoses
- Esophagus, rectum, liver
- Two structures that lie posterior to SMA near Its origin
- Left renal vein, duodenum
- Three distinguishing features of large intestine
- Tenia coli, Haustra, and fatty appendages
- Termination of left ovarian (testicular) vein
- Left renal vein
- Termination of right ovarian (testicular) vein
- Location of initial pain of appendicitis
- Umbilical region
- Motor innervation of diaphragm
- phrenic
- Sensory innervation of diaphragm
- Phrenic, intercostal nerves
- Spinal levels of phrenic nerve
- C3- 5
- Vertebral level that inferior vena cava traverses diaphragm
- T8
- Vertebral level that esophagus traverses diaphragm
- T10
- Structures that traverses diaphragm with esophagus
- Right and left vagus nerves
- Vertebral level that aorta traverses diaphragm
- T12
- Structure that traverses diaphragm with aorta
- Thoracic duct
- Structures that traverses diaphragm through crura
- Greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves
- Structure that separates pelvis and perineum
- Pelvic diaphragm
- Two major components of pelvic diaphragm
- levator ani, coccygeus
- Two major components of levator ani
- Pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus
- Two muscles which close lateral pelvic wall
- Obturator internus, piriformis
- Means by which obturator intern us exits pelvis
- Lesser sciatic foramen
- Means by which piriformis exits pelvis
- Greater sciatic foramen
- Innervation of detrusor muscle
- Pelvic splanchnics (S2 - 4)
- Remnant of umbilical arteries
- Medial umbilical ligaments
- Chief artery to rectal mucosa
- Superior rectal
- Most common type of pelvic inlet in females
- Gynecoid
- Two remnants of gubernaculum in females
- Ovarian ligament, round ligament
- Ligament that contains ovarian vessels
- Suspensory ligament of ovary
- Lymph nodes for ovary and testis
- Lateral aortic (lumbar)
- "Normal" position of uterus
- Anteverted, anteflexed
- Chief uterine support
- Pubococcygeus
- Ligament that contains uterine vessels
- lateral cervical (cardinal)
- Structure potentially injured with hysterectomy
- ureter
- Relation of ureter to uterine artery
- Ureter is inferior and posterior
- Structure that separates deep and superficial perineal spaces
- Perineal membrane (Inferior fascia of UGD)
- Bony landmarks between anal and UG triangles
- ischial tuberosities
- Lateral wall of ischioanal fossa
- Fascia of obturator internus
- Structure that forms pudendal canal
- Fascia of obturator internus
- Structure that separates internal and external hemorrhoids
- Pectinate line
- Lymph nodes for area superior to pectinate line of anal canal
- Internal iliac, inferior mesenteric
- Lymph nodes for area inferior to pectinate line of anal canal
- Superficial inguinal
- Major structure of deep perineal space
- Sphincter urethrae
- Lymph nodes for glans penis
- Deep inguinal
- Muscle which compresses bulb of penis
- bulbospongiosus
- Muscle which compresses crus of penis
- Ischiocavernosus
- Muscles which meet at perineal body
- Superficial and deep perinei, bulbospongiosus, external anal sphincter, pubococcygeus
- Vertebral level of hyoid bone
- CV3
- Vertebral level of thyroid cartilage
- CV4/5
- Vertebral level of cricoid cartilage
- CV6
- Muscles that are innervated by CN XI
- Trapezius, sternocleidomastoid
- Structures that course between anterior and middle scalene
- Brachial plexus, Subclavian artery
- Innervation of omohyoid, sternohyoid and sternothyroid
- Ansa cervicalis
- Innervation of digastric muscle
- Anterior belly, CN V3 Posterior belly, CN VII
- Innervation of carotid sinus and carotid body
- Major structures to pass through pharyngeal wall superior to superior constrictor muscle
- Auditory tube levator veli palatini
- Nerves of pharyngeal plexus
- CN IX, CN X. sympathetics
- Only muscle innervated by CN IX
- Structures that pierce thyrohyoid membrane
- Internal laryngeal nerve, superior laryngeal artery
- Only muscle to abduct vocal cords
- Posterior cricoarytenoid
- Innervation of cricothyroid
- External laryngeal nerve
- Innervation of laryngeal muscles exclusive of cricothyroid
- Recurrent laryngeal
- Muscle that increases tension on vocal cords
- Cricothyroid
- Sensory nerve to larynx superior to vocal cords
- Internal laryngeal
- Sensory nerve to larynx inferior to vocal cords
- Recurrent laryngeal
- Site of aspirated lodged fishbone
- Piriform recess
- Afferent - efferent limbs of gag reflex
- CN IX – CN X
- Afferent - efferent limbs of cough reflex
- CN X - CN X
- Nerve injury that causes hoarseness following thyroid surgery
- Recurrent laryngeal
- Chief structures that traverse internal acoustic meatus
- Foramen where CN VII exits skull
- Stylomastoid foramen
- Major arterial supply to calvaria and supratentorial dura
- Middle meningeal
- Major cutaneous nerve of face