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When did nationalism emerge?
after the war of 1812
when was the "era of good feeling"?
Who was the president at this time?
James Monroe
How was the republican party "Nationalized"? (5)
a) increased the strength of the army and navy b) chartered a second bank of the US (1816) c) passed a protective tariff (1816) d) recomended a national system of roads and canals e) championed a vigorous foreign policy which resulted in the settlement of the disputes with Britain, the acquisition of Florida, and the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine
What program did Henry Clay propose and was adopted by the Republican Party in 1816?
The "American System"
what 3 steps did the "American System" propose?
1) a protective tariff, behind which American manufacturers could develop and prosper 2) establishment of a national bank, which would stabilize the currency and unit the country economically 3) the use of revenues gained from the tariff for internal improvements
Why did the south support the tariff of 1816?
they believed the sout would benefit from industrialism and also they felt the nation should be economically as well as politically independent of Europe
what were signs of congress's growing awareness of the need to knit the west more closely to the rest of the nation after the war of 1812?
a) the cumberland road was extended to Wheeling on the Ohio River b) congress passed Calhoun's bonus bill of 1816 which provided for the use of the bonus paid to the federal gov by the second bank as a revolving fund for internal improvements, however, pres madison vetoed the bill becuase he felt that congress didn't have the power to build and maintain roads. c) individual states attmpted to fill the gap by granting financial assistance to private road-and canal-building companies or by constructing their own roads and canals
how did nationalism influence foreign affairs?
1) protection against indians 2) settlement of disputes with great britain 3) purchase of florida (1819)
What was Britain's attitude towards the US after the war of 1812?
more friendly and respectful toward the US= added to US's prestige and set a precedent for the peaceful settlement of disputes
what was teh Rush-Bagot Agreement?
1817- provided for the reduction of armaments on the Great Lakes
what did the Treaty of 1818 do?
safeguarded the US interests along the northwest border. It set the 19th parallel as the boundary b/n the US and Canada. It provided for joint American-British occupation of the Oregon Territory for 10 years
How did Nationalism influence the judiciary?
a) in establishing the supremecy of the federal judiciary b) strengthening the federal government c) protecting property rights
What cases est the supremacy of the federal judiciary?
marbury v madison, fletcher v peck, martin v hunter's lessee
what cases strengthened the federal gov?
McCullock v Maryland, Gibbons v Ogden
what cases protected property rights?
fletcher v peck, dartmouth college case
what movement was influenced by nationalism?
the westward movement
How was the westward movement helped by the land policy adopted by the government?
a) to encourage more regular and more secure settlement, various ordinances provided for land surveys before settlers could secure titles. this enabled the gov to set aside lands for future sale or for specific uses, for ex education b) gov reduced the size and price of the minimun plot (80 acres = $100)c) to make it possible for squatters to keep thei holdings, congress passed a series of preemption acts
what was the significance of the west in American History?
1) nationalism 2) sectionalsm 3) democracy 4) economic strength and opportunity
nationalism & the west
west stimiluate a strong spirit of nationalism. Looked to the central gov for land, protection, and internal improvements. Became advocates of national expansion
Democracy & the west
stimulate political and social deomocracy- promoted self-reliance and individualism. Believed in personal equality, individual freedom, and = of opportunity
economic strength and opportunity & the west
the exchange of western farm produce for manufactured goods of the east promoted national unity, strength, and self-sufficiency. The presence of cheap, fertile land in the west attracted not only the resltess and discontented of the east, but also millions of European immigrants

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