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Chapter 6


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John Marshall
A leading Federalist who got appointed to Chief Judge of the Supreme court and had the position for 34 years.
Henry Knox
The first secretary of war under Washington. He was a Massachusetts Federalist General.
Thomas Pickney / Pickney's treat
(negotiated by Thomas Pickney and signed in 1795) Had Spain allow Americans to use the Mississippi, changed the FL boundary to 31st parallen, and prevented the indians from launching raids north of border.
Tammany Society
Revolutionary War vets who serve as Republican political machines.
The Judiciary Act of 1789
Congress provided for a Supreme Court of 6 members and a system of lower district courts and courts of appeal. The Supreme Court gained the power to make final decisions in cases involving the constitutionality of state laws.
The Bill of Rights
The first ten amendments to the constitution that granted certain rights (Sept 25, 1789)
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney / Prince Talleyrand / XYZ Affair
Pickney was the American minister. Prince Talleyrand was the French foreign minister. The names of the 3 french agents were changed to X, Y, and Z.
Led by Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams who were the critics of the Federalists.
The "Quasi War"
The undeclared war between America and France that ended in 1778.
"First Party System"
The institutionalized factionalism that the Republicans used (made their own faction against Federalists influence). The leaders of the Republicans were Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
Federalists / The Federalists Papers / Publius
Federalists were supporters of the constitution. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay were known as Publius and they wrote papers to explain the Constitution called the Federalist Papers.
James Madison / Annapolis Convention
A Virginian who persuaded the legislature to have a interstate conference on commercial questions. 5 States sent delegates to the meeting at Annapolis in 1786. He also wrote most of the constitution.
"Midnight Appointments"
Adams stayed up unti lmidnight signing new judge commissions to get Federalist Control of Judiciary branch. (During his lame duck period before Jefferson took over in office)
Edmund Randolph / James Madison / Virginia Plan
Randolph proposed to have a national govenment with a legislative, executive, and judicial branch. Madison created the Virginia plan that asked for a national legislature of two houses, a Lower House with population representation, and a upper house that is elected.
Separation of Powers / Checks and Balances
Each of the branches had their jobs and could keep another branch from gaining too much power.
Whiskey Rebellion
(1794) Famers in W Pennsylvania refused to pay the Whisky tax and terrorized tax collectors. Militiamen broke up the rebellion. Strengthened the US
William Peterson / New Jersey plan
Peterson created the NJ plan that had one house legislature with equal representation but gave congress powers to tax and regulate commerce.
The "Founding Fathers"
The 55 men who attended the conventions in Philadelphia State house from May - Sept 1787. Their average age was 44, and they mostly were educated property owners.
The Judiciary Act of 1801
This reduced the number of Supreme Court judges by one but increased the number of federal judgeships as a whole.
Revolution of 1800
The name of the elction where Jefferson of the Republicans won in the Federal Government.
The Bank of the United States
The bank began operations in 1791 after congress accepted Hamilton's bill and Washington signed it.
The Confederation Congress
The unsuccessful congress created by the Articles of Confederation that was unpopular and ineffectual.
The Great Compromise
The Grand Committee led by Franklin made a two-house legislature with the Lower house based on population and the upper house with two representatives from each state. (Slaves were 3/5 a person and direct taxation).
Jay's Treaty (1794)
John Jay of the Supreme court went to england to make a treaty to prevent a very likely war with the British because they were seizing American ships engaged in trade in the West Indies.
Constitutional Convention
A meeting the Founding Fathers went to, to create the new stronger national government.
Report on Manufactures
(1791) Hamilton's plan for stimulating poke glowingly of the advantages to society of a healthy manufacturing sector.
Alexander Hamilton
A successful NY lawyer who was an advocate of a stronger national government.
Alexander Hamilton / Funded Debt Proposal
Hamilton was the Secretary of the Treasury and a dominant figure in Congress. His funded debt proposal had debts being taken by the government and new bonds being issued as old ones were paid off.
Aaron Burr
He mobilized an organization of Revolutionary War veterans
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
They were written by Madison and Jefferson and use dthe ideas of John Locke and the Tenth Amendment to attempt to reverse the Alien and Sedition Acts. Nullification Theory
Thomas Jefferson
The Virginian who was chosen as Secretary of State under Washington.
The Alien and Sedition Acts
The Alien act placed obstacles on foreigners who wanted to become American citizens and strengthened the president's hand in dealing with them. The Sedition Acts allowed the govenment to prosecute those who engaged in sedition against the government.

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