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us history #4


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james polk
the eleventh President of the United States. He threatened war with Britain then backed away and split the ownership of the Northwest with Britain. He is even more famous for leading the successful Mexican-American War.
liberty party
was a political party in the United States in the 1840s. The party was an early advocate of the abolitionist cause. It broke away from the American Anti-Slavery Society due to grievances with William Lloyd Garrison's leadership. The Liberty Party nominated James G. Birney for President in 1840 and 1844. The party did not attract much support. In 1848, the party met in Buffalo, New York, with other groups to form the Free Soil Party.
millard fillmore
Successor of President Zachary Taylor after his death on July 9th 1850. He helped pass the Compromise of 1850 by gaining the support of Northern Whigs for the compromise.
spot resolutions
Proposed by Abraham Lincoln in the spring of 1846. After news from president James K. Polk that 16 American service men had been killed or wounded on the Mexican border in American territory, Abraham Lincoln, then a congressman from Illinois, proposed these resolutions to find out exactly on what spot the American soldier's blood had been shed. In Polk's report to congress the President stated that the American soldiers fell on American soil, but they actually fell on disputed territory that Mexico had historical claims to. To find out were the soldiers fell was important because congress was near to declaring war on Mexico.
compromise of 1850
California wanted to join the Union, but if California was accepted the North would gain control of the Senate, and Southerners threatened to secede from the Union. This compromise set up California joining the Union as a free state, New Mexico and Utah use popular sovereignty to decide the question of slavery, slave trading is banned in the nation's capital, The Fugitive Slave Law is passed, and the border between Texas and New Mexico was set.
franklin pierce
an American politician and the fourteenth President of the United States. Pierce's popularity in the North declined sharply after he came out in favor of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, repealing the Missouri Compromise and reopening the question of the expansion of slavery in the West.
kansas nebraska act
This Act set up Kansas and Nebraska as states. Each state would use popular sovereignty to decide what to do about slavery. People who were proslavery and antislavery moved to Kansas, but some antislavery settlers were against the Act. This began guerrilla warfare.
know nothings
the American Party; anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic
ostend manifesto
In 1854 the American ambassadors to GB, France, and Spain met in Belgium and issued this which said that the US would get Cuba by any means necessary. Realizing that the North was mad, Pierce denied the manifesto.
zachary taylor
Taylor was a general and hero of the Mexican-American war. He was elected to the presidency in 1848, representing the Whig party and was a good soldier but poor administrator. He was in office during the crisis of California's admittance to the Union but died in office before a compromise could be worked out, and left vice president Filmore to finalize a deal between the hostile north and south. His significance as president was that he was one of the last Whigs and didn't solve the problem of sectionalism in the country which caused the civil war.
declared itself independent from mexico then joined Union as slave state
republican party
Political party that believed in the non-expansion of slavery and comprised of Whigs, Northern Democrats, and Free-Soilers, in defiance to the Slave Powers
bleeding kansas
People were lying and saying that they were from Kansas so that they could get more votes to have Kansas be a slave state. This led to voilence.
slidell mission
This was a last ditch attempt to gain California for America. Polk sent Slidell to offer a maximum of $25 million for it, but it was rejected by the Mexicans. This prompted Polk to provoke war with the Mexicans.
john tyler
elected Vice President and became the 10th President of the United States when Harrison died 1841-1845, President responsible for annexation of Mexico after receiving mandate from Polk, opposed many parts of the Whig program for economic recovery
clayton bulwer treaty
stipulated that neither america or britian would fortify or secure exclusively control over any future isthmian waterway
gold rush
a period from1848 to 1856 when thousands of people came to California in order to search for gold.
fugitive slave act
of 1850 made it much easier to capture runaway slaves and includes much harsher punishment
free soil party
Ardent antislavery men in the North, distrusting both Cass and Taylor, organized the Free soil party. they came out foursquare for the wilmot proviso and against slavery in the territories. Going beyond other antislavery groups, they broadened their appeal by advocating federal aid for internal improvements.
uncle tom's cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe-Narrator Third Person-Eliza/Henry(son Harry), Uncle Tom/Aunt Chloe, Mr Haley(slave hunter), Shelbys, senator bird, important themes are hope for freedom, seperation of families, religion
wilmot proviso
Bill that would ban slavery in the territories acquired after the War with Mexico
emerson and thoreau
They were transendentalist writers.
elizabeth blackwell
attended medical school; graduated first in her class; first woman in the U.S. to earn a medical degree.; later she set up the nation's first medical schoolfor women
oregon treaty
(1846) Britain gave the United States what they wanted border wise with Canada because they did not want to start another war.
mormon church
Accepted polygamy which was not legal in the North and moved to Salt Lake City and led by Joseph Smith
mexican american war
Causes::::: American Imperialism, and Mexico's unstable gov't deterred them from being able to focus on the problem of the imposing Uncle Sam on their backyard. Effects::::: The Mexican-American War had many long-term effects. The first and most obvious is the vast territory Mexico was forced to give up to the United States, including the present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. California also became a state after the war, following the short-lived 'California Republic' which had been declared in Sonoma by American settlers in revolt against Mexico (their flag is now the California state flag). The leading American general of the war, Zachary Taylor, would later be elected the 12th President. However, the the most important event (at least in American history) that resulted was the American Civil War.
treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
(1848) ended the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) and was signed in its namesake neighborhood of Mexico City. Its most significant result was the "Mexican Cession" transferring California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of four other states to the U.S. It also made the Rio Grande the boundary between Texas and Mexico.

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