Medical Terminolgy 2
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- Bone markings
- create characteristic featuresand may serve as poitns of attachment for muscles and tendons, join one bone to another or provide cavities and passage for nerves and blood vessels
- Bone processes
- projections or outgrowths of bone and help to form joints or serve as poitns of attachment for muscles and tendons
- bone head
- a rounded knowblike end of a long bone
- neck
- a constricted or narrow section of that connects the head like in the femur
- tuberosity
- an elevated, broad, rounded process of bone usually for attachement of muscles or tendons
- trocanter
- large bony process located below the neck of the femur, for attachment of muscles see page 135
- condyle
- a knucklike projection at the end of a bone, ususally fits into a fossa of another bone to form a unit
- crest
- a distinct border or ridge of bone
- spine
- Part of the shoulder blade that you can feel where muscles attach page 144
- bone depressions
- concave areas or openings in a bone
- sulcus
- a groove or depression in a bone
- sinus
- an opening or hollow space in a bone, as in the paranasal sinuses or the frontal sinus
- fissure
- same as sulcus
- fossa
- a hollow or shallow concave depression in a bone
- foramen
- a hole within the bone that allows blood vessels or nerves to pass through like in the skull
- cranial bones
- frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid
- facial bones
- mandibular, maxillary, zygomatic, nasal, lacrimal, vomer, palatine, nasal conchae
- hyroid bone
- located just above the larynx and below th mandible, It does not connect with any other bone to form a joint but is suspended by ligaments. muscles of the tongue and throat.
- vertebral bone
- cervical, thoracic, lumber vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx,
- bones of the thorax
- true ribs, costal cartilage, false ribs, floating ribs, sternum, manubrium, body, xiphoid, clavicle page 143
- scapula
- also called the shoulder blade.
- acromion
- sppon-shaped projection of the scaupla that connects with the clavicle to form the highest points of the shoulder. see page 144
- Bones of the upper extremities
- humerous, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
- Pelvis bones
- pelvic girdle, ilium, iliac crest, ischium, ischial, pubic, symphysis pubis, acetabulum
- Bones of the lower extremities
- femur, patella, tibia, fibula, metatarsals, phalanges
- Pathological conditions
- osteoporosis,osteomalacia,osteomyelitis, Ewing's sarcoma, osteogenic sarcoma, osteochondroma, talipes, abnormal curviture of the spine, fracture
- Types of fractures
- closed, open, complete, greenstick, compression, impacted, commuinuted, Colle's, hairline, stress, patholigical
- Treatments of fractures
- closed reduction, open reduction, internal fixation devices
- Diagnostic procedures and Procedures
- bone marrow aspirations, dual photon absorptiometry, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
- sutures
- immovable joints where the cranial bones meet
- frontal bone p 137
- the forehead contains eyeballs and sinuses
- parietal bone p 137
- back of the head, top and upper sides of skull
- occipital bone p 137
- back of the head and the base contains the foramen magnum (a large opening in its base) which the spinal cord passes through
- temporal bone p 137
- lower sides and the base of the skull, contain the middle and inner ear, mastoid sinuses, temporal bone, which goes downward and forms the mastoid process, which serves as a point of attachment for muscles
- sphenoid bone
- bat shaped bone located at base of skull in front of temporal bones and joins and anchors other bones in the skull
- ethmoid bone
- lies just behind the nasal bone, part of sinuses and eye sockets
- fontanelles
- soft spots in babies skull where the bones have not fused together yet
- mandibular bone
- mandible or lower jaw bone. the largest, strongest bone of the face and is the only movable bone of the skull. movable joint is call the TMJ or tenporomandibular joint. Contains teeth
- maxillary bones
- two bones in the upper jaw.
- zygomatic bone
- highest point of the cheek and part of the eye orbits
- nasal bones
- give shape to the nose
- lacrimal bone
- paper thin and somewhat shaped like a fingernail. Located at the inner corner of eye
- vomer
- thin, flat bone that forms part of the nose
- palatine bones
- shaped like the letter L. Part of the nasal cavity
- vertebrae
- 24 bones of the vertical column
- cervival vertebrae
- first segment of the spine. c1-c7. First one is called the Atlas. Second bone is called axis.
- thoracic vertebrae
- Second segment of the spine consisting of the next 12 vertebrae. connect with the 12 pairs of ribs and are called T1-T12.
- lumar vertebrae
- third segement of the spine consisting of the next 5 vertebrae. They are larger and heavier than the rest of the vertebrae. L1-L5.
- sacrum
- Fourth segment of the spine. The adult sacrum is a single triangular shaped bone wegded between hip bones and attached to the pelvic girdle. These are not one singular bone in a child.
- coccyx
- the fifth segment of the spine also called the tailbone. one single bone that results from the fusion of for bones in a child.
- vertebral body
- thick anterior portion of the vertebra that is drum shaped and is the weight bearing part of the spinal column
- invertebral disk
- Each vertebrae is seperated by this cartilage. Shock absorbers, cushion and flexibility
- vertebral foramen
- passageway for the spinal cord
- true ribs
- the first 7 pairs of the ribs. They are called true ribs because they attach to the sternum in front and the vertebrae in the back.
- costal cartilage
- attach the ribs to the sternum
- false ribs
- next 3 pairs of ribs see page 143. (ribs 8-10) the are called false because they only attach to the vertebrae and are attached to the 7th rib.
- floating ribs
- last two pairs of ribs (11 and 12) Although these ribs attach to the vertebrae in the back, they are completely free of attachment in the front.
- sternum
- also called the breastbone. flat, elongated bone that forms the midline partion of the thorax.
- clavicle
- also called the collar bone. supports the shoulder by connecting laterally to the scapula and anteriorly to the sternum
- humerous see page 144
- the upper arm bone
- radius see page 144
- one of two lower bones of the arm that are joined together to form the lower part of the arm
- ulna see page 144
- second of two lower arm bones has a large projection called the olcranon process which is the point of the elbow
- carpals
- bones of the wrist, Each wrist have 8 bones. two rows of four.
- metacarpals
- bones of the hand.
- phalanges
- bones of the fingers and toes. Each finger has three except the thumb
- pelvic girdle
- bony ring formed by the hip bones, sacrum and coccyx. Page 145
- ilium
- largest of the three hip bones that you can feel if you put your hands on your hips.
- iliac crest
- see page 145, upper curved edge of the ilium.
- femur
- the thigh bone see page 147, longest, heaviest and strongest bone in the body.
- patella
- knee bone or knee cap, see page 147, largest seasmoid bone in the body.
- tibia
- larger and stronger of the two lower leg bones. Also called the shin bone.
- medial malleolus
- bony prominence on the inside of the ankle
- fibula
- more slender of the two lower leg bones
- tarsals
- bones of the ankle, there are seven
- calcaneus
- largest of the tarsals or ankle bones also known as the heel bone and serves as a point of attachment for several muscles of the calf
- talus
- just above the calcaneus or heel bone, joins with the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint. The impact of a person's entire body weight is received by the talus bone at this point of connection and is then distributed to the other tarsal bones see page 148
- metatarsals
- Bones of the foot see page 148
- Bones of the foot are called...
- phalanges
- osteporosis
- porous bones due to loss of bone density
- osteomalacia
- disease in which the bones become abnormally soft due to a defiency of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. This disease results in fractures and noticeable deformities of the weight-bearing bones. When the disease occurs in children, it is called rickets.
- osteomyletitis
- localized or general infection of the bone and bone marrow, resulting from bacterial infection that has spread to the bone tissue through the blood.
- Ewing's sarcoma
- malignant tumor of the bones common to young adults, particularily adolescent boys
- Osteogenic sarcoma
- malignant tumor arising from the bone. common sites are just above the knee, just below the knee or just below the shoulder joint
- osteochondroma
- most common benign bone tumor. The femur and the tibia are most frequently involved.
- talipes
- Clubfoot. Feet turned inward
- Kyphosis
- abnormal outward curvature of the spine, commonly known as humpback or hunchback
- Lordosis
- abnormal inward curvature of the spine commonly known as swayback
- Scoliosis
- abnormal lateral sideways curvature of the spine to either side
- fracture
- broken bone, sudeen breaking of bone
- closed fracture
- simple fracture where there is a break in the bone but no open wounds in the skin
- open fracture
- compund fracture where there is a break in the bone as well as an open wound in the skin
- complete fracture
- a break that extends through the entire thickness of the bone
- greenstick fracture
- an incomplete fracure is a break that does not extend through the entire thickness of the bone. one side of the bone is broken and one side of the bone is bent
- compression fracture
- bone surfaces being forced against each other like in the back
- impacted fracture
- direct force causes the bone to break, forcing the broken end of the smaller bone into the broken end of the larger bone
- comminuted fracture
- force is so great that it splinters or crushes a segment of the bone
- Colle's fracture
- occurs at the lower radius, with in 1 inch of the connecting wrist bones
- Hairline fracture
- or stress fracture. Minor fracture in which the bone continues to be in perfect alignment. The fracture appears on teh x-ray as a very thin hair-line. Found often in runners and is not always visible.
- pathological fracture
- when a bone, weakened by a preexisting disease, breaks in a response to a force that owuld not cause a normal bone to break.
- closed reduction
- treatment of fracture that involves aligning the bone fragments through maual manipulation or traction without making an incision into the skin.
- open reduction
- tratment of a fracture that involves realigning the bone under direct observation during surgery. Devices such as screws, pins, wires and nails may be used internally and these internal devices are called internal fixation devices
- bone scan
- intravenous injection of fluid that is absorbed by the bone tissue and then scanned
- bone marrow aspiration
- removing small sample of bone marrow with a needle for the purpose of examining it under a microscope
- dual photon absorptiometry
- noninvasive procdure that involves beaming a minimal amount of radiation through the bones.
- DEXA or Dual Energy A-ray absorption
- noninvasive procedure that measures bone density. X-ray machine passes photons through the bones.
- Total Hip Replacement
- Total Knee Replacement
- Temporomandibular Joint
- Fx
- Fracture
- C1
- Cervical vertebrae catergorization
- T1
- Thorax vertebrae categorization
- L1
- Lumbar vertebrae abbreviation
- S1
- sacrum