veterinary anatomy 2
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- Flat bones
- skull, mandible
- Short Bones
- Phalanges, Caudal vertebra
- Long Bones
- Humerous, Femur
- Connects one bone to another, connective tissue bands.
- Ligament
- Protruberances on bones which are usually for the attachment of muscles
- Tuberosity, Tubercle, Trochanter
- A projection of bone on the lateral edge above its condyle
- Epicondyle
- Connects muscle to bone, connective tissue cords
- Tendon
- A hollow or depressed area on a bone
- Fossa
- An opening or hole to allow for passage of major vessels
- Foramen
- A rounded projection, usually for articulation with another bone
- Condyle
- Structure over or through which tendons pass, usually grooves
- Trochlea
- A bony projection
- Process
- Having a short wide head. eg. Pug
- Brachycephalic
- Mid nosed breed eg. Lab
- Mesaticephalic
- Having a narrow long head. eg. Collie
- Dolichocephalic
- Forms the dorsal and lateral portions of the cranium
- Parietal
- Caudolateral surface. Houses two large rounded surfaces called the tympanic bullae.
- Temporal
- Contains air filled chamber called frontal sinus, which leads to the nasel chamber. Forms lateral depression called the orbit.
- Frontal
- The length of which determines the length of the muzzle
- Nasal
- Lies at the base of the skull. Location of foramen magnum.
- Occipital
- This lies on the ventral aspect of the skull forming the floor of the cranium
- Sphenoid
- Ridge at the top ofthe skull, often predominent in some breeds of dogs.
- Saggittal crest
- Portion that forms the widest part of the skull (cheekbones)
- Zygomatic
- Includes caudal portion of maxillary bone, all of zygomatic bone (malar) and cranial portion of temporal bone.
- Zygomatic arch
- Lies at the base of the orbit. Tears drain from the eyes to the nasal passages.
- Lacrimal
- Houses the molars, premolars and canine teeth. Also a large portion of the hard palate,
- Maxilla
- Also called the incisive bone. A portion of the hard palate which houses the incisor teeth.
- Premaxilla
- Two holes that allow the animal to smell food as they breathe on it.
- Incisive foramen
- A portion of the hard palate. Seperates the nasal cavity (internal nares) from the oral cavity.
- Palatine bone
- Extends into the internal nares to form a partition on the left and right nasel passage.
- Vomer
- The lower jaw (mandible) consists of two sides each called the dentary bone and are fused together by a cartilaginous joint called the...
- Mandibular symphysis
- Number of vertebra: Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum
- C:7, T:13, C:7, S:3
- Protect the thoracic cavity and aid respiration
- Ribs and Sternum
- The number of ribs in a dog and cat
- 13
- Each rib has a bony part and ventral cartilaginous part. They meet at the _____ _____.
- Costochondral Junction
- Rib pair numbers 1-9 attach to the ____, and are called ____ (____)
- sternum, sternal (true ribs.
- Rib pairs 10-12 form an arch attaching to the 9th rib called ____ (____)
- Asternal (false ribs)
- There are 8 sternebrae. The most cranial is called _____ and it is the point of the ____ ____
- Manubrium, Thoracic inlet
- The most caudal sternebra is called the _____.
- Xiphoid
- Spaces between the ribs are called
- Intercostal spaces
- The pelvis is made up of two halves called __ _____ and are joined at the ______ _________
- os coxae, pelvic symphysis
- The _____ houses the femoral head to form the hip joint
- Acetabulum
- A bone that develops in soft tissue and is not attached to the rest of the skeleton
- Splanchnic Bones
- Immovable
- Fibrous
- Slightly Moveable
- Cartilagenous
- Moveable
- Synovial
- Where the atlas and skull meet
- Atlanto-occipital junction
- Where the thoracic and lumbar vertebra meet
- Thoraco-lumbar junction
- The arch of the rib cage
- Costal arch
- ^The point of the elbow
- Olecranon
- Right
- Left
- Dorsal
- Ventral
- lateral
- medial
- Distal
- Proximal
- anterior
- posterior
- Cranial
- Caudal
- deep
- superficial
- Superior
- Inferior
- The hole where the spinal cord runs through
- veterbral foramen
- Located in the region of the tail.
- Coccygeal
- The skull, vertebrae, hyoid, ribs and sternebrae are part of the _____ skeleton.
- Axial
- The forelimbs and hindlimbs are part of the _____ skeleton.
- Appendicular
- the bone known as the os penis is part of the _____ skeleton.
- Splanchnic
- Vertebrae are seperated by _____ _____.
- Intervertebral discs
- Each rib has a bony part and a cartilaginous part. They meet at the
- costochondral junction
- What is the cartilage called that protrudes from the xiphoid?
- Xiphoid process