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risk factors

this is a quiz that describes the risk factors in sport


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Equipment, clothing and footwear (exstrinsic
using specific things to reduce the risk of injury. For example, using the correct footwera for the correct playing surfaces.
Postual defects (instrinsic)
a type of deformity that can affect a players performance and cause strain. For example, one leg being longer than the other.
Other sports players (extrinsic)
a factor that can affect non contact and contact sports with injuries. For example, a rugby player coming away with a few bruises
Muscle imbalance (instrinsic)
your body tissues have a greater force than its opposite pair. For example, a footballer has strong quadriceps but poor hamstrings.
Environment conditions (extrinsic)
running a natural risk of injury due to this unexpected factor. For example, if the lighting was poor, a player may misjudge attacting or defensive moves and injure themselves.
Poor preparation (instrinsic)
when a sports player struggles with the task in frount of him due to his physical state. For example, unable to run for 90 minutes in a football game.
Inappropriate coaching (extrinsic)
a set of instructions given by an expert that can be hazardous to your health. For example, instructed to warm up on a slipery surface.
Overuse (instrinsic)
after exercise the sports person does not recover fully causing strain and discomfort of the body. For example, putting pressure on the knees.
Age (instrinsic)
different developed and advanced bodys can have their risks. For example, young peoples injuries are due to falling.
Inadequate warm up (instrinsic)
not fully preparing both the body and mind for exercise. For example, doing exercises in cold conditions.
Poor technique (instrinsic)
using the correct method to complete a task or a skill. For example, if a tennis player swings with the wrong method he could get tennis elbow.
Incorrect technique (exstrinsic)
performing an action or a specific sports skill that you have been taught in an injury risk way. For example, a weight lifter with a poor technique can become injured very easily.

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