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Bio 103 Lec 16


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2 types of stimuli 
1. Lipophilic signal in cytosol/nuclear receptor
2. Lipophobic/Lipophilic: surface of cell membrane.
Abnormal Signaling: 2 Mutations

1. Achondroplasia

stop differentiation; stop grwth early, short limbs (short people)

2. retinoblastoma

rapid cell divison = tumor; (tumor in eye)

Core components of a simple extracell sig pathway (PART ii) (4)Results (3)
- stimulus = extracellular sig molecule
- receptor = receptor protein
- transduction = intracellular sig proteins
- effector = target proteins 

Result: alter...
- metab
- gene expression
- cel
GTPase cycle (2) 

- GTP > GDP: GAP (hydrolyzes phosphate)

- GDP > GTP: GEF (exchange nucleotide)

 GTP = "ON"

Homeostasis Example
Body try to adapt by making RBC during high elevation 
Importance of Plasma Membrane (3)

1. organization

2. selective permeability

3. compartmentalization

Signal over long distnaces (2) 

- Endocrine (Bloodstream)

- Synaptic signaling (Neurotransmitters)  

Signal over short distances (4)

- Gap Junctions

- Contact dependent

- Autocrine (acts on itself)

- Paracrine (acts locally)  

What are the core components of a simple extracellular signaling pathway? (5)

1. signal molecule  binds to

2. receptor protein which activates

3. intracellular signal molecules after

4. target proteins create

5. Response

Why is signaling importan/needed? (3)

- to recieve info and sense the environment to respond

- proper control of development


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