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structure of nervous system


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2 nervous systems
central and peripheral
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
Sensory and Motor
Sensory location/action
Goes from PNS to Spinal Cord to Brain
Motor as part of PNS
Somatic (voluntary)
Autonomic (involuntary)
--sympathetic and parasympathetic as part of autonomic
function of sumpathetic as part of involuntary motor nervous system
adrenaline, shuts down blood to other parts of body and sends it to brain and muscles
coming back own, not in a a stae of heightened arrousal
medulla oblongata (mylencephalon)
a. Cardiovascular, respiratory & digestive control centers
b. Reflexes for equilibrium & posture
c. Sleep centers
balance, coordination of voluntary muscle activity, procedural memories
link between neurons and the endocrine system, effects emotion (pleasure and pain), part of limbic systems (emotions)
front lobe cerebrum
parietal lobe cerebrum
language, complex movements
temperal lobe
limbic system, audcry complex
occipital lobe of cerebru
limbic system (hypothalamus)
basic emotions and drives, motivation/memory

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