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Trickster Literary Style:
Symbolic tricking readers and characters.
UNGeneral Assembly: Article 11
calls for the return of refugees
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194
[1] was passed on December 11, 1948, near the end of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The resolution expresses appreciation for the efforts of UN Envoy Folke Bernadotte after his assassination by members of the Stern Gang. It deals with the situation in the region of Palestine at the time, establishing and defining the role of the United Nations Conciliation Commission as an organization to facilitate peace in the region. The resolution consists of 15 articles, the most quoted of which are: "articles 7, 8, 9, and 11."
Maturation Journey
Social constructionist
(what we learn, we are nurtured a specific way)
to disperse
uprising "Shaking off." Rocks vs. Tanks. David vs. Goliath(two of note 1987 involving Jerusalem & Ramallah, and 2001, involving Al'Sharrif Mosque and Solomon's Temple.)
1887-Dawes Act-
Indian Emancipation Act. Everyone gets 60 Acres. Use money for education and Civilization (fix the Barbarians.) This 60 Acres was on land they already owned.
Standpoint Theory
Point of view of people. Example: American definition of terrorist vs. others who see the same people's actions as freedom fighters.
UNGeneral Assembly: Article 7
protection and free access to the Holy Places
Political ideology based on the old testament. Having a god-given right to a land. Christopher Columbus had this back in 1492, and the idea was revisited in 1896 by Herzl, who believed that the Jews should get what god promised them after the Romans forced an exodus upon the race. Pinsker's Autoemancipation argued that anti-Semitism is engrained in Europeans, and the Dreyfus conviction (treason injustice put upon an innocent man) seemed to add weight to this. Even Mark Twain's book The Innocents Abroad keyed a phrase: "A Land without a People for a People without a Land" regarding the region of Palestine. These are some of the public mindsets that led to the supported occupation of Palestine.
Literary Styles
rickster-Indigenous literature. Local, nationwide, and international.
Genocide used to refer to people.
Jordan, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon.
Category of writing
- form of music with historically tribal roots that arose in the late 70's as a form of resistance evolved from Black Art Movements, civil rights movements, and black power movements. Strongly related to Def Poetry.
Blood Quantum Laws-
% of Indian blood to try to get certain amounts of benefits
Temperance movement-
using Christian Morality to try to get Alcohol out of theUnited States. First feminist movement.
1830- The Indian Removal Act=>
relocated eastern peoples to Oklahoma (Originally known as the Indian Oklahoma.) This process was violent and forced.Often in the winter. Lots of casualties.
Sykes-Picot Agreement
British/French division of middle east
Custer vs. Crazy Horse and the Great Sioux War.
Ended with Crazy Horse's Victory in 1876.
Peace Chiefs
40 Native American chiefs that worked with government to work out peace agreements.
anti-semitism embedded in European Society. Jews never considered equal.
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181
called for the partition of the British-ruled Palestine Mandate into a Jewish state and an Arab state. It was approved on November 29, 1947 with 33 votes in favor, 13 against, 10 abstentions and one absent (see list at end of document).
(biology, nature)
Two types of settlers-
Ideological: economic, sacred beauty and right to build on. Opportunity: good land, loan forgiveness, opportunity for a better life.
UNGeneral Assembly: Article 8
demilitarization and UN control over Jerusalem
UNGeneral Assembly: Article 9
free access to Jerusalem
Historical fiction:
reads like it comes out of the history books.
Non-Linear story telling:
not in order. Flashbacks, Cut-Scenes (interviewers)
1890- Ghost Dance-
Political/religious dance that was even inspired by Christ by the Paiute IndiansThen followed by the Sioux.
Three Factors in U.S. and Israeli Relationship
1. AIPAC (lobby group) 2. Fundamentalist Christian Community (truth and righteousness vs. evil) 3. Manipulated Facts (media)
1851- Fort Laramie Treaty
ecognized holy lands of the nations and gave the people Lands around Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, etc,. This treaty among 1000's of others Were broken due to the gold rush in Montana as early as 1864. This was during the Civil war, so gold was especially important.
Lean Bear-
carried clearly stated he was peaceful, and was killed on journey to meet with President of U.S.
Divide and Conquer
to split groups into opposing regions so they weaken themselves. Then rule
Resolution 981-
Created conditions for British to help Zionists.
The Trickster:
Fool, troublemaker, Jester, Selfish, blending or confusing of categories (postmodern characteristics,) Plays on time and historical events: metaphorical. Can't really put a finger on who the character is; very paradoxical. Blurs what we know about history. Blurs boundaries of what is known. Asks us to think about assumptions based on language (post-structuralism.)
Black Kettle
Cheyenne-Traveled to fort to plead innocence, and his village was massacred by 3rd Regiment (this massacre aka Sand Creek Massacre).
Usually fighting against a state, which has an army.
interwoven politics, questions, and situations within storyline. Both serious and goofy.
4 types: Aware Blatant (KKK,) Aware/Covert (modern neo-Nazi organizations,) Unaware/Unintentional (oops*,) unaware/self righteous.* *Most Americans fall under these latter two.
dirty, white person who is smelly.
Balfour Declaration
1917. Israel's Birth Certificate
A main idea extracted and woven through the story.

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