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microbiology test 3


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a toxin released from bacteral cells that will destroy white blood cells
local infection
an infection where the organism remains confined to a particular anatomical spot
presence of a viable bacteria in the bloodstream
A classmate is trying to determine how a disinfectant might kill cells. You observed that when he spilled the disinfectant in your reduced litmus milk, the litmus turned blue again. You suggest to your classmate that
the disinfectant might oxidize molecules
the degree of intensity of the disease produced
Which disinfectant is bactericidal?
all of them
Which of the following is most efective for sterilizing mattresses and plastic Petri dishes?
ethylene oxide
acute infection
an infection that runs a rapid course with more severe manifestations 12-48 hours
an infectious disease affecting a majority of the population of a large region or one that is an epidemic at the same time in many parts of the world
a loss in disease producing ability
What are antimicrobials?
Antimicrobials inhibit or kill microorganisms and are usually chemically synthesized
a toxin released by the bacterial cell when it dies or disintegrates
an occasional case in a community or in a scatter of instances
streptokinase is also known as
droplet spray
an infection of microbes casted off in a fine spray from the mouth or nose during talking, laughing, sneezing, and coughing
mixed infection
an infection caused by 2 or more organisms
breaks down hyaluranic acid which holds tells together that make up tissue
when bacteria liberate toxins and the toxins enter the bloodstream causing an infection
endogenous infection
an infection that comes from an organism that is normally present in the body (an opportunist)
degree of pathogenicity possessed by the organism to produce disease
Which of the following is most likely to be bactericidal?
ionizing radiation
human carrier
what is the most dangerous carrier?
enzyme that accelerates the coagulation of the blood
secondary infection
an infection cause by a different organism that caused the primary infection
Which disinfectant is the most effective?
disinfectant b the one with all +'s going down
exogenous infection
an infection in which the causitive agent reaches the body from the outside and enters through one of the portals of entry
active carrier
an animal or a human that has an infection you can see and/or identify the symptoms
increase in wbc count
when bacteria enter the blood stream, multiply causing an infection of the blood stream itself
a disease that occurs continuously in a particular region but has a low mortality
the spreading factor
hyaluronidase is also known as
Which of the following does not kill endospores?
an appearance of an infectious disease or condition that attacks many people at the same tiem in the same geographical area
the process by which specialized white blood cells engulf foreign matter, destroy it, and remove it from the body (capsules stop this)
chronic infection
a long lasting infection with less severe manifestations
droplet nuclei
particles of dried secretions from the mouth and nose that may float in the air for a considerable amount of time over long distances
Which of the following cannot be used to sterilize a heat-labile solution stored in a plastic container?
invasion, multiplication, reaction
three steps to an infection
Which of these disinfectants does not act by disrupting the plasma membrane?
a toxin the will destroy red blood cells
decrease in wbc count
being able to produce pathological changes and disease
focal infection
an infection confined to one anatomical spot but where infectious materials will spread to other parts of the body
Which of the following is not a characteristic of quaternary ammonium compounds?
mechanical vector
an arthropoid that holds the pathogen on their feet or body part and accidentally transmits the microorganism to your food or body part
number of cases in existance at any given time in that population
passive carrier
an animal or a human that has no infection but that pathogen is in or on the carrier with no interaction
What factors influence the sphere of inhibition of an antimicrobic?
diffusibility of the agent, the size of the inoculum, the type of medium, and many other factors
Which of the following is used to control microbial growth in foods?
organic acids
biological vector
when an arthropoid bites a person or animal that is infected with the pathogen or a carrier that ingests some of the infected blood then bites another person transmitting the infection
arthropoid vectors
insects, roaches, ticks, flies
What is the difference between an antiseptic and a disinfectant?
antiseptic can be used on the skin and disinfectants are more harsh and can only be used on surfaces or objects
human carrier
a human that has the infection but is asymptomatic
droplet spray
what is the most common form of direct mode of transmission
ability of a pathogen to overcome the defensive powers of a host and to induce disease
What are antibiotics?
Antibiotics are compounds, usually of low molecular weight and produced by microorganisms, that inhibit or kill other microorganisms
enzyme that liquifies fibrin
poisonous substance produced by bacteria
when bacteria enter the blood stream and do not multiply
What factors influence the effectiveness of an antiseptic?
What is an antiseptic?
A chemical agent that is used to control microorganisms on the skin or tissue
an organism whose virulence is decreased
a tonxin thats produced and released into the bacterias surroundings while it's alive
primary infection
an original infection from which a second infection can occur
What is the name of the agar used in this test?
Mueller-Hinton II agar

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