ch.5 FAODP
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- process that occurs when a drug moves across membrane barriers into the bloodstream
- absorption
- an attractive force between chemicals and receptors that causes them to enter into and remain in combination (unique for each drug)
- affinity
- chemical substance that binds to certain receptors selectively and produces specific pharmacological effects
- agonist
- chemical substance that can bind to the same receptor as an agonist, but does not produce their effects
- antagonist
- group of neural structures including nerves, nuclei, and ganglia which manage involuntary functions such as the regulation of blood pressure and body temperature
- A.N.S.
- nerve fiber that conducts information AWAY from the nerve cell body to the axon terminal
- axon
- group of structures in the brain just below the cortex that are important in the coordination of body movements
- basal ganglia
- structures in the lower part of the brain
- brain stem
- brain and spinal cord portions of the nervous system
- C.N.S.
- small globe-like structure that overlies the medulla and pons and that maintains equilibrium, coordination, and mobility
- cerebellum
- largest part of the human brain, this structure is responsible for all higher-level function such as thinking and creativity; the cerebrum
- cerebral cortex
- fibers that conduct infomration TOWARD the nerve cell body of a neuron
- dendrites
- sedatives, hypnotics, and tranquilizers such as Seconal, Halcion, Valium, and ethanol - or beverage alcohol
- depressants
- experience of feeling sandess, "down", "blue", and self-deprecating. In its more severe forms, it may be a more chronic and debilitating condition
- depression
- measurement of how much drug is present in a body fluid or tissue
- drug testing
- process by which a drug moves through the bloodstream and into the brian and other tissues
- distribution
- substances which have an effect on the structure or function of the body
- drugs
- maximum effectiveness of a drug; also, whether a given treatment works
- efficacy
- substances made by the body and belonging to the opiod class of substances; also called opioid peptides
- endorphins
- process by which a substance passes from the body, or from a bodily organ, usually into the blood stream; this can be through urine, sweat, exhalation, and feces
- excretion
- recurrence of a drug-like sensations after not using the specific drug for weeks or months
- flashback
- major disturbance of reailty testing that has no clearly identifiable organic cause
- functional psychosis
- amount of time it takes to eliminate half of the drug present in the body
- half-life
- category of substances that produce a distortion or objective reality; sometimes called psychedelics, phantastics, or psychotomimetics
- hallucinogens
- area of the brain that plays a critical role in consolidating new memory
- hippocampus
- brain structure involved in the processing of sensory informaiton and controlling vital body functions such as breathing, circulation, and body temperature
- hypothalamus
- volatile solvents and nitrites that are used by inhalaiton
- inhalants
- group of subcortical regions of the brain that are linked together and are associated with emotion
- limbic system
- fab soluble ("lipid loving") drugs
- lipophilic
- lowerst part of the brain, just above the spinal cord; this region maintains the basic drive and rhythms of essential functions like breathing and blood pressure
- medulla
- chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes, substances are broken down, and new material is assimilated to maintain structure and function of the body
- metabolism
- region of the brainstem that influences the excitability of higher centers
- midbrain
- chemical substance that produces an effect at a low dose, but at a high dose limits its own effect
- mixed agonist/antagonist
- nerve cell, consisting of a soma (or cell body), dendrites, and an axon
- neuron
- chemical substances that transmit information across synapses to other neurons
- neurotransmitters
- drugs in the inhalant category; sometimes referred to as "poppers" and "snappers"
- nitrites
- drugs that bind to opioid receptors without producing any effects
- opioid antagonists
- all of the natural and synthetic substances that act like the primary active drug we get from the opium poppy, morphine
- opioids
- major disturbances of reality testing due to a dysfunction of the brain
- organic psychosis
- component of the A.N.S.
- parasympathetic
- drug that produces less than the full effect expected of an agonist
- partial agonists
- portion of the nervous system which is comprised of sensory and motor nerves
- P.N.S.
- altered biological state of a person who uses an addictive substance excessively and repeatedly; abstinence results in a physical withdrawal syndrome
- physiological dependence
- area of the brain just forward of the medulla
- pons
- drugs that produce more of an effect at a particular dose than other; relatively stronger
- potent
- the strongly held belief that a regular schedule of alcohol or other drug use is a necessity for normal functioning
- psychological dependence
- major disturbances of reality testing that also typically involve major changes in sense of self and ability to consciously control and regulate one's own behavior
- psychoses
- substance that alters mood, though processes, and perception of reailty, and possesses a "rewarding" influence
- psychotropic drug
- site on a cell membrane that has a complementary chemical structure to a neurotransmitter
- receptor
- categories of psychotropic drugs according to their potential for abuse; dependency, and the existence of an acceptable medical use in this country
- schedule
- one of the three main parts of the neuron; cell body
- soma
- category of psychotropic drugs; stimulants can increase the user's alertness, sense of strength, and sense of well being, and decrease appetite
- stimulants
- nerves that comprise one component of the A.N.S.; when stimulated, sympathetic nerves produce an elevation of blood pressure, increase in pulse rate, and a rise in body temperature
- sympathetic
- the space across which information is transmitted between neurons
- synapse
- a brain structure involved in the processing of sensory information
- thalamus
- decreased effect of the same dosage of alcohol or other drug; adaptation to their effects, such that higher dosages are required to produce the same effect
- tolerance
- sacs that store neurotransmitters that are located in the axon terminals
- vesicles