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excercise 10


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14 facial bones:
1. mandible 2. vomer 3-4. maxillae 5-6. lacrimal 7-8. palatine 9-10. zygomatic 11-12. nasal 13-14. inferior nasal conchae
8 bones of the cranium
1. frontal 2-3. parietals 4-5. temporals 6. occipital 7. sphenoid 8. ethmoid
alveolar margin
superior margin of mandible; contains sockets in which the teeth lie
atlas (C1)
no body * lateral processes contain large concave depressions to receive the occipital condyles * no yes
axis (C2)
dens, serves as a pivot point
Cervical vertebrae
*7 * triangular vertebral foramen * short bifurcated spinuous process * vertebral foramina
coronoid process
jutting anterior portion of the ramus; site of muscle atachment
cranial floor/base
skull bottomm
cranial vault/calvaria
forms the superior, lateral, and poserior walls of the skull
external acoustic meatus:
canal leading to eardrum and middle ear
Frontal bone
anterior portion of cranium; forms the forehead, superior part of the orbit, and floor of anterior cranial fossa
smooth area b/t eyes
hyoid bone
located in the troat about the larynx; horseshoe shaped; 2 pairs of horns and a body
infraorbital foramen:
opening under the orbit carrying the infraorbital nerves and blood vessels to the nasal region
intervertebral discs
pads of fibrocartilage that separate the vertebrae and cushion and probide shocks * composed of a nucleus pulposus (gelly) and annulus firosus (stabilizes)
jugular foramen
opening medial to the styloid process through which the internal jugulr ein and cranial nerves pass
Lacrimal bone
fingernail sized bones forming a part of the medial orbit walls b/t the maxilla and the ethmoid
lacrimal fossa
passageway for tears
Lumbar vertebrae
*5 * big thick bodies * superior articular facets face posteromedially * inferior ones anterolaterally *spinal cord ends at L2
the lower jawvone, which articulaes with the temporal bones in the only freely movable joints of the skull
mandibular condyle
articulation point of the mandible with the mandibuluar fossa of the temporal bone
mandibular fossa:
rounded depression on the inferior surface of the zygomatic process (anterior to the ear); forms the socket for the mandibular condyle, the points hwere the mandible joins the cranium
mandibular synthesis
anterior median depression indcating point of mandibular fusion
mastoid process
rough projection inferior and posterior to external acoustic meatus; attachment site for muscles
mastoid process often becomes infected; its full of air and close to the middle ear
2 bones fused ina median suture; form the uper jawbone and part of the orbits. All facial bones, except the mandble, jing the maxillae. keystone bones of face
mental foramen
prominent opening on the body (later to the midline) that transmits the mental blood vessels and nerve to the lower jaw
nasal bone
small rectangular bones forming the bridge of the nose
occipital bone
most posterior bone of cranium. forms floor and back wall.
occipital condyles
rounded projections lateral to the foramen majnum that articulate with the first cervical vertebra (atlas)
palatine bone
paired bones posterior to the palatine processes; form posterior hard palate and part of the orbit
palatine process:
form the anterior hard palate
parietal bone
posterolateral to the frontal one, forming sides of cranium
ruptured discs
the nucleus pulposus herniates through the annulus portion and compresses the nerves
styloid process
needlelike projection inferior to external acoustic meatus; attachment point for muscles and ligaments of the neck.
supraorbital foramen
opening above each orbit allowing blood vessels and nervers to pass
temporal bone
inferior to parietal bone on lateral skull
Thoracic vertebrae
*12 * heart shaped body * costal facets on each side of body * oval vertebral foramen
vertebral column
forms body's major axial support *surrounds and protects spinal cord * consists of 24 vertebrae
blde-shaped bone in median plane of nasal cavitiy that forms nasal septum
zygomatic bone
lateral to the maxilla; forms the portion of the face commonly called the cheekbone
zygomatic process
bridgelike projection joining the zygmatic bone and temporal anteriorly. together these 2 bones form the zygomatic arch

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