undefined, object
copy deck
- Subclavian Vein
- End at sternum drain arms, neck, thoracic wall
- Axillary Veins
- At first ribs drain arms, axillas, and chest wall
- Brachial Veins
- drain forearms, elbow joints, arms, humerus
- Cephalic Veins
- start in hand drain fingers, hands
- Basilic Veins
- start in middle of hand drain from upper limbs, forearms
- Brachiocephalic Veins
- drain head, neck, mammary glands, thorax form superior vena cava
- Common Iliac Veins
- in front of sacroiliac joint drain pelvis, external genitals
- External Iliac Veins
- drain cremaster muscle, abdomen, lower limbs
- Inferior Vena Cava Veins
- drain pelvis, abdomen drain to right atrium
- Renal Veins
- anterior to renal arteries empties into inf. vena cava Drains the kidneys
- Hepatic Veins
- drains the liver
- Lumbar Veins
- drain blood from vertebral canal, spinal cord, meninges
- Posterior Tibial Veins
- in back of leg drains foot, post. leg muscles
- Anterior Tibial Veins
- between tibula and fibula drains ankle joint, knee joint, tib. joint, back of leg
- Femoral Veins
- above knee drain thigh, femur, external genitals, lymph nodes
- Great Saphenous Vein
- longest vein in body, from groin to foot drains medial side of leg and thigh, groin, abdominals
- Small Saphenous Vein
- start at fibula to back of leg drain foot, back of leg meet up with great saph.
- Internal Jugular Veins
- on either side of neck lateral to internal carotid drain brain, face, neck
- External Jugular Veins
- being at glands by mandible empty into subclav. veins drains scalp, superficial face