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ap euro chap 1 vocab

all dates and vocab


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Edward III
King of England who claimed he should inherit France because of his mother.
Richard III
murdered brothers son to become king of England on york side of civil war, but gets killed by lancasters
Frederick the Wise of Saxony
protects martin luther from H.R.I authorities
Baldesare Castiglione
Wrote the courtier, the standard book of manners. dress well, multiple talents carry on intelligent conversations, and pur christian love
political message little guy can stand up and beat the giant(spain and France)studied corpses illegally
Felippo Brunelleschi
Architect of the St. Maria del Fiore in Italy. THE DOME. pride of florence. inspired by the pantheon.
Martin V
church councils elect a third pope in Rome. avignon pope can no longer be supported because losing in war, and other rome pope dies. MartinV ends great schism
occupying two positions or more at one time
catholic- transubstantiation transformed into blood/body. Luther -consubstantiation both bread/body and whine/bread. Zwingli- symbolic. symbolizes
Henry Tudor/VII
marries elizabeth of york to strengthen the monarchy and end war of roses
Catherine of Aragon
marries but couldnt produce male heir so divorces. had bloody mary
Pope Clement V
decided to temporaily move papacy to avignon france
piece of paper that is bout to forgive your sins
Battle of Agincourt
English takes down French mounted knights easily with the long bows. marks end of mounted knight/chivalry
Edward IV
had two heirs to the throne, edward V and younger son who were both murdered by brother
Dutch, Wrote In Praise of Folly. preached tolerance, critisized the catholic church but still loved it. not saying that the church is wrong; but he thinks it is
Thomas Cranmer
archbishop that annuls first marriage
Charles V. v Schmakaldic League(Protestants)
charles failed because his empire was too spread out and he was also fighting in the Italian wars.
Florence, add 3 dimension to his paintings. Ancient art of Greek statues creates more humanist art.
Henry VIII
6 wives. act of supremecy- splits from catholic church
Thomas Moore
refused to support anglican church
tax on land
artist during high renaissance
Philip IV
King of France, first valois monarch after the Capetian dynasty died out
thomas cranmer
annuls marriages
misinterpreted martin luther believing revolt against king because if you didnt believe the laws you didnt have to obey them. always minority religion. adult baptism.
CHarles VI
Verk weak, almost lost 100 years war for France, went crazy, believed he was made out of glass wouldnt let anyone touch him.
Anne of Cleves
never saw her before they married, turned out she was ugly got annuled after a week.
Catherine howard
continued to have afffairs after being married to king, beheaeded
Christopher Columbus
colonized new world because of oppurtunities given by isabelle and ferdinand
Charles VII
many believed he was illegitimite because of his crazed father, allows joan of arc to lead french troups into battle
Florence, first nudes since classical art. secular
Wrote the Prince, sucking up to medici family writing about how to be a good ruler. said you should use religion to your advantage.
not being at one of these positions
group of different crafts, art, etc. created competitions within cities
Henry V
Almost won 100 years war for England
Thomas Wolsey
couldnt grant anulment
Lorenzo the Magnificent
Greatest patron of Renaissance art
the great schism
pope dies, a pope is elected in Avignon and in Rome,they excommunicate each other. leads to rise of dissenters
Lorenzo Valla
1st critical historian, proved the donation of Constantine was false. preached to always question authority
Catherine Parr
charles V
inherited spain colonies in new world and one half of italy, austria and the low countries because of his grand parents on both sides.
Thomas Moore
wrote Utopia a perfect england, pointing out all the flaws
tax on salt
Bubonic plague/black death
disease carried in rats that killed 1/3 of western europe population and ended serfdom in western europe
Battle of Orleans
Joan of arc leads French troops to victory, national hero
Leonardo de Vinci
ideal renaissance man. last supper, mona lisa.
wrote short stories, collection known as the decameron
Sonnet, wrote about his love for laura and not God
Anne Boleyn
had elizabeth, but henry was convinced that she was a witch and had her beheaded
Diet of Worms
martin luther is excommunicated by catholic church because he is not willing to give up his views. "on the bible i take my stand"
The Divine Comedy(The inferno, Purgatory, Paradise) Virgil(classics) and Beatrice(Pure Christian Love)
Golden Bull
document gave right to seven people to elect the H.R.E.
Jan Hus
vernacular bible, invited to council of constance where he was promised safety and then burnt at the stake.
selling and buying of church offices
John Calvin
Pre destination not pre determination. the chosen or the elect.fled from france to geneva switzerland.
Renaissance man
broadly knoweldged with specific knowleldge in one area. well rounded.
The Canterbury Tales
Martin Luther
Middle class high education. Encountered the devil. salvation is acheived by fath alone.
ULrich Zwingli
Switzerland. very simple church. communion.
Northern half of Europe and Scandanavia
John Knox
he led to presbyterianism in Scotland. Dutch REformed in Netherlands, Huguenots in France, and Puritans in England
Isabelle of Castille and Ferdinand of ARagon
join each other to drive out the muslims in Granada
gay, free standing sculpture
Henry VI
very weak king, mental issues long periods of depression
English civil war
broke out after the 100 yrs war, between lancasters(red rose) and Yorks(white roses)
Italian Wars
Other countries invade italy and see all the amazing things goign on there and bring some of these ideas back to their countries.
Jane seymour
truly loved her and provided the son he was looking for Edward, but she died.
Isabelle de Este
first lady of the italian renaissance
John Wycliffe
lollards, began to critisize the church that they were to concerned with wiealth and politics. vernacular bible
Peace of Augsburg
stopped religious fighting in Germany
Thomas cromwell
supported anglicanism, confiscated church land and sells it to nobles
100 years war
between france and england, many battles France ends up winning and ending the feudal system in western europe. now centralized monarchy

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