Medical Terminlology
undefined, object
copy deck
- Gastritis
- inflammation of the stomach
- hepatitis
- inflammation of the liver
- carditis
- inflammation of the heart
- adenitis
- inflammation of a gland
- cardiology
- study of the heart
- gastrology
- study of the stomach
- hepatology
- study of the liver
- gastr/o
- stomach
- hepta/o
- liver
- aden/o
- gland
- cardi/o
- heart
- adip/o; lip/o; steat/o
- fat
- axill/o
- armpit
- bi/o
- life
- cephal/o
- head
- cervic/o
- neck
- cyt/o
- cell
- hist/o; histi/o
- tissue
- path/o
- disease
- viscer/o
- internal organs
- cili/o; pil/o
- hair
- derm/o; dermat/o; cutane/o
- skin
- onych/o; ungu/o
- nail
- arthr/o
- joint
- chondr/o
- cartilage
- crani/o
- skull
- cost/o
- rib
- myel/o
- spinal cork (also means bone marrow)
- oste/o
- bone
- pelv/o
- pelvis
- spin/o
- spine; spinal (vertebral) column; backbone
- vertebr/o; spondyl/o
- vertebra
- my/o; muscul/o
- muscle
- tend/o; tendin/o
- tendon
- belphar/o
- eyelid
- cerebr/o; encephal/o
- brain
- neur/o
- nerve
- ophthalm/o; ocul/o
- eye
- ot/o
- ear
- adren/o
- adrenal gland
- parathyroid/o
- parathyroid gland
- pituitar/o
- pituitary gland
- tyroid/o
- thyroid gland
- angi/o; vascul/o; vas/o
- vessel
- arteri/o
- artery
- hem/o; hemat/o
- blood
- ven/o; phleb/o
- vein
- adenoid/o
- adenoids
- lymph/o
- lymph (clear, watery fluid)
- lymphaden/o
- lymph glands; lymph nodes
- lymphangi/o
- lymph vessels
- splen/o
- spleen
- tonsill/o
- tonsils
- alveol/o
- air sac; alveolus
- bronch/o; bronchi/o
- bronchus
- bronchiol/o
- small bronchial tubes
- laryng/o
- voice box; larynx
- nas/o; rhin/o
- nose
- pharyng/o
- throat; pharynx (also part of the respiratory system)
- phren/o
- diaphragm
- pneum/o; pneumon/o; pulmon/o
- lungs
- thorac/o
- chest
- trache/o
- windpipe; trachea
- abdomin/o
- abdomen
- cheil/o
- lips
- col/o
- large intestine; colon
- enter/o
- small intestine
- esophag/o
- esophagus
- gloss/o; lingu/o
- tongue
- or/o; stomat/o
- mouth
- rect/o
- rectum
- cyst/o
- bladder
- ren/o; nephr/o
- kidneys
- ureter/o
- ureters
- urethr/o
- urethra
- epididym/o
- epididymis
- orchid/o; test/o; testicul/o
- testicle; testis
- phall/o
- penis
- prostat/o
- prostate gland
- vas/o
- ductus (vas) deferens
- colp/o; vagin/o
- vagina
- gynec/o
- female
- mast/o; mamm/o
- breast
- oophor/o; ovari/o
- ovary
- salping/o
- fallopian tubes; uterine tubes
- uter/o; hyster/o; metr/o
- uterus
- vulv/o
- vulva; external genitalia
- acr/o
- top; extremities
- carcin/o
- cancer
- don/o
- conates
- glyc/o
- sugar
- pharmac/o
- drug
- physi/o
- nature
- practition/o
- practice
- sect/o
- cut
- -algia
- pain
- -cele
- hernia
- -dynia
- pain
- -emesis
- vomiting
- -emia
- blood condition
- -ia
- state of; condition
- -itis
- inflammation
- -lysis
- destruction; seperation; breakdown
- -malacia
- softening
- -megaly
- enlargement
- -oma
- tumor; mass
- -osis
- abnormal condition
- -pathy
- disease process
- -penia
- decrease, deficiency
- -phobia
- irrational fear
- -ptosis
- downward displacement; drooping; prolapse; sagging
- -ptysis
- spitting
- -rrhage; rrhagia
- bursting forth
- -rrhea
- flow; discharge
- -rrhexis
- rupture
- -sclerosis
- hardening
- -spasm
- sudden, involuntary contraction
- -stenosis
- narrowing; stricture
- -y
- process
- -centesis
- surgical puncture to remove fluid
- -desis
- surgical binding; surgical fusion
- -ectomy
- excision; surgical removal
- -graphy
- process of recording; producing images
- -gram
- record; writing
- -graph
- instrument used to record
- -metry
- to measure; measurement
- -meter
- insturment used to measure
- -opsy
- to view
- -pexy
- surgical fixation
- -plasty
- surgical reconstruction; surgical repair
- -rrhaphy
- surgical reconstruction; surgical repair
- -scope
- instrument used to vusually examine (a body cavity or organ)
- -scopy
- process of visually examining (a body cavity or organ)
- -stasis
- stoppage; stopping; controlling
- -stomy
- new opening
- -tome
- insturment used to cut
- -tomy
- process of cutting; incision
- -cyte
- cell
- -er; -or; -ician; -logist; -ist
- specialist; one who specializes; specailist in the study of
- -ion
- process
- -logy
- study of; process of study
- -plasia
- formation; development
- -poiesis
- production; manufacture; formation
- -trophic; -trophy
- development; growth; nutrition
- -genic
- produced by; producing
- -oid
- resembling
- -ole; -ule
- small
- -ac; -al; -ary; -eal; -ic; -ous
- pertaing to
- renal
- pertaining to the kidney
- mammary
- pertaining to the breast
- pharyngeal
- pertaining to the throat
- gastric
- pertaining to the stomach
- venous
- pertaining to a vein