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Wordmasters 8th grade gold 09

for january 09 8th grade gold
first five words


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noun 1. Lack of emotional agitation: calm, calmness, peace, peacefulness, placidity, placidness, quietude, tranquillity. See calm/agitation. 2. An absence of motion or disturbance: calm, calmness, hush, lull, peace, peacefulness, placidity, placidness, quiet, quietness, stillness, tranquillity, untroubledness. See calm/agitation.
-verb (used with object) 1. to deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor of; weaken. -adjective 2. enervated.
-noun 1. Geography. a. the angular distance north or south from the equator of a point on the earth's surface, measured on the meridian of the point. b. a place or region as marked by this distance. 2. freedom from narrow restrictions; freedom of action, opinion, etc.: He allowed his children a fair amount of latitude. 3. Astronomy. a. celestial latitude. b. galactic latitude. 4. Photography. the ability of an emulsion to record the brightness values of a subject in their true proportion to one another, expressed as the ratio of the amount of brightness in the darkest possible value to the amount of brightness in the brightest: a latitude of 1 to 128.
- adjective being at rest; quiet; still; inactive or motionless: a quiescent mind.
-verb aged aging 1. to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle: Do not disparage good manners.
1. To be of the same opinion; agree: concurred on the issue of preventing crime. See synonyms at assent. 2. To act together; cooperate. 3. To occur at the same time; coincide: icy sleet that concurred with a forceful wind. 4. Obsolete. To converge; meet.
-adjective 1. neither perpendicular nor parallel to a given line or surface; slanting; sloping. 2. (of a solid) not having the axis perpendicular to the plane of the base. 3. diverging from a given straight line or course. 4. not straight or direct, as a course. 5. indirectly stated or expressed; not straightforward: oblique remarks about the candidate's honesty. 6. indirectly aimed at or reached, as ends or results; deviously achieved. 7. morally, ethically, or mentally wrong; underhand; perverse. 8. Typography. (of a letter) slanting toward the right, as a form of sans-serif, gothic, or square-serif type. 9. Rhetoric. indirect (applied to discourse in which the original words of a speaker or writer are assimilated to the language of the reporter). 10. Anatomy. pertaining to muscles running obliquely in the body as opposed to those running transversely or longitudinally. 11. Botany. having unequal sides, as a leaf. 12. Grammar. noting or pertaining to any case of noun inflection except nominative and vocative: Latin genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative cases are said to be oblique. 13. Drafting. designating a method of projection (oblique projection) in which a three-dimensional object is represented by a drawing (oblique drawing) in which the face, usually parallel to the picture plane, is represented in accurate or exact proportion, and all other faces are shown at any convenient angle other than 90°. Compare axonometric, cabinet (def. 19), isometric (def. 5). -adverb 14. Military. at an angle of 45°. -verb (used without object) 15. Military. to change direction obliquely. -noun 16. something that is oblique. 17. Grammar. an oblique case. 18. Anatomy. any of several oblique muscles, esp. in the walls of the abdomen.
verb, -murred, -mur⋅ring, noun -verb (used without object) 1. to make objection, esp. on the grounds of scruples; take exception; object: They wanted to make him the treasurer, but he demurred. 2. Law. to interpose a demurrer. 3. Archaic. to linger; hesitate. -noun 4. the act of making objection. 5. an objection raised. 6. hesitation. 7. Law. Obsolete. a demurrer.
-adjective not mutable; unchangeable; changeless.
verb, -at⋅ed, -at⋅ing, adjective -verb (used with object) 1. to supply with anything to excess, so as to disgust or weary; surfeit. 2. to satisfy to the full; sate. -adjective 3. satiated.
noun 1. a response 2. a defendants answer toa plaintiff's question
-noun -dos -does 1. an indirect intimation about a person or thing, esp. of a disparaging or a derogatory nature.
-adjective 1. cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: a sanguine disposition; sanguine expectations. 2. reddish; ruddy: a sanguine complexion. 3. (in old physiology) having blood as the predominating humor and consequently being ruddy-faced, cheerful, etc. 4. bloody; sanguinary. 5. blood-red; red. 6. Heraldry. a reddish-purple tincture. -noun 7. a red iron-oxide crayon used in making drawings.
-noun, plural -mer⋅ies. 1. oatmeal or flour boiled with water until thick. 2. fruit custard or blancmange usually thickened with cornstarch. 3. any of various dishes made of flour, milk, eggs, sugar, etc. 4. complete nonsense; foolish humbug.
adj. 1. 1. Pleasing to the ear; melodious. 2. Having a soothing, agreeable quality. 2. Archaic. Sweet to the taste.
v., -mised, -mis·ing, -mis·es. To infer (something) without sufficiently conclusive evidence. v.intr. To make a guess or conjecture. n. An idea or opinion based on insufficiently conclusive evidence; a conjecture.
-noun 1. a group or clique within a larger group, party, government, organization, or the like: a faction in favor of big business. 2. party strife and intrigue; dissension: an era of faction and treason.
adj. Not capable of being persuaded by entreaty; relentless: an inexorable opponent; a feeling of inexorable doom.
-noun, plural -nies. 1. harsh discordance of sound; dissonance: a cacophony of hoots, cackles, and wails. 2. a discordant and meaningless mixture of sounds: the cacophony produced by city traffic at midday. 3. Music. frequent use of discords of a harshness and relationship difficult to understand.
-verb (used without object), -lat⋅ed, -lat⋅ing.1. to engage in thought or reflection; meditate (often fol. by on, upon, or a clause).

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