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Japans 237


undefined, object
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kensetsukokusai (建設国債)
a construction bond
kentan (健啖)
gluttony, a hearty appetite
kenshi (犬歯)
a canine tooth, a dog tooth
kentō suru (検討する)
to examine, to investigate
kensetsudaijin (建設大臣)
the Minister of Construction
keppaku (潔白)
kensekishobun o ukeru (譴責処分を受ける)
to be reprimanded
keppon (欠本)
a missing volume
kenshō (検証)
verification, an inspection
kensetsu suru (建設する)
to construct, to erect, to establish, to found
kensatsu (検札)
examination of tickets
kenseki (譴責)
a reprimand, a reproof
keppan suru (血判する)
to seal with one's blood
ken'yaku suru (倹約する)
to economize, to be thrifty, to save
kentai (献体)
(body) organ donation
kenson (謙遜)
modesty, humility
kenshinteki (献身的)
kenshō (憲章)
a charter, a constitution
kensayaku (検査役)
[相撲で] a referee advisor, a sumo inspector
kensuiundō (懸垂運動)
chinning (exercises)
kenzai de aru (健在である)
to be well, to be in good health
kenshi (検視)
an investigation, an inspection
kenson suru (謙遜する)
to be modest
kenteikyōkasho (検定教科書)
an authorized textbook
ken'yaku (倹約)
thrift, economy
ken'yō ni naru (兼用になる)
to serve both as ~ and ~
kenseiyoku (権勢欲)
a lust for power
Kokurenkenshō (国連憲章)
the United Nations Charter
Jidōkenshō (児童憲章)
the Children's Charter
kenzō (建造)
building, construction
keorimono (毛織物)
woolen goods
kenteishiken (検定試験)
a license examination
kenshiki no aru hito (見識のある人)
a man of insight
kentōchigai o suru (見当違いをする)
to make a wrong guess
keotosu (蹴落とす)
to kick down
shūdankenshin (集団検診)
a group medical checkup
kenzō suru (建造する)
to build, to construct
kensei suru (牽制する)
to check, to restrain, to contain
sōsha o kensei suru (走者を牽制する)
[Baseball] to check a runner, to peg a runner on the base
kensaku (検索)
reference, [Computers] retrieval
kenshi (検死)
an autopsy
kensaku suru (検索する)
to look up
kenzan suru (検算する)
to check accounts
kensetsukōji (建設工事)
construction work
kenuki (毛抜き)
(a pair of) hair tweezers, (a pair of) hair nippers
kenshin (検針)
inspection of a meter
kenshintekini (献身的に)
kentō (検討)
an examination, an investigation
keorimonoshō (毛織物商)
a woolen dry goods dealer, a woolen draper
kenshutsu suru (検出する)
to detect [poison]
kentei (検定)
official approval, official sanction
kensan (研鑽)
hard study
kenseikyū (牽制球)
a pick-off throw
kentō o tsukeru (見当をつける)
to aim, to take aim; to estimate, to guess
ken'yō suru (兼用する)
to use [a thing] both as ~ and ~
kensei (権勢)
Kensetsushō (建設省)
the Ministry of Construction
kentōchigai de aru (見当違いである)
to be wide of the mark
teikikenshin (定期検診)
a routine medical checkup
kenzōbutsu (建造物)
a building, a structure
kenshiki (見識)
an opinion, discernment; pride, dignity
kentō (見当)
an aim, a direction; a guess, an estimate; approximately
kensō (喧騒)
a noise, a clamour
kentaiki (倦怠期)
the stage of weariness
keppyō suru (結氷する)
to freeze, to be frozen over
keppakuna (潔白な)
innocent, pure
kenshin (検診)
a medical examination, health screening
kenshōronbun (懸賞論文)
a prize essay
kentei suru (検定する)
to approve, to authorize
kenshikan (検死官)
a coroner
ken'yakuka (倹約家)
a thrifty person, a frugal person
kenshi suru (検視する)
to investigate, to inspect
kenzenna (健全な)
healthy, wholesome, sound
kensetsuyōchi (建設用地)
a building lot/site
kenshōkin (懸賞金)
prize money
kensatsuchō (検察庁)
the Public Prosecutors Office
kenshi suru (検死する)
to examine a corpse
kenshō ni ataru (懸賞に当たる)
to win a prize
kentanka (健啖家)
a glutton, a hearty/heavy eater
kenshū suru (研修する)
to study, to research
kensetsugaisha (建設会社)
a construction firm
kensatsukan (検察官)
a public prosecutor/procurator
kensetsuteki (建設的)
kensetsu (建設)
construction, erection, building
kentō suru (健闘する)
to fight bravely, to put up a good fight, to exert oneself hard
keppekina (潔癖な)
cleanly, fastidious
kenshūjo (研修所)
a training institute
kenshin suru (献身する)
to devote oneself to
kentai (倦怠)
fatigue, weariness, ennui
kenshō (懸賞)
a prize, a prize contest, a prize competition
gokenshō o oinori itashimasu (ご健勝をお祈り致します)
I wish you good health
kenshūsei (研修生)
a trainee

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