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D & D 1 quiz 1 Maciocia


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forehead = which organ?
left cheek = which organ?
right cheek = which organ?
nose = which organ?
chin = which organ?
weakness in lung results in?
open pores
weakness in spleen results in?
weak muscles
weakness in liver results in?
sinews have vulnerability to external invasion, joint stiffness
weakness in heart results in?
weakness or hardening of blood vessels
weakness in kidneys results in?
brittle bones
body shape for abundancy of yang
strong build, tends toward red face, preference for cold, intolerant of heat, lively character, high achiever, decisive, assertive, walks with chest and stomach projecting forward.
body shape for abundancy of yin
tends toward obese, dark complexion, loose muscles, thick skin, quiet, introvert, prefers heat and wraps up warm.
abundant yang body type pathologies
heat or fire
abundant yin body type pathologies
cold, damp, phlegm
body shape deficient in yang
overweight, swollen body, pale / bluish complexion, listless, slow movement, weak, loose muscles, prefers warm, aversion to cold
body shape deficient in yin
thin narrow body, sometimes red cheeks and lips, excited look, restless eyes, quick movements, feels hot, bend forward to walk or stand
body shape for wood type
subtle green complexion, small head, long face, broad shoulders, straight back, tall SINEWY BODY, elegant hands and feet. Smart with poor physical strength
body shape for fire type
RED, wide teeth, pointed small head, curly or scanty hair, well developed muscles, small hands and feet, keen thinkers, active, SHORT TEMPERED, STRONG HEART AND BLOOD VESSELS
body shape for earth type
yellow, round face, big head, nice shoulders, STRONG MUSCLES, firm steps, calm, steady.
body shape for metal type
STRONG VOICE, pale complexion, square face, small head, shoulders, and upper back, flat stomach.
body shape for water type
dark complexion, wrinkly skin, large head and abdomen, broad cheeks, narrow shoulders, long spine, STRONG KIDNEYS.
three aspects of the sprirt are:
embodiment of the spirit is:
the outward manifestation of the spirit in the body itself
vitality of the spirit is:
the outward manifestation of the spirit as it is reflected in the energy of the person
lustre of the spirit is:
the outward manifestation of the spirit as it is reflected in the lustre of the eyes and complexion
three basic condition of the spirit are:
strong spirit
weak spirit
false spirit
guest complexion colors are influenced by:
seasonal and climactic factors
normal complexion has four essential characteristics
subtle slightly reddish hue
contained/veiled color
white complexion means
blood, qi or yang deficiency

yellow complexion means
sleen/stomach pathology

blood deficiency, stagnation, and damp
red complexion indicates
empty heat - red cheeks
bluish/greenish complexion
b- interior cold
g- liver pathology
tremors of the head indicate
internal wind from the liver
full liver wind develops from
liver yang rising or liver fire
empty liver wind develops from
liver and kidney yin or
liver blood deficiency
rigidity of the neck indicates
invasion of external wind
usually wind cold
facial paralysis indicates
invasion of external wind
deviation of eyesmouth following stroke
internal wind
facial tick
liver pathologies
tremor or spasticity of the limbs
liver wind pathologies
twitching of the muscles
yang deficiency, water overflowing (edema), qi/blood deficiency
hemiplegia (unilateral paralysis of limb)
liver wind and phlegm
contraction of the fingers
blood or yin deficiency

invasion of cold in the sinews or muscles
dry scalp
liver or kodney yin deficiency or both
hair falling out
liver blood deficiency or kidney essence deficiency
how do kidneys effect the eyes?
moisten and control lubricating fluids
how does the heart effect the eyes?
heart transports blood to eyes
how do the stomach/spleen effect the eyes?
transport food essesnce to eyes and spleen influences the eye lids and the muscles for opening and closing
what is the relationship between the gallbladder and the eyes?
the gb channel starts in the outer canthus
what is the relationship between the bladder and the eyes?
the bladder channel starts in the inner canthus
the bladder muscle channel wraps around the eye soket
what is the relationship between the small intestine and the eyes?
the si muscle channel reaches around the outer canthus
to what organ does the iris pertain?
to what organ do the corner of the sclera pertain?
to what organ does the rest of the sclera pertain?
to what organ does the upper eye lid pertain?
to what organ does the lower eye lid pertain?
to what organ does the pupil pertain?
yellow or red sclera indicates
greenish/pale sclera indicates
bright abnormal color of sclera
yang disease
turbid abnormal color of sclera =
yin disease
sunken eyeballs =
protruding eyeball =
commonly due to liver pathologies or deficiencies
strabismus (crossed eye) =
mostly deficiency of kidney essence (in children)

liver pathologies, others (adult)
which channel is the nose primarily influenced by?
pale nose tip =
stomach and spleen qi deficiency with empty cold
pale nose bridge =
liver blood deficiency
pale and swollen nose tip=
phlegm fluids
pale and dry nose =
lung Qi deficiency
mouth and lips are orifice of which organ?
pale lips =
blood, spleen, liver yang deficiency
red lips =
full or empty heat
purple lips =
blood stasis
bluish-greenish lips =
cold, full or empty
yellow lips =
damp ST and SP
dry cracked lips =
ST and Sp def or Liver blood def, others
drooping lips =
Deficiency of spleen and kidney yang
cold sores on lips =
cracked corners of mouth =
ST heat, St yin deficiency with or without empty heat
mouth ulcers =
St heat
deviation of mouth =
internal liver wind, invasion of external wind
which four channels influence teeth and gums?
ST (gums), LI (gums), KID (teeth and gums), Governing vessel (teeth and gums).
Bleeding gums =
deficient Spleen Qi not holding blood, ST fire
red gums
heat or empty heat in ST or SP
purple gums
blood stasis in ST
which organ relates to ears?
Do all yang channels reach the ears?
Large ears indicate
good constitution, abundance of Qi and Blood, propensity to full conditions
small ears indicate
poor constitution, especially with small lobes, deficiency of Qi and Blood, propensity to deficient conditions
swollen ears indicate
heat or damp heat, especially gall bladder
contracted ears indicate
deficiency of body fluids, either from heat or yin deficiency
sores on ears indicate
heat (liver and gall bladder)
red back of ear indicates
wind heat
distended blood vessels on ear
lung Qi def and phlegm and blood stasis
ear wax =
redness on outside of throat(skin)
full or empty heat of heart of lungs
swollen neck glands
acute = wind heat with toxic heat
chronic = toxic heat
scoliosis =
deficiency of kidney essence or kidney deficiency with blood stasis
lordosis (accentuated lumbar curve)
deficiency of kidney essence or def of St and SP
kyphosis (accentuated thoracic curve)
decline of Kidney Essence
flattening of lumbar spine
liver qi stasis, liver blood stasis, or cold
breast cysts =
breast fibroadenoma
combo of blood stasis and phlegm
sweaty palms
heart or lung qi or yin deficiency or heat
cracked fingers =
blood def or blood stasis
finger and toe nail probs =
liver blood probs
which 6 channels influence the chest?
lungs, heart, Du, Ren, GB, liver
distended abdominal veins
blood pathologies
edema of hands
lung yang def
edema of feet
kidney yang def
edema of forelimbs
spleen yang def and dampness
edema of 4 limbs, non pitting
qi stasis
edema of limbs in elderly
qi def and blood stasis
acute edema of hands
wind water invades lungs
pitting edema =
dampness, SP yang, KID yang def
non pitting edema =
qi or blood deficiency
atrophy of legs =
chronic SP and ST def
phlegm in lungs
nasal discharge
phlegm or dampness
heat or deficiency of Qi, yin, or yang
sweat that looks like drops of oil =
collapse of yang
light brown stool =
pale yellow stool =
empty heat
dark yellow stool =
full heat
very dark black stool =
blood stasis
dry stools =
heat in intestines, blood or yin def
mucusy or sticky stools
damp in intestines
loose stools and diarrhea
spleen qi, kidney or yang deficiency
diarrhea with blood
damp heat or spleen qi deficiency
undigested food in stool =
spleen qi deficiency
blood in stools
spleen qi not holding blood, damp heat, or blood stasis
goat shit
liver qi stasis or heat
thin pencil poop
spleen qi deficiency
pale urine =
cold in bladder or kidney yang deficiency
dark urine =
heat in bladder, kidney yin deficiency
dark red or bright red menstrual blood =
blood heat
pale menstrual blood
blood defeciency
blackish, very dark, clotting menstrual blood
blood stasis
purplish menstrual blood =
full cold
brownish like soy sauce and dilute menstrual blood =
empty cold
scarlet red menstrual blood
empty heat in blood
skin's relationship with the lungs
pores, body hair, sweat
skin's relationship with the stomach and spleen
adipose tissue below skin, vessels below skin, moisture of the skin
skin's relationship with the kidneys
moisture, defensive qi in the space between skin and muscles
skin's relationship with the liver
moisture, luster
skin's relationship with the heart
moisture, blood vessels under the skin
macules (can't be felt, discolored skin)indicate
blood heat for red, blood stasis for purple
papules (can be felt, small grains) indicate
vesicles (zitty, obvious) indicate
pustules indicate
toxic heat
greasy skin indicates
dampness or phlegm
dry skin indicates
liver blood deficiency commonly
eczema indicates
whiteheads and blackheads on forehead,nose, upper back and chest indicates
lung heat
whiteheads and blackheads around the mouth, on chest and upper back indicates
stomach heat
red papules around nose, mouth and eyebrows, worse before or during menstruation indicates
blood heat
painful pustules, inflammed cysts on upper back and chest indicates
toxic heat
deep, painful, inflammed nodules , pus filled cysts, pitting and scarring
damp heat with toxic heat and blood stasis
long lasting papules
lung and spleen qi deficiency combined with dampness
damp heat, etc
herpes zoster (shingles)
either damp heat, toxic heat, or blood stasis

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