Lesson 4
undefined, object
copy deck
- /ac (all adjectives) /al /ar /ary /eal
- relating to
- /algia (noun)
- pain
- /centesis (noun)
- withdrawing fluid
- /cyte (noun)
- cell
- /ectomy (noun)
- removal
- /emia or /hemia (noun)
- throughout the blood
- /grade (adjective)
- go
- /gram (noun)
- picture, record, tracing
- /graph (noun)
- instrument that creates a picture or recording
- /graphy (noun)
- process of creating a picture, record, tracing
- /ia (noun)
- condition
- /iac (all adjectives) /ic /ior
- relating to
- /ism (noun)
- situation, process, condition
- /ist (noun)
- one who does, one who specializes in
- /itis, /itic (noun) (adjective)
- inflammation (plural of itis is itid/es. no plural on adjectives)
- /ium, /um (noun)
- structure (plural is ia/a)
- /logy (noun)
- study of
- /megaly (noun)
- enlargement
- /meter (noun)
- distance, measure, instrument to measure
- /oid (adjective)
- like
- /opsy (noun)
- look at
- /ose (adjective)
- like, relating to (also suffix for chemical name for sugar)
- /osis, /sis (noun) /otic, /tic (adjective)
- pathologic condition, relating to a condition (plural is oses)
- /ous (all adjectives) /tic
- relating to
- /pathy (noun)
- disease process
- /scope (noun)
- iinstrument to see through or with
- /stasis (noun)
- control, hold in (plural is stases)
- /y (noun)
- process of