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Module 4/Chapter 24/Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems/Diagnostic Procedures


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Dye is injected into the bloodstream or heart chamber and x-rays are taken of the heart and large blood vessels in the chest.
Listening to sounds within the body with a stethoscope
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft -- vessels are connected to existing coronary arteries to detour around blocked vessels.
Cardiac MRI
Magnetic waves are beamed at the heart and an image is produced
Cardiac scan
Scan of the heart measuring the accumulation of radioactive substance injected into the heart
Cardiac catheterization of the heart -- a thin flexible tube is introduced into a vein or artery and guided to the heart to detect pressures and patterns of blood floow
Known as cardioversion -- use of electrical shock to restore the heart's normal rhythm
Digital subtraction angiography -- x-ray pictures of the blood vessels are taken
Sound waves of blood vessels
Electrocardiogram -- record of the electricital activity of the heart
Echocardiography -- sound waves are transmitted into the chest and echoes returning from the valves, chambers and surfaces of the heart are electronically plotted and recorded.
Heart transplant
Donor heart is transferred to a recipient
Holter monitoring
Device to monitor the heart for 24 hours with a portable electrocardiograph
Lipid test
Measurement of fatty substances found in foods and in the body
Tapping the body surface with fingers
Serum enzyme tests
Enzymes are measured for patient's who have had an MI
Stress test
Exercise tolerance test to determine the heart's response to physical exertion
Surgical repair of a heart valve.

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