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- Where do renal arteries and veins enter the kidney?
- at the hilus
- What else enter at the hilus?
- Blood vessels & ureter enter and exit hilus
- What is the purpose of the renal capsule?
- transparent membrane, maintains shape
- What is the adipose capsule?
- helps protect kidney from trauma
- what is the renal fascia?
- dense, irregular connective tissue that holds kidney against back body wall to reduce jarring
- kidneys receive 25% of resting cardiac output from where?
- renal arteries
- Which capillaries promote where filtration occurs?
- glomerular caps
- which capillaries carry away reabsorbed substances from filtrate?
- peritubular capillaries
- What supplies nutrients to the medulla?
- vasa recta
- What capillary carries nutrients to the medula?
- vasa recta
- What regulates blood flow & renal resistance by altering arterioles?
- Sympathetic vasomotor nerves
- What capillaries are formed between the afferent & efferent arterioles?
- Glomerular capillaries
- What gives rise to the peritubular capillaries and vasa recta?
- Efferent arterioles
- What maintains the shape of kidneys?
- reticular tissue
- What comes out of the interlobar arteries?
- afferent arterioles
- what gives rise to peritubular capillaries and vasa recta?
- efferent arterioles
- Whats bigger? Afferent or efferent arterioles?
- afferent
- What is the site of plasma filtration?
- Renal corpuscle
- What are partitions of the renal corpuscle? what are their functions?
glomerulus (capillaries where filtration occurs
glomerular (BowmanÂ’s) capsule is double-walled epithelial cup that collects filtrate - Where do collecting ducts and papillary ducts drain urine to?
- renal pelvis and ureter
- What is 80-85% of nephrons?
- cortical nephrons
- Where do renal corpuscles lie?
- in outer cortex
- Where do loops of Henle lie?
- mainly in the cortex
- 15-20% of nephrons are what?
- juxtamedullary nephrons
- What allows the excretion of dilute/concentrated urine?
- Corpuscles close to medulla and loops of Henle extend into deepest medulla
- What cells of the renal corpuscle cover capillaries to form visceral layer?
- podocytes
- What cells of the renal corpuscle form parietal layer of capsule?
- simple squamous
- How do glomerular capillaries arise?
- from afferent arteriole & form a ball before emptying into efferent arteriole
- What is the structure in which afferent arteriole makes contact with ascending limb of loop of Henle
- Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
- How do you increase the number of nephrons?
- increasing kidney size
- Can nephrons be replaced if injured?
- nope
- How much must nephrons decline before dysfunction becomes evident?
- 25%
- What happens when you remove a kidney?
- it enlarges until it can filter at 80% of normal rate of 2 kidneys
- What are the three functions of Nephrons and collecting ducts?
glomerular filtration
tubular reabsorption
tubular secretion - This process has a portion of the blood plasma filtered into the kidney
- glomerular filtration
- In this process H2O & useful substances are reabsorbed into blood
- tubular reabsorption
- In this process wastes are removed from blood & secreted into urine
- tubular secretion
In this type of filtration, the filtration fraction is 20% of plasma
48 Gallons/day and filtrate reabsorbed to 1-2 qt. urine; blood pressure produces this filtrate - glomerular filtration
- Why is glomerular capillary BP is high ?
- due to small size of efferent arteriole
- What are the important functions of filtration membrane?
#1 Stops all cells and platelets
#2 Stops large plasma proteins
#3 Stops medium-sized proteins, not small ones - What maintains blood osmolarity?
- albumins
- total pressure that promotes filtration
- GBHP - (CHP + BCOP) = 10mm Hg
- What is noted of ureters?
- Retroperitoneal
- Where is the urinary bladder located?
it is posterior to the pubic symphysis
it is anterior to the vagina and inferior to the uterus in females
it is anterior to the rectum in males - How many mL can the urinary bladder hold?
- 700-800 mL
- What is a trigone?
- a smooth flat area bordered by 2 ureteral openings and one urethral opening
- What does micturition mean?
- urination
- When do stretch receptors signal spinal cord and brain?
- when volume exceeds 200-400 mL
- Where does the urethra pass in the female?
- only the urogenital diaphragm
- Where does the urethra in males pass?
- prostate gland, urogenital diaphragm & penis (length varies; prostatic, membranous, and spongy urethra