Think Spanish
undefined, object
copy deck
- inicios:
- beginnings
- imprescindible:
- essential, indispensable
- sed:
- thirst
- síntoma:
- symptom, sign
- neto:
- clear
- dramaturgo:
- playwright, dramatist
- definen/definir:
- they define/to define
- moverse:
- to move
- conociendo/conocer:
- knowing/to know
- siempre:
- always
- deseo:
- desire
- nos llevó/llevar:
- it took us/to take
- ubicada/ubicar:
- located/to locate
- justo en el centro:
- right in the middle
- sombreros:
- hats
- pintaos (pintados):
- painted
- artesanía:
- handicrafts
- delicada:
- delicate, fine
- hecha:
- made
- fibras de palma:
- palm tree fibers
- mercado:
- market
- se encuentra/encontrarse:
- it is found/to find
- Piedra Pintada:
- Painted Rock
- se dice/decir:
- it is said/to say
- tenía grabado/grabar:
- it had engraved/to engrave
- sin lugar a dudas:
- without a doubt
- pintorescos:
- picturesque, quaint
- la ciudad habitada más antigua:
- the oldest inhabited city
- se lo disputan/disputar:
- it was disputed/to dispute
- se debe:
- it must
- cacique:
- tyrant
- cuenta/contar:
- it tells/to tell
- terminar:
- to finish
- caballeros:
- knights
- pusieran orden/poner orden:
- they put in order/to put in order
- mejoraran/mejorar:
- they improved/to improve
- sangre azul:
- blue blood
- nata:
- whipped cream (it would come from the French expression “la crème de la crèmeâ€, commonly used in Spain. It means “the best of the bestâ€)
- construida/construir:
- constructed/to construct
- amplio:
- large, roomy
- naves:
- plants
- tallados/tallar:
- carved/to carve
- verdadera:
- real, true
- joya arquitectónica:
- architectonic piece of jewelry
- pecado:
- sin
- salud:
- health
- diversión:
- fun
- aguas termales:
- thermal waters, hot springs
- secretos mejor guardados:
- best kept secrets
- se encuentran encontrarse:
- they are located/to be located
- noroeste:
- Northwest
- a lo largo:
- along
- río:
- river
- hacen las delicias:
- they delight
- hacer las delicias:
- to delight
- la mayoría de:
- most of
- llegan/llegar:
- they arrive/to arrive
- desde lejos:
- from far away
- se dirigen/dirigirse:
- they go/to go
- directamente:
- directly
- se pierden/perderse:
- they miss/to miss
- disfrutar:
- to enjoy
- temporada:
- season
- clima:
- weather
- refresca/refrescar:
- it cools off/to cool off, to refresh
- descansar:
- to rest
- piscinas:
- pools
- se convierte/convertirse:
- it becomes/to become
- rito:
- rite, ritual
- obligatorio:
- mandatory
- recuerdo/recordar:
- I remember/to remember
- de pequeña:
- when I was little
- íbamos/ir:
- we used to go/to go
- inviernos:
- winters
- pasar:
- to spend
- aún hoy:
- even today
- complejo termal:
- thermal resort
- alojamiento:
- lodging, accommodation
- andar:
- to go, to ride
- cargados:
- burdened
- estrés:
- stress
- cansancio:
- tiredness, weariness
- listos para no hacer nada:
- ready to do nothing
- dejar:
- to leave
- equipaje:
- luggage
- zambullirnos/zambullirse:
- we dive/to dive
- parcialmente:
- partially
- cubierta:
- covered
- quedaba/quedar:
- it was/to be
- planta baja:
- first floor
- a fuerza de:
- by force of
- rutina:
- routine
- tranquilos:
- relaxing
- paseos:
- walks, strolls
- alrededores:
- surroundings
- reparadoras:
- fixing
- comidas:
- meals
- lindos:
- beautiful
- cuerpo:
- body
- se elevaba/elevarse:
- it would go up/to go up
- terminábamos/terminar:
- we ended up/to end up
- saliendo/salir:
- going out/to go out
- en mangas de camisa:
- wearing only a shirt,
- en pleno invierno:
- in the middle of the winter
- antigüedad:
- in olden days, antiquity
- hoy en día:
- nowadays
- siguen/seguir:
- they keep/to keep
- visitando/visitar:
- visiting/to visit
- motivos:
- reasons
- litoral:
- coast
- pensadas:
- thought
- fin:
- purpose
- grados centígrados:
- degrees Celsius
- barandas:
- hand rails
- escalones:
- steps
- facilitan/facilitar:
- they provide/to provide
- dificultades motrices:
- motor difficulties
- no se permite/permitir:
- it is not allowed/to allow
- nadar:
- swim
- ni se recomienda:
- it is not recommended
- recomendar:
- to recommend
- en cambio:
- however
- pensadas/pensar:
- thought/to think
- recrears
- to enjoy oneself, to take pleasure in
- al aire libre:
- outdoors
- toboganes:
- slides
- trampolines:
- diving boards
- están contemplados:
- they are considered
- contemplar:
- to consider
- no ofrecen/ofrecer:
- they do not offer/to offer
- peligro:
- danger
- puentes:
- bridges
- público infantil:
- children crowd
- poseen/poseer:
- they have/to have
- habitación:
- room
- paisaje:
- landscape
- se ubican/ubicarse:
- they are located/to be located
- vistas:
- views
- campo:
- countryside
- bañarse:
- to take a bath
- caballos:
- horses
- ñandúes
- rheas (flightless bird similar to an ostrich)
- amanecer:
- sunrise
- atardecer:
- sunset
- horizonte:
- horizon
- ofrecen/ofrecer:
- they offer/to offer
- parque acuático termal:
- thermal water park
- además:
- besides
- antiguas:
- old
- han abierto/abrir:
- they have opened/to open
- puertas:
- doors
- últimamente:
- lately
- instalaciones:
- facilities
- elegir:
- to choose
- quedarse:
- to stay
- optar:
- to choose
- cabaña:
- cabin
- cocinar:
- to cook
- uno mismo:
- oneself
- acampar:
- to camp
- está garantizado/garantizar:
- to be guaranteed/to guarantee
- no pasará nunca frío:
- you will never be cold
- las llamadas:
- the so called
- muñecas:
- dolls
- preocupaciones:
- worries
- herencia:
- heritage
- según:
- according
- leyenda:
- legend
- valle:
- valley
- alejado:
- remote, far away
- vivía/vivir:
- (a family) used to live/to live
- formada por:
- formed by
- abuelo:
- grandfather
- descendientes:
- descendants
- se dedicaban la agricultura:
- they were farmers
- tejido:
- weaving
- sequía:
- drought
- cultivos:
- crops
- venta:
- selling
- artesanías tejidas:
- weaved handicrafts
- se transformó en:
- it became
- transformarse en:
- to become, to turn into
- ingreso:
- income
- ladrón:
- burglar
- robó/robar:
- he stole/to steal
- tristeza:
- sadness
- desesperación:
- desperation, despair
- se adueñaron/adueñarse:
- they took over/to take over
- parecía/parecer:
- it seemed/to seem
- perdido/perder:
- lost/to lose
- recordó/recordar:
- she remembered/to remember
- solía contarles:
- he used to tell them
- buscó/buscar:
- she looked for/to look for
- retazos:
- remnants
- lana:
- wool
- en secreto:
- secretly
- medianoche:
- midnight
- cama:
- bed
- bolsas:
- bags
- contenía/contener:
- it contained/to contain
- presintió/presentir:
- she had a feeling/to have a feeling
- eligió/eligir:
- she chose/to choose
- las puso/poner:
- she put them/to put
- escondió/esconder:
- she hid/to hide
- debajo:
- under
- almohada:
- pillow
- se durmió/dormirse:
- she fell asleep/to fall asleep
- fueron/ir:
- they went/to go
- vender:
- to sell
- tesoro:
- treasure
- acercó/acercarse:
- he approached them/to approach
- les preguntó/preguntar:
- he asked them/to ask
- le mostraron/mostrar:
- they showed him/to show
- explicaron/explicar:
- they explained/to explain
- resolvían/resolver:
- they solved/to solve
- quería/querer:
- he wanted/to want
- puñado:
- handful
- billetes:
- bills
- comenzó/comenzar:
- began/to begin
- contar:
- to count
- no se lo podía creer:
- she could not believe it
- llegaron/llegar:
- they arrived/to arrive
- lo que había pasado:
- what had happened
- insistiendo/insistir:
- insisting/to insist
- había sucedido/suceder:
- had happened/to happen
- por arte de magia:
- as if by magic
- se fue/irse:
- she went/to go
- temprano:
- early
- bolsa:
- bag
- habían cumplido su deseo:
- they had made her dream come
- la abrió/abrir:
- she opened it/to open
- encontró/encontrar:
- she found/to find
- verás/ver:
- you will see/to see
- cuando despiertes/despertar:
- when you wake up/to wake up
- se habrá resuelto/resolverse:
- it will have been solved/to solve
- ferias:
- fairs
- a través de:
- through
- promesa:
- promise
- misma:
- same
- la mañana siguiente:
- the following week
- te preocupa/preocupar:
- worries you/to worry
- primera vez:
- first time
- mezcla:
- mix
- ternura:
- tenderness
- me parecía/parecer:
- it seemed to me/to seem
- cuerpos:
- bodies