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Level II Lower quadrant


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Abd- inf glide

Add- sup glide

IR- post glide

ER- ant glide

F/E- distraction


Closed Packed, Resting position, capsular pattern


RP: 30 F / 30 abd / lat rot

Capsular pattern: early: Ext / med rot /Flex add 

late: Flex / adb / med rot



F/E -spin

Adb/Add- cardinal swing 

Key muscles


hip flex

hip Add 

Key muscles


knee ext

hip add


Key muscles


ankle DF and INV

Key muscles


great toe ext

hip abd 

Key Muscles


ankle PF, ankle ev, knee flex

Key muscles


hip ext

Lat hamstrings 



F/E impure swing

IR/ER impure spin 

abd/add not physiological 


Closed packed, resting position, capsular pattern,  

CP ext + ext rot

RP 25-30 flex

Cap pat F>E



joint type 

synovial, compound, complex modified ovoid


Range of motion 

Flex 130-140 degrees active  160  degrees squat

ext 5-10

Rotation 0-0 degrees, max rot at 90 degrees

IR 0-40 degrees   ER 0-30 degrees

Abd and Add 10-13 degrees at 30 degrees 





-contralateral SF

-ipsilateral SF 

ext-vertically towards ceiling

flex-horizontally forward, parallel to floor

contra-pull caudally

ipsilateral-pull cranially 



constant, side to be treated on top

Pelvic Girdle

SI jt classification 

Pubic symphysis jt classification 

synovial jt, complex and variable


structures that limit spinal flex

ant translation

articular facets


structures that limit spinal flex

sagittal rotation 

post long lig



lig flavum

thoracolumbar facia, erector spinae 




ant- lat glide

Post-medial glide



Post- lat glide

Ankle Dorsiflexors (4)
Tibialis ant. Ext Dig long Peroneus tertius Ext hallucis longus
Ankle Plantarflexors (8)
Peroneus longus Peroneus brevis Tib post Plantaris Flex dig long Flex hallucus long Soleus Gastroc
Arthokinematics innominate

ant rot- inf (short arm) and post  (long arm)

post rot-sup (short arm) and ant (long arm) 

Arthrokinematics sacrum

Counternutation- sup and ant

Nutation- inf and post


arthrokinemetics Lumbar spine

Flex: cranial glide

Ext: caudal glide

SF: ipsi-inf, post

contra-sup and ant 

Combination of movements in SF

Upper levels SF/rot opposite

L4-L5 variable

L5-S1 SF/rot same direction 

Foot Eversion (4)
Peroneus longus,brevis,tertius Ext dig long.
Foot inversion (4)
Tib ant. post. Ext hallucis longus Flex dig longus Flex hallucis longs
Hip Abduction (11)
Psoas maj iliacus Sartorius TFL Glute med, min, max Gem inf, sup Piriformis obt int.
Hip Adductors (6)
pectineus Add long, brevis, mag gracilis obt ext
Hip Extension (7)
Adductor mag Glute med, max semimembranosis Semitendonosis piriformis biceps fem.
Hip Flexors (10)
psoas maj iliacus sartorius pectinius add long, brevis, mag rectus fem TFL Glute min med
Hip joint type
simple, synovial, unmodified ovoid, 3DF
Hip Lateral Rotators (12)
Psoas maj. Iliacus Sartorius obt ext. int. Glute med, max Gem inf. sup. Quadratus fem Piriformis
Hip Medial Rotators (7)
Add long, brevis TFL Glute med min Semimembranosis Semitendonosis
Hip Range of motion

flex-90-100 knee ext, 110-120 with knee flexed


Add 30-45




how much extension?
20-35 degrees total
how much flexion per segment

8-13 degrees

1-3 mm  

how much lumbar rot?

3 degrees per segment

L5-5 degrees 

How much SF?

total 15-30 degrees

10 degrees upper three levels

6 degrees at L4/L5

3 degrees L5/S1 

inferior tibiofibular jt. classification


pain with splaying

CP-wt bearing in DF 

Knee extensors
quads TFL
Knee Flexors (5)
Sartorius gracilis popliteus plantaris semimembranosis semitendonosis biceps fem gastroc
Knee Lat rotators
biceps fem
knee med rotators
sartorius gracilis popliteus semimembranosis semitendonosis
Ligaments limiting pronation

medial talocalcaneal

medial interosseous 

Ligaments limiting supination

lat talocalcaneal

cervical ligament

lat interosseous 

Ligaments that limit counternutation
Long dorsal ligament
Ligaments that limit nutation
sacrotuberous and interosseous
Lumbar capsular pattern
SF=rot > E
Lumbar Closed Packed
Lumbar jt. stability tests



torsion (rotational)

translations -ant -post -lateral 

Lumbar specific questions

effect of sitting

standing vs. sitting vs. walking

cough, sneeze, valsava

bed (hard or soft)

sleeping position 

Mandatory questions

Bladder, Bowel, genital dysfunction

saddle paresthesia

rectal, scotal, testicular, penile, vaginal pain

groin and medial thigh pain

medication usage, steroids, NSAIDs, anti-coagulants

Weight loss

Special tests <

muscles of the ant. oblique

oblique abs

contralateral adductors 

muscles of the lateral system

Glute med

contralateral adductors 

muscles of the longitudinal systems
erector spinae, sacrotuberous ligament and biceps femoris
muscles of the post oblique

Glute max

Lat dorsi -resist adduction of extended med roted arm

Muscular Forces in SF




ipsilateral intertransversarii

iliocostalis lumborum and gravity 

name the four systems

Post oblique

anterior oblique


Deep longitudinal 

Pelvic Girdle Osteokinematics

Sacrum moves congruently with the side of the POST. rotating innominate

L5 appears to rotate and SF congruently with the sacrum 

PG osteo Hip Flex

innominate-R post rotates relative to sacrum

Right PSIS down 

Sacrum-rotates right

Nutated relative to right innominate, Left sacral base nutates 

L5-rotates to right

PG osteo Right Rot

Intra pelvic torsion

innominate- R inno post rot / L inno ant rot

Sacrum- rot R

L5-R rot, 

PG osteo Right SF trunk

Intra pelvic torsion 

innominate-Left translation

R inno ant rot / L inno post rot

Sacrum-rot L

L5-R sf, rotates L

PG osteo trunk ext
innominate-post rotates relative to sacrum


L5-ext and post translates on the sacrum

PG osteo trunk flex

innominate-post rotates relative to sacrum


L5-flexes and ant translates on the sacrum 

repeated loading of the spine in flex can produce

end plate fractures

internal disruptures of the annulus

radial #

# of pars interarticularis 

specific SI questions


radiation into the limbs

aggravating activities

effect of walking, stair climbing, rolling over in bed, getting in/out of a chair, stepping up onto a curb, cough, sneeze, valsalva, 

effect of rest 

Stabilization training progression
segmental control, functional, CKC, OKC,
sub talar CP, cap pat, RP
end range pro/sup, sup>pro, mid position
Sub talar joint types
anterior-compound, synovial together work as modified sellar
Subtalar Osteokinematics

Pronation-DF, Abd, eversion

Supination- PF, Add, inversion 

talocrural arthrokinematics

DF-post glide

PF-ant glide 

talocrural DF, CP, RP, Cap Patern

1 DF - PF, DF

cap pat- PF>DF


RP 10degrees PF 

Talocrural jt. classification
compound, synovial, modified sellar
talocrural Osteokinematics

impure swing

ext rot with DF

int rot with PF


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