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- Sternocleidomastiod
- O: Sternum, clavicle I: Mastiod process of temporal bone A: Fleses, neck, rotates head side to side
- Erector spinae
- O: Crest of ilium & lower 9 ribs I: Posterior ribs and spine A: Extends lumbar, thoracic, & cervical region
- Rectus abdominus
- O: Pubic crest & symphysis pubis I: Ziphoid process and cotal cartilages of 5th to 7th ribs A: Compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column
- External abdominal oblique
- O: Ribs 5-12 (lower) I: Iliac crest A: Compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column
- Internal Abdominal oblique
- O: Ilieac crest I: Xiphoid process, and costal cartilages of las 3 or 4 ribs A: Compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column
- Transversus abdominis
- O: Iliac crest, costal cartilages of last 6 ribs I: Xiphoid process, pubis A: Compresses abdomen
- Trapezius
- O: Occipital bone & spines of cervical & thoracic vertebrae I: Clavicle, acromion, & spine of scapula A: Elevates, depresses & adducts scapula; hyperextends neck, braces shoulder
- Pectoralis minor
- O: Sternal ends of 3, 4, 5 ribs I: Coracoid process of scapula A: pulls scapula down & forward
- Serratus anterior
- O: upper 8 or 9 ribs I: Anteriaor medial border of scapula A: Pulls scapula forward & upward
- Deltoid
- O: Clavicle & scapula I: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus A: Abducts, extends, rotates & flexes shoulder joint
- Pectoralis major
- O: Clavicle, sternum, & costal cartilage of 2-6th ribs I: Greater tubercle of humerus A: Flexes, adducts, & medial rotation of shoulder
- Latissimus dorsi
- O: Lower back, lower ribs, scapula I: Humerus A: Extension, adduction & medial rotation of the shoulder
- Biceps brachii
- O: Coracoid process & tuberosity above glenoid fossa I: Radial tuberosity A: Flexion at elbow & shoulder; supination
- Triceps brachii
- O: Tuberosity below glenoid fossa, humerus I: Olecranon of ulna A: Extends elbow joint
- Bracialis
- O: Anterior distal surface of humerus I: Tuberosity of ulna A: Flexes elbow joint
- Brachioradialis
- O: Humerus I: styloid process of radius A: Flexes elbow joint
- Iliopsoas
- O: Iliac fossa, lower back I: Lesser trochanter A: Flexes hipjoint & lumbar joints of vertebral column
- Gluteus maximus
- O: Iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx I: Femur A: Extension & lateral rotation at the hip joint
- Gluteus medius
- O: Lateral surface of ilium I: Greater trochanter of femur A: Abduction & medial rotation at hip
- Tensor fasciae latae
- O: Anterior border of ilium & iliac crest I: Iliotibial tract A: Abduction, flexion, & medial rotation at the hip joint
- Adductor longus
- O: Pubis, below pubic crest I: femur O: Adduction, flexion, & medial rotation at the hip
- Adductor brevis
- O: inferior ramus of the pubis I: Femur A: Adduction, flexion, & medial rotation at the hip joint
- Adductor magnus
- O: Ischium & pubis I: Linea aspera & medial epicondyle of femur A: Adduction, flexion, extension & rotation of the hip joint
- Gracilis
- O: Pubis I: Tibia A: Adduction & medial rotation at hip; flexes leg at knee
- Sartorius
- O: Anterior superior Iliac spine I: Medial surface of tibia A: Flexes Flexes knee: flexion & lateral rotation at hip
- Rectus femoris
- O: Anterior inferior iliac spine I: Tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament A: Extensioni at knee & flexion at the hip
- Vastus medialis
- O: femur I: timibal tuberosity vial patellar ligament A: Extension at knee
- Vastus intermedius
- O: femur I: tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament A: Extension at knee
- Vastus Lateralis
- O: Interior to greater trochanter of femur I: Tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament A: Extension at knee
- Biceps femoris
- O: Ishial tuberosity & femur I: head of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia A: flexes knee: flexion & lateral rotation at the hip
- Semitendinosus
- O: Ischial tuberosity I: tibia A: Flexes knee: extension & medial rotation of the hip
- Semimembranosus
- O: Ischial tuberosity I: Medial condyle of tibia A: Flexes knee: extension & medial rotation at the hip
- Soleus
- O: Posterior aspect of fibula & tibia I: calcaneaous via calcaneal tendon (w/gastrocnemius) A: Plantar flexion at ankle
- Tibialis anterior
- O: Lateral condyle of tibia I: Base of first metatarsal & medial cuneiform bone A: Dorsiflexion at anlke & inversion of foot.