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Psych. Final page 1


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Distinct Emotions Theory
theory that humans experience a small number of distinct emotions
Primary Emotions Theory
small number (perhaps seven) of emotions believed by some theorists to be cross- Culturally universal
Motivation-structure Rules
deep-seated similarities in communication across most animal species
Display Rules
cross-cultural guidelines for how and when to express emotions
Cognitive Theories of Emotion
theory proposing that emotions are products of thinking
Mere Exposure Effect
phenomenon in which repeated exposure to a stimulus makes us more likely to Feel favorably toward it
Facial Feedback Theory
theory that blood vessels in the face feedback temperature information in The brain, altering our experience of emotions
Nonverbal Leakage
unconscious spillover of emotions into nonverbal behavior
study of personal space
Pinocchio Response
supposedly perfect physiological or behavioral indicator of lying
Guilty Knowledge Test
alternative to the polygraph test that relies on the premise that criminals harbor Concealed knowledge about the crime that innocent people don’t
Integrity Test
questionnaires that presumably assess workers’ tendency to steal or cheat
Positive Psychology
discipline that has sought to emphasize human strengths
psychological drives that propel us in a specific direction
Drive Reduction Theory
proposing that certain drives, like hunger, thirst, and sexual frustration Motivate us to act in ways that minimize aversive states
Yerkes-Dodson Law
inverted U-shaped relation between arousal on the one hand, and affect and Performance on the other
Incentive Theory
theories proposing that we’re often motivated by positive goals
Hirarchy of Needs
model, developed by Abraham Maslow, proposing that we must satisfy Physiological needs and needs for safety and security before progressing to more complex needs

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