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HIS 109 Test 2


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Captaincy System
A semi feudal, semi capitalist system used to encourage settlers to come to Brazil. The land is divided into strips and each strip is given to a Donatario and his job is to make improvements to the land.
Haciendas, Large landed estates
Brazilian Sugar mill.

System of large land holding estates
Intendency system
Created by the Borbons. A royal representative is sent out to monitor the colonies and report his findings to the king. Makes for a more efficeint tax and govt. system but alienated the creoles.
Grande Colombia
A federation made up of Venezula, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama. Simon Bolivar is President. Basically the same thing as the viceroyalty of New Granada. The federations goal is independence from Spain
Portugese version of a Peninsulares
Congress of Angostura
Creates the grande Colomibia. Simon Bolivar addresses the congress. It is held in Venezula in 1819
Marine and overses ministry
1736: Portugese version of the council of the Indies. They advise the king.
A political comittee made up of the creole elite and they rule in the name of Ferdinand II (1808) called the "mask of Ferdinand"
Ecuador July 1822, The meeting of Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. They discuss who will take over an lead the independence movements. Martin goes into exile (steps down) and Bolivar becomes president.
Battle of Maipu
1818 a great victory for Jose de San Martin. Chile is liberated of all spanish forces
Augustin de Iturbite
A creole army officer who rises in the second phase of the Mexican Independence in 1820. He was initially against Vicente Guerro but eventually they joined forces. He becomes constitutional emperor of Mexico but he has to give three guarantees first
1. Full seperation from Spanish monarchy
2. Catholisism becomes the national religion
3. Equality for all inhabitents

United Provinces of Central America
1823: Central American countries that break away from Mexico (also called the Kingdom of Guatamala)
War of the Pacific
A war between Chile, Bolivia and Peru over sodium nitrate deposites in the Atacoma desert. Chile wins in 1884 and nitrates become their back bone.
War of the Triple Alliance
Brazil, Argentina, and Uraguay against paraguay. Paraguay has been isolating its self.
Miguel Hildalgo
A leader in the Mexican revoloution fighting for the "mask of Ferdinand"
Sept 16, 1810 Grito De Dolores (gets rid of current leaders)In his revolt both mixed bloods and indegenouse people participated.
Sor Juana Ines Cleta Cruz
A mexican nun who wrote baroque poetry about social mores. She is eventually stuck in a tug of war with the arch bishop who send her into exile.
Maximilian I
Arch duke of Hapsburg who is placed on the throne of Mexico by Napoleon II 1864-1867.
Porfirio Diaz
President of Mexico from 1876-1911. Her was very liberal and took a scientific approach to the government. His saying was "pan o Palo" which basically says go along with me and you will get what you want, go against me and you get beaten. He holds back certain civil liberties while still giving the people what they want.
Whites born in Brazil (like creoles)
communities of run away slaves. Fortified villages on the north east coast of Brazil in 1603. In 1694 the palmares were finally taken over by the Portugese crown.
Viceroyalty of New Granada
1717/1739 Bogata, Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Ecudor. (new viceroyalties under the Borbon reforsm)
Viceroyalty of La Plata
1776, Modern day Argentina, paraguay, "upper Peru" and Uraguay. All part of decentralization and the Borbon reforms
Alexander Von Humbolt
German explorer, geographer, and naturalist who wrote a seven volume study of Latin Amerca called Voyage to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent (1814-1829). He also introduced a subversive element into his books by basically saying that the administration of Latin America is mismanaged.
Tupac Amaru II
(Jose Gabriel Condorconqui) 1780-1783 Leader of a revolt in upper Peru. He claimed to be the last Incan ruler of Peru. He unites everyone together against the reforms and Peninsulares. Sends a shock wave accross Latin America, befor any Independence movements have really occured.
Jean Jacques Dessalines
The man that eeventually helps Haiti get its freedom in 1804 after Toussaint has died.
Vicente Guerrero
A Mestizo Rebel Leader who fought against Iturbide but eventually joined forces with him.
Simon Bolivar
A creole philosopher, General, and the "George Washington" of Latin America. He liberated Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. His dream was to create a federation of Latin American States. He was influenced by Napoleon in 1804 (this made him seek independence for Venezuela) He wrote the Jamaica Letter.
Battle of Ayacucho
Fought in the Andes of Peru in December 1824. Great victory for Bolivar, He writes the Bolivias Constitution in 1826 a model for other Latin American constitutions that emphasizes liberty, property and equality.
Dom Pedro I
The first constitutional Emperor of Brazil 1822-1831. He was the son of King John VI of Portugal. It looked as tho Pedro was leading Brazil to independence, but this is what his father had wanted all along.
Spanish for cheif or leader. the "strong man" or "man on hourse back" They intensify regionalism and economic stagnation. Often the product of a disbanded military. Very charismatic, a strong leader. Usually hold authority because of his former military officers and souldiers. He becomes thier patron.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
1833-1855. A general who was very selfish and narcissistic. He was president of Mexico four times. He is the guy responsible for the Alamo and he was in charge during the Mexican War.
Rafael Carrera
President of Guatemala from 1842-1840. He is conservative but a Mestizo. First exmple of an indeginous power in Latin America. Relys on church and military to keep his rule. Peace and tranquility during his rule.
Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia
President ot Paraguary from 1814-1840. He is conservative and isolates his coutry. He wants ito be self sufficient so he creates "State Farms" He was the first president of Paraguy and he makes Paraguya stable and peacful.
Juan Manuel do Rosas
1829-1852, conservative Governor of Buenos Aires of Argentina. Used a lot of political imagery, He supported the federalists (Frontier ranchers) and was opposed by the Unitarians (Buenos Aires elite)
Antonio Guzman Blanco
A liberal dictator of Venezuela from 1870-1888. He supported overseas trade and stabilized Venezuela. He was the exception to Liberal rulers during this time.
Dom Pedro II
King of Brazil from 1840-1889. Pedro I is forced to leave Brazil and his 5 year old son is put in charge. Liberals pushed his dad out. A regency rules until Pedro II is 14. He claims to be a liberal enlightened ruler, but he was a really a conservative.
Benito Juarez
liberal president from 1867-72. Young ambitious Friend of Lincoln. Before he was president he was the minister of Justice. Juarez Law: limits fuernos to only internal matters. Leedo Law: which abolished collective land holdings. (both these laws upset a lot of people) He starts a civil war between Conservatives and Liberals. Juarez is replaced by Maximilliam I and then takes over again after Max.
(1880-1930s)The dependent condition of countries that formally enjoy independence but require periodic military intervention as well as cultural and economic influence of Great Britian, France and the U.S. Progress is the buzz word at this time.
Banana Republics
Small Central American countries run by military dictators whos primary export is Bananas. UFCO first multinational corporation. the control most of these countries and pay for the military and the presidents. The grow bananas in these countries until the Banana disease strikes and then they move on to another country leaving everyone
War of A thousand Days
colombia 1899-1902. civil war between conservatives and liberals caused by a falling economy (due to the fall of coffee prices) 100,000 people die and conservatives win.
Brazil: Backwoods community run by Antonio the Councilor a wondering holy man that preaches about godless materialsm a rejection of progress. Euclides da Cunha wrote Rebellion in the Back lands in 1902 to argue that progress was "here to stay" in Brazil

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