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ABeka Managing Your Life - Final Content Review


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What is the real reason for marital problems?
What must married couples give each other?
Who is the winner in a divorce?
no one
Where does the Bible discuss God hates "putting away"?
Mal. 2:14-16
Where does the Bible discuss keeping the marriage bed undefiled?
Heb. 13:4
What is the cause of many divorces?
Where does the Bible tell us to abstain from fornication?
I Thess. 4:3-7
What is the Biblical response to a spouse's adultery?
What does it mean to "submit"?
Name two reasons teens take drugs.
curiosity, thrill-seeking, lack inner resources, peer pressure, availability of drugs
T/F: Lyme disease is caused by the bite of a tick.
24-hour period
In your relationship with your boss, you should not _____.
a. be respectful
b. show initiative
c. take correction
d. be a clock watcher
d. be a clock watcher
cynical tax on the poor
_______ said, "All my possessions for a moment of time."
a. Queen Elizabeth I
b. Henry VIII
c. Ben Franklin
d. Voltaire
a. Queen Elizabeth I
Time can only be ____.
a. bought
b. multiplied
c. saved
d. spent
d. spent
Piltdown man
altered chimpanzee jawbone
punctuated equilibria
sudden leaps of evolution
D & C
cuts baby into pieces
saline method
baby is poisoned
Roe v. Wade
legalized abortion
"Origin of Species"
Charles Darwin
deterioration of universe
Latin for "small baby"
First Law of Thermodynamics
amount of energy is constant
ex nihilo
"something out of nothing"
abnormal change
Job 40, 41
circular reasoning
conclusions based on assumptions
In the United States, ____ young people contract sexually transmitted diseases every day.
a. 110,000
b. 45,000
c. 38,000
d. 2,500
c. 38,000
What is caused by a spirochete?
a. gonorrhea
b. syphilis
d. both a and b
b. syphilis
The HIV virus attacks the _____ system, which is the body's main defense against disease agents.
a. digestive
b. reproductive
c. nervous
d. immune
d. immune
Each year ____ women are made sterile by an infection of gonorrhea.
a. 100,000
b. 250,000
c. 10,000
d. 50,000
d. 50,000
The percentage of AIDS cases in the United States which involve male homosexuals is ____.
a. 50%
b. 92%
c. 85%
d. 75%
d. 75%
Where are marriage roles defined in the Bible?
Eph. 5:22-25
T/F: Bleach is a common household poison.
How many babies are aborted every year in the United States?
1.5 million
Name two characteristics that will make you a good friend?
be yourself; be dependable; be a good listener
Name two signs of shock.
rapid pulse; irregular breathing; clammy skin; nausea; dilated pupils
What drug do most addicts start with?
Name two enemies of time.
disorder, procrastination, indecision
Accidents claim ____ lives a year in the United States.
a. 250,000
b. 100,000
c. 500,000
d. 400,000
b. 100,000
What percentage of Christians read their Bibles daily?
a. 34%
b. 20%
c. 12%
d. 42%
c. 12%
The New Age movement philosophy of ______ states that there is nothing that is not God.
a. Pantheism
b. Atheism
c. Agnosticism
d. Gnosticism
a. Pantheism
Alcohol will affect you first in what area?
a. coordination
b. inhibitions
c. memory
d. vision
b. inhibitions
An apprenticeship usually lasts how many years?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 8
d. 2
a. 5
A cancer-causing agent is called a/an ____?
a. hallucinogen
b. inhalant
c. carcinogen
d. EMS
c. carcinogen
Which of the following should not be true about your resume?
a. good grammar
b. neat
c. 3-4 pages
d. quality paper
c. 3-4 pages
T/F: Food energy is measured in units called fats.
What is the most important meal of the day?
T/F: Ingredients that end in "ose" are really a form of salt.
You must replenish your supply of _____ daily.
What release energy steadily throughout the day?
Complex carbohydrates
T/F: There is nothing wrong with dating an unsaved person.
T/F: A date should be expensive to be special.
How many glasses of water should you drink daily?
What artery is located in the neck?
T/F: The correct ratio of abdominal thrusts to breaths in CPR is fifteen to two.
T/F: Your charcoal grill is a possible source of carbon monoxide poisoning.
T/F: You should exercise 20-30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week.

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