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Ch. 19


undefined, object
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group of craftsmen or artisans who set a standard for
Spanish Middle class
Pugachev's Rebellion
largest revolt in Russian history, set
Farmer's Letters to the People of England, and Farmer's Calendar
had the greatest poplation growth during the "population explosion" of the 18th century.
the new term for the cottage
a 20% tax in France used during war times and when
population increase
large families, potato, better utilities
A dutch engineer that pioneered draing systems. This allowed more land to made usable so more crops could be planted.
Navigation Acts
Result of English desire to increase both military power and private wealth. Cromell made the first act in 1651
Jethro Tull
He advocated using horses to plow fields. He invented the seed drill which helped plant seeds. He pushed for selective breeding in farm animals.
Charles Townshend
He pushed for the use of turnips in crop rotations. This put vitamins and minerals back into the soil so other crops could be grown later.
Bakewell and Coke
selective breeding in England
by sword/robe
ways by which one could become a noble
John Kay
invented the flying shuttle
Defense from foreign threat
Smith's first governmental duty
the water frame. acquired a capacity of several
rural nobles in France, often fell out of favor
invented the spninning Jenny. This
Public Works
Smith's third governmental duty
people could donate money to the king in france and then not have to pay taxes giving the higher social status, put France in debt for long run and made old nobles bad
Homes of the Cottage Industry
It was a tiny cottage with small windows and little space. It was often a single room that served as a kitchen, workshop, and bedroom. There were only a few pieces of furniture, of which the weaver's loom (or whatever profession they were) was the largest and most important. In the cottage there were also spinning wheels, tubs for dying cloth and washing raw wool, and carding pieces to comb and prepare the raw material.
this is what the West-African slave trade was called.
I believe these are the people who sold meat from the
Latin American Economy
After decline in 17th century, silver mining greatly recovered and in 1800 spanish America accounted for half the worlds silver production. A class of wealthy Creole merchants arosse to handle this trade, which often relied on smuggled goods from Great Britian
7 years war
This war lasted from 1756-1763. It involved Britain Prussia, Hanover, and Portugal against France, Russia, Naples, Sweden, and Spain
power loom meant to replace hand-loom weavers but
maintain civil order (police and courts)
Smith's second governmental duty
Group vs individual
Individual rights were extremely rare in european society since almost all judgements on you were based on class and background so people were just treated as members of a certain group such as class rather than someone that is their own person
War of Jenkin's Ear
a conflict between Great Britain and Spain
Gaming laws
only landed gentry were allowed to hunt, wanted to subjugate peasants by not letting them hunt
spinning mule, inspired by the deficiencies of
where people are forced to work without pay, not
1 acre can feed a family of six and an animal for a year. easy to grow, Rich in Vitamin C, B, and potassium, replenish nitrogen
Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
basis for modern economics, against mercantilism, (laissez faire)
These are people of Spanish blood

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