GRE Barron's
undefined, object
copy deck
- abase (v)
- lower, degrade, humiliate
- abash (v)
- embarass
- abject (adj)
- wretched, lacking pride
- abrasive (adj) abrade (v)
- rubbing away, tending to grind down
- abrogate
- abolish
- abscission
- cutting off, separation
- absolve (v)
- to pardon (an offense)
- accede
- agree
- acclivity
- sharp upslope of a hill
- accost
- approach and speak first to a person
- accountre (v)
- to equip
- acetic
- vinegary
- acme
- peak, pinnacle, highest point
- acrid
- sharp, bitterly pungent
- acrimonious
- bitter in words and manner
- acrophobia
- fear of heights
- actuarial
- calculating, pertaining to insurance calculations
- actuate
- to motivate
- acuity
- sharpness
- acumen
- mental keenness
- adage
- wise saying, proverb
- adulation
- flattery and admiration
- advent
- arrival
- advert (v)
- to refer to
- aegis
- shield, defense
- aerie
- nest of a large bird of prey
- affinity
- kinship
- affront (n)
- insult, offense
- agglomeration
- collection, heap
- aghast
- horrified, dumbfounded
- alcove (n)
- nook, recess
- alimentary
supplying nourishment
Digestive track is an alimentary part of the body - allay (v)
- to calm, pacify
- alliteration
- repetition of beginning sound in poetry
- allusion
- indirect reference
- alluvial
- pertaining to soil deposits left by running water
- aloft
- upward
- amiss (adj)
- wrong, faulty
- amok, amuck (adv)
- in a state of rage
- anarchist
- person who seeks to overturn the established government
- anarchy
- absence of governing body; state of disorder
- ancillary
- serving as an aid or accessory, auxilliary
- angular
- sharp-cornered, stiff in manner
- animadversion
- critical remark
- animus
- hostile feeling or intent
- annals
- history; records
- anneal
- reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling
- anodyne (n)
- drug that relieves pain; opiate
- anthology
- book of literary selections by various authors
- anthropoid
- manlike
- anticlimax
- let down in thought or emotion
- anvil
- iron block used in hammering out metals
- ape (v)
- to imitate or mimic
- aperture
- opening, hole
- apex
- tip, summit and climax
- apiary
- place where bees are kept
- aplomb (n)
- poise, assurance
- apocryphal
- untrue, made up
- apogee (n)
- highest point
- apologist
- one who writes in defense of a cause or institution
- apothegm
- pithy, compact saying
- apparition
- ghost; phantom
- apposite (adj)
- appropriate, fitting
- appurtenances
- subordinate possessions
- apropos (prep)
- with reference to; regarding
- aquiline (adj)
- curved, hooked
- arbitrary
- unreasonable or capricious
- arboretum
- place where different varieties of trees are studied
- arcane
- secret, mysterious, known only to initiated
- archipelago
- group of closely ocated islands
- arraign (v)
- charge in court, indict
- array (v)
- marshal, draw up in order
- array (n)
- to clothe, adorn
- arrears (n)
- being in debt
- arroyo (n)
- gully
- artless
- without guile; open and honest
- ascendancy
- controlling influence
- asinine
- stupid
- askance (adv)
- with a sideways or indirect look
- askew (adv)
- crookedly, slanted, at an angle
- assail (v)
- to assult
- assay (v)
- to analyze, evaluate
- assent (v)
- agree, accept
- astigmatism
- eye defect that prevents proper focus
- astral (adj)
- relating to the stars
- asunder (adv)
- into parts, apart
- atavism
- resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents
- atrophy
- wasting away
- attest (v)
- testify, bear witness
- augment
- icrease, add to
- aureole (n)
- sun's corona; halo
- auroral (adj)
- pertaining to aurora borealis
- automaton
- mechanism that imitates actions of humans
- averse (adj)
- reluctant, disinclined
- avocation
- secondary or minor occupation
- avuncular
- like an uncle
- awl (n)
- pointed tool used for piercing