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Two Major Things that motivated people to come here
1. Economical 2. Spiritual
5 belief points during the protestant reformation
Grace alone Faith alone Christ alone Glory of god alone The authoritative word of god alone
The Official National Church Of England
Church of England (Anglicans)
Puritans (Calvinists)
Congregationalist Presbyterians Baptist
The Pilgrims (Calvinists)
Anglican Calvinists Armenian
Religious society of friends
Increase nations power and national wealth Encourage individual wealth to increase the crowns wealth Self sustaining economic system Create a favorable balance of trade Establish Colonies
Pilgrims/Mayflower Compact
Proclaimed Faith Loyalty to England and King Faith was equal Adhere to a Government
Puritans (Massachusetts)
Model society based on biblical beliefs-City on a hill Maintain strict society "Jeremiad" warning to keep on Track
Maryland (Catholic Colony)
Refuge, colonial place for English Catholics to come, in order to escape refuge
Pennsylvania (Quaker Heritage)
William Penn Believed all people were equal No formal church
Georgia Colony
James Oglethorpe Utopian for hard working small farms Open to other and other religions
Legal Crucial to economic success
Puritan Crisis
Crisis of faith Crisis of economic condition Crisis of disunity and identity
Salem's trouble with witches
1. Puritan Crisis 2. French Indian Wars 3. Medical 4. Social conflict of disunity -Rivalries between families, other denominations, peer pressure, and gender 5. Scapegoating and guilt 6. Clashing values 7.Spectral evidence allowed 8. Psychosomatic suggestions and paranoia 9. Reality of the invisible world
Grew out of the scientific revolution
Cotton Mather
Puritan Minister/ scientist (Smallpox Vaccination
Benjamin Franklin
Tjomas Jefferson
God=distant creator in a self regulating universe
Man=Center of all things
The Great Awakening
Massive Christian revival
New Lights
(Heart Faith)
Old Lights
(Mind faith)
Revolution "New Lights"
Spiritual and moral questioning Emergence of racial integration
Unifying "New Lights"
First national event interconnecting colonial America Encouraged spiritual bonding
American Revolution
Turning the world upside down
John Adams
First VP Single handedly kept the spirit of the American Revolution going.
Thomas Jefferson
Main Author of the Deceleration of Independence A Hypocrite (Slave Owner)
George Washington
No revolution without this man The best leader of men
Benedict Arnold
Best General Trader
King George the 3rd
The Enemy
Betsy Ross
American Flag
Molly Pitcher
Water woman Shoots the cannon
Abigael Addams
Rights for women
Crispus Attuks
First Bloody Skirmish First man killed in the American revolution
Salem Poore
Volunteered to sacrifice himself on bunker hill
Deceleration of independence
People r created equal Purpose of the govt. is to secure the right of the people
federalist Document Cannot trust the Gov
Supported the constitution
Anti Federalist
Opposed the potential power of the new Govt.
The process the constitution becomes the new law
Bill of rights
Govt is necessary but untrustworthy Free independent individual must control Govt. Individual r greedy, ambitious, and corruptible making Govt. Necessary
Conservative Revolution
Defending existing freedoms The Exodus Towards the promise land

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