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Peace of Paris 1763
signed on February 10, 1763, by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement. Together with the Treaty of Hubertusburg, it ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War. The treaties marked the beginning of an extensive period of British dominance outside of Europe
Proc. of 1763
London gov passed. Flatly prohibited settlement in the area beyond the Appalations, pending further adjustments. the truth is tht this hastily drawn document was not designed to oppredss the colonists at all but to work out the indian problem fairly and prevent another bloody eruption like pontiacs uprising.
Pontiac's Rebellion
1763. Near great lakes. Pontiac led several tribes along w/french aid in a violent campaign to drive british out of the ohio country. Beseiged detroit in 1763 spring, and eventually overran all but three British posts west of the appalachians, killing 2thousand soldiers and settlers.
Quartering Act
1764.Followed Sugar Act. Required vertain colonies to provide food and quarters for British troops.
Sugar Act
1764. Ordered by prime minister George Grenville. The first law ever passed by that body for raising tax revenue in the colonies for the crown. Increased duty on foreign sugar imported from WIndies. After protests, the duties lowered.
Declaratory Act
1766. Right as Stamp act was repealed. Gave Parliments "right" to bind the colonies in all cases whatsoever. The British government thereby drew its line in the sand. Defined constitutional principal. would not yield:absolute and unqualified soverignty over its NAm. colonies. Colonists wanted a measure of soverignty and were ready to take drastic measures.
Albany Plan of Union
1754. Proposed by Benjamin Franklin at the Albany Congress in 1754. It was an early attempt at forming a union of colonies that would unite English colonists with mainland England to assist in defending the New World during the French and Indian War. The plan was never effected, though after the Revolutionary War, the Albany Plan of Union was used to help write the Articles of Confederation. It established an elected intercolonial legislature without the power to tax.
Sons/Daughters of Liberty
Groups of ardent spirits took the law into their own hands. Crying "liberty, property, and no stamps!" they enforced the nonimportation agreements against violators, often w/generous coat of tar and feathers. Patriotic mobs ransacked the houses and unpopular officials, confiscated their money, and hanged effigies of stamp agents on liberty poles.
Salutary Neglect
British policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws meant to keep the American colonies obedient to Great Britain. Prime Minister Robert Walpole stated that "if no restrictions were placed on the colonies, they would flourish"[citation needed]. This policy, which lasted from about 1607 to 1763, allowed the enforcement of trade relations laws to be lenient. Walpole did not believe in enforcing the Navigation Acts, established under Oliver Cromwell and Charles II and designed to force the colonists to trade only with England. King George III ended this policy through acts such as the Stamp Act and Sugar Act, causing tensions within the colonies.
Stamp act
1765. Followed Quartering Act. Grenville imposed this to raise revenues to support the new military force. Mandated the use of stamped paper or affixing of stamps, certifying payment of tax. Stamps required on bills of sale for about fifty trade items as well as on certian types of commercial/legal docs. Including playing cards, newspapers, diplomas, bills of landing, and marriage liscences. Repeled 1766

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