FST1 Midterm1
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- ~10,000 years ago people domesticated animals
- Farmers make up what percent of the US population?
- 1%
- Food science involves what disciplines?
- Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering, Microbiology, Toxicology, Psychology
- What are some world food problems?
- Population growth, Poverty, Oil Prices, War, Natural Disasters
- Two vital micro nutrients that people are missing
- Vitamin A, Iodine
- Lack of Vitamin A causes...
- Blindness
- Lack of Iodine causes...
- Goiter
- Difference between macronutrients and micronutrients
- micro:needed in milligram or microgram quanitites macro:needed in gram quantities
- The 6 Nutrients
- Carboyhdrates, Lipids, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals & Water
- Which nutrients provide energy?
- Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins
- What are the energy/gram ratios for Carbohydrates, Lipids & Proteins
- Carbohydrates: 4kcal/g Lipids: 9kcal/g Proteins: 4kcal/g
- What is a calorie?
- Unit of measure for the energy in food.one calorie is the amount of heat it takes to raise one gram of water by 1`C
- What is a kilocalorie
- The amount of heat it takes to raise 1,000 grams of water by 1`C -1kcal =1,000cal
- pH measure is what?
- 0-14 0=Extremely Acidic 14=Extremely Basic
- What does our body use water for?
- 60% Water -Transport Vehicle(deliver nutrients to cells, remove waste products from cells) -Solvent -Temperature Regulation -Reaction Medium
- What does the body use minerals for?
- -Promote chemical reactions -form body structures such as Ca (bones), Fe (blood)
- What do we use vitamins for?
- -help regulate and support chemical reactions in the body
- What are the fat soluble vitamins?
- A, D, E, and K
- What are the Water soluble vitamins?
- The B vitamins and C
- What are the two types of simple sugars?
- Monosaccharides & Disaccharides
- 3 Examples of Monosaccharaides:
- -Glucose (GLU) -Fructose (FRU) -Galactose (GAL)
- 3 examples of Disaccharides:
- -Sucrose (Glu-Fru) -Lactose (Gluc-Gal) -Maltose (Glu-Glu)
- What are the two complex carbohydrates?
- Oligosaccharides & Polysaccharides
- What are oligosaccharides?
- Contain 3-10 sugar unites -Raffinose (Gal-Glu-Fru) -Stachyose (Gal-Gal-Glu-Fru) -Verbascose (Gal-Gal-Gal-Glu-Fru)
- Can monosaccharides be subdivided?
- yes, trioses (3c) tetroses (4c) pentoses (5c) hexoses (6c)
- What is a Glycosidic bond?
- The linkage between 2 sugar units in saccharides
- How many carbons to Glu, Fru, and Gal have?
- 6 carbons
- Raffinose, Stachynose, and Verbascose are found where?
- In legume seeds. Can't be hydrolyzed so you get gas.
- What is starch made of?
- Glucose, making linear chains and branched chains
- What is amylose?
- Linear glucose chain in starch
- What is amylopectin?
- The glucose branched chain in starch.
- What is the average chain make up of Starch?
- 20% Amylose 80% Amylopectin
- How does Geletization occur?
- When the water insoluble starch gets hot and then cools to a gel
- What is Glycogen?
- a branched polysaccharide formed by glucose -storage carb in animals
- What is cellulose?
- Linear polysaccharide formed by glucose -insoluble in water -from plant cell walls
- what happens to unsaturated fatty acids when they come in contact with oxygen?
- They stink, its oxidation
- What is the purpose of Antioxidants?
- To protect lipids again oxidation
- Typically, unsaturated fatty acids come from animals or plants?
- plants
- What is protein for?
- Help build and maintain body structures
- Protein building blocks are called what?
- Amino Acids
- All amino acids contiain what compounds? Some contain?
- all: C,H,O,N some: S
- what type of bond holds amino acids together?
- Peptide bonds -dipeptide -tripeptide -oligopeptide -polypeptide
- Proteins are what kind of peptide bond?
- polypeptide
- What is the denaturation of a protein?
- The protein unfolds, egg to scrambled