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UCO Nsg 2113 Development Through the Lifespan - Toddler - Exam 2


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a type of poisoning common in toddlers
toddler 18 mo event
anterior fontanel closes
toddler nutrition - milk recommended
4 servings of 1/2 cup = daily total 16 oz
toddler general physical growth
chest = head circumference; 18 mo anterior (top of head) fontanel closes; beginning sphincter control has importance in relation to mylenization of sheath
Freud anal-urethral pleasure
elimination, retention
toddler separation anxiety peaks when?
in toddler years
Freud toddler
first experience with discipline & authority; object relationships to things & people; displaced feelings onto objects or symbols & projected on others (toddler egocentricism - if I feel this way, others must also.
18 mo old vocab
says 10 - 20 words; knows 1 body part - usually "nose"
toddler milk servings recommended
4 1/2 cup servings = 16 oz/day
If you continually "get rid of anger stamps"...
you won't cash them in on someone that is undeserving
helps children feel more in control of self and environment
Freud psychoSEXual stage for toddler
Erikson toddler psychoSOCIAL development
autonomy vs shame & doubt; self control & willpower
3 yr old classic word =
toddler development 12 - 18 mo
imitates parents; uses spoon but rotates before reaching mouth; removes clothes
Erikson toddler major crisis would be...
Piaget toddler intellectual development - preoperational stage characteristics
egocentric (present in play, thought, behavior), experimentation (language, thought, activities), symbolic thinking (images, words represent world), establishes relationship between experience / action
Piaget adult reasoning
induction & deduction
toddler reasoning / reversibility?
no concept of reversibility, ie clay ball to snake - can not think of this as a clay ball again
Freud anal-urethral muscles
control, inhibition
toddler teeth
16 - 20
toddler appetite
slowing down; keep nonnutritious foods out of house
accidental deaths as a percentage of all deaths for girls 1 - 4 yr old
toddler routine interruption causes
fear, anxiety, stress
toddler is struggling with independence but...
has difficulty making decisions (so limit choices) & dawdles
ok toddler snacks
cheese & ham - protein items
19 - 24 mo motor skills
builds tower of 4 cubes; imitates vertical strokes (not horizontal); throws ball overhand (not underhanded which takes more coordination); walks up & down stairs having 2 feet on each step
toddler play =
parallel - wants companion beside but not with them - child plays alone before playing with others. Not appropriate / age development to ask toddler to share!
Piaget toddler intellectual development has...
no knowledge transfer (from one experience to another: electric socket example), poor sense of time / clock, expresses views of world through drawings, language, dreams; short attention span; easily distracted
average age for bowel control / sphincter control
18 mo
preventive dental substance in trreated water & toothpaste
iron deficiency
nutritional problem often found in toddlers
stage of separation anxiety - passive, depressed, & regressive behaior
toddler anticipatory guidance
separation anxiety, independence, discipline, regression, toilet training, immunizations, accidents
toddler nutrition
slowed growth & appetite; cup & finger foods
toddler play
egocentric, short attention span, parallel
deduction reasoning
general to particular; global to specific
toddler bodily injury & pain behaviors
negativism ("no" answers; adults need to decrease questions/comments that can be answered with "no"), regression, temper tantrums (watch out for child's safety)
toddler binocular vision
15 mo
Toddler characteristics
egocentric, possessive, self-centered, demanding, negativistic, limits frustrate, frustrates easily, wants to please but need to be taught how
toddler health problems
few except upper respiratory infections (major item is runny/snoddy nose)
toddler bread servings
4 small
Piaget toddler - magical thinking
reorganizes picture of the world, no concept of reversibility (eg ball of clay), imaginary companions
drawings will tell you alot about how child feels / fears. Then
you can start interventions
Girls death rate per 100,000 for all accidental deaths`
stage of separation anxiety - verbal cries & attacks with clinging behavior to parent
toddler stage
preoperational - pre-reason; object permanence complete
Erickson - shame is...
self-consciousness, embarrassment, smallness, wanting to hide; something unacceptable about feelings, thoughts or actions
toddler nutrition - vegetables, fruits
4 small portions
infant play =
a term used to refer to child's view of himself
toddler separation anxiety stages
Protest, Despair, Detachment
toddler hospitalization
routines important, play with puzzles, books, pull toys, meds as oral (syringe, cup), meds IM (vastus lateralis, ventrogluteal), fears of separation, loss of control, injury, pain
12 - 18 mo motor skills
scribbles spontaneously, builds tower of 2 cubes, kicks balls, walks up stairs, opens drawers & doors
19 - 24 mo personal-social & language development
dresses self; washes & dries hands; helps with simple tasks; combines words; names 1 picture (every animal in a picture book is called the same animal); follows 2 - 3 directions
toddler virtues
self-control & willpower
feeling of embarrassment, dirtiness, smallness & wanting to hide
Toddler developmental tasks
autonomy: differentiate self from people and things; tolerate separation; control impulses; sex role distinction (man, woman, Mom, Dad); physiological state (water % change - born ~90%, toddler - adult ~60%water); enculturation - doing things the way family does them
toddler chest
= head circumference
24 mo old vocab / language
100 word vocab; 2 - 3 word sentences; uses pleural & pronouns; names 1 picture; follows 2 - 3 directions; does simple tasks & errands; begins to imitate; telegraphic speech ie uses the minimum # of words
Toddler doubt results in...
hesitation, question of actions
toddler routines promote
sense of control, security, predictability
toddler beginning sphincter control
18 mo bowel; 2-3 yr day bladder; 3-4 yr night bladder
three yr old
latest age at which child should start seeing dentist
toddler 19 - 24 mo motor skills
builds tower of 4 cubes, imitates vertical strokes; throws overhand, walks up & down stairs
toddler anticipatory guidance
separation anxiety, independence, dicipline, regression, toilet trainnig, immunizations
toddler dentist
start no later than 3 yr old
accidental deaths as a percentage of all deaths for boys 1 - 4 yr old
fear, mistrust, lack of self confidence, & a feeling that one is not in control but is being controlled by others
health problem for toddlers
toddler separation anxiety - DETACHMENT
resignation; "superficial adjustment" ; appears interested in surroundings, happy, friendly
time factor starts at about 6 yr old
should equate time with activities or events - not clock time
toddler basic virtues
willpower & self-control
toddler compensatory play
doing in make-believe what is forbidden in reality
Erickson toddler autonomy
self control, good will, pride; "me do it"
Erickson central psychosocial task
ability to withstand delayed gratification (learn to wait)
meaning of "operational"
2 - 3 yr old motor development
climbs & jumps well; pounds pegs in pegboard; copies cross & circle but cannot do square; builds tower of 8 cubes; balances on 1 foot; goes up & down steps using alternate feet
toddler Vital Signs (V.S.) - 2 yr
BP = 95/61; P = 110; R = 27
toddler nutrition - breads
4 small amounts
a fear during toddlerhood
type of play for the toddler
more toddler characteristics
traditional & ritualistic peaks at 2 1/2, routine is essential until school age so they know what to expect, favorite word = "no", separation from parents - needs contact with adults, actively explores (so accident prone), needs accident prevention
otitis media
common infectious health problem for toddlers
attributing life to inanimate objects
toddler teeth
toddler separation anxiety - PROTEST
verbal cries for parent, verbal attack on others, physical fighting (kicks, bites, hits, pinches), tries escape to find parent, clings to parent, tries to force parent to stay
toddler ht
2 yr: 4 - 5 in = 34 in 3 yr: 2 - 4 in = 36 in
transductive reasoning
particular to particular
most common accidental mortality cause for 1 - 4 yr olds
motor vehicle accidents
should not receive more than 24 ounces per day
type of thinking for the toddler & preschooler
toddler 3rd yr physical development
weight 4 - 5 lbs added for total = ~ 30 lbs; height 2 - 4 in for total = ~36 ins.
reasoning from the particular to the particular
toddler 2nd yr physical development
weight 4 - 6 lbs added for total = ~26 lbs; height 4 - 5 ins for total = ~ 34 ins.
Sullivan's radius of significant relationships
parental persons - both parents involved - tripolar. Toddler needs contact with other sex adult
spanking toddler is not the best intervention. Rather...
distractions are needed - unless toddler shows blatent / outright defiance. Questions is "do they understand wrongdoing?"
average age for bladder control
2 - 3 yrs daytime; 3 - 4 yrs nightime
toddler nutrition related problems
iron-deficiency anemia; dental caries (if still on bottle it must be water); aspiration; otitis media
age to wean from bottle
12 - 14 months
major crisis of toddler period
Erickson - Self control without loss of self-esteem promotes...
goodwill, pride, autonomy, feeling of "I'm OK"
Piaget toddler intellectual development - thinking
global organization of thought, animism, magical thinking, transductive reasoning
proper control + limits =
confidence & pride rather than shame & feeling stifled
2 conditions necessary for potty training
mind / willingness and sphincter control
reverting to a previous developmental stage of behavior
toddler Vital Signs (VS) - 3 yr
BP = 99/65; P = 100; R = 24
toddler loss of control causes
physical restriction, loss of routine, loss of rituals, dependency
considerations for hospitalization of toddler
routines important; play - puzzles, books, pull toys; meds - oral via syringe, cup; meds - IM (vastus lateralis, ventrogluteal); fears - separation, pain, less control, injury
age to start seeing dentist
3 yr / desidious teeth
Piaget toddler communication
pronouns refer to self; gestures (pointing, ideas, feelings, needs); curiosity - wants to learn on simple level
toddler anxiety recognized as
anxiety rather than discomfort
toddler separation
does not separate easily; transitional objects are important for greater security
Boys death rate per 100,000 for all accidental deaths
toddler vegetable & fruit servings
4 small
toddler security objects such as _______________are important
blankets, teddy bears; should not be pacifers
toddler protein servings
2 - 3 small
toddler growth compared to infancy
slowing down
toddler wt
2 yr: 4-6 lbs = 26 lb 3 yr: 4 - 5 lbs = 30 lbs
average number of words of a 2 year old's vocabulary
Erickson toddler self-control promotion is from...
parental guidance, limit setting ( be consistant)
toddler behavior leading to many accidents
toddler 19 - 24 mo social & language
dresses self; washes & dries hands; helps with simple tasks; combines words; names 1 picture; follows 2 - 3 directions
1 - 4 yr old mortality from leading accidents
all types of accidents, MVA, drowning, fires / burns, suffocation, falls, poisoning from solids & liquids more than gases & vapors
health problem for toddlers secondary to inadequate milk intake
toddler toys
large cars/trucks, large puzzles, building toys (blocks), pounding toys, books
a major cause of death for toddlers (boys 6.3 & girls 3.2 deaths per 100,000)
toddler visual acuity
Erickson toddler primary importance
anal needs
anger turned inward is...
toddler task
autonomy vs shame & doubt
Erickson shame & doubt lead to...
lack of autonomy & +self concept
toddler nutrition - protein recommended
2 - 3 small portions
toddler loss of control behaviors
resistance, physical aggression, verbal uncooperativeness (temper tantrums)
object permanence
cognitive process which is finalized by the middle of the 2nd year
toddler nutrition - milk maximum milk intake
24 - 32 oz / day (3 - 4 cups/day)
Piaget toddler animism
giving life to inanimate objects; view of things as living and endowed with intention (eg "singing cloud")
Erickson toddler absence of autonomy, less sense of control, overcontrol leads to...
doubt & shame, feelings of "badness", "I'm not OK", potential paranoia as adult
acceptable toys
large cars/trucks; large puzzles; building toys such as blocks; pounding toys; books
ages 1-3 years or 12 to 36 months
superficial adjustment
Piaget toddler verbalization
simple commands; simple prohibitions; simple directions; objects or pictures; simple questions; nursery rhymes; simple short stories
Erickson toddler task
autonomy vs shame & doubt
2 - 3 yr old personal-social & language development
dresses with supervision; uses plurals; gives 1st & last name
toy - pillow on stick - for dealing with anger / agression
major cause of injury for toddlers
toddler reasoning
transductive - particular to particular
health problem for toddlers
toddler accommodation
24 mo
Erickson toddler basic virtues
self control & willpower
Erickson - Guilt feeling state results in...
shame & anger directed against self
15 mo old vocab
says 4 - 6 words; asks by pointing
induction reasoning
particular to general
toddler separation anxiety - DESPAIR
passive, depressed, disinterested in environment, uncommunicative, regression
toddlers fears are of
sudden, strange &/or unexpected events, separation (expect drama/trauma as outcome which may show up as regression), loss of control, physical restriction (does not like to be restrained), loss of routines, loss of rituals, dependency
abbreviation of leading cause of death in children 1 - 5 yr old
1st yr of life accidents
falls, suffocation, aspiration/swallowing foreign materials, drowning, burns, poisoning, motor vehicle accidents
health risk / problem for toddlers
12 - 18 mo does...
imitates parents; uses spoon; removes clothes; says 3 words + mama, dada; knows 1 body part
toddler personality characteristics
separation, negativistic, explores, self-assertive, limits frustrate, temper tantrums, security objects
Erickson - doubt (from lack of control)
fear, mistrust, less self-confidence, feeling that one is not in control but is controlled by others

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