1950s slang
undefined, object
copy deck
- a gas
- great, superb
- a groove
- superb
- beat
- tired
- beatnik
- person indifferent to society
- birdie biker
- female motorcyclist
- blast
- a good time
- blast off
- scram
- boo
- excellent
- bread hooks
- hands
- buddy buddy
- very friendly
- buddy seat
- motorcycle sidecar
- bug
- bother
- bug out
- to leave
- chiller-diller
- a very scary movie
- chintzy
- cheap, low quality
- clutz
- awkward person, nerd
- cool
- superb, acceptable
- cowabunga
- hello
- cut out
- to leave
- daddy-o
- man, dad
- dead head
- dunce, a bore
- deb's delight
- eligible bachelor
- deepie
- 3-D movie
- deke
- to renege, back out
- dicey
- risky
- dig
- understand, appreciate
- dingaling
- odd person, nerd
- disc jockey
- radio show host
- disco
- a discoteque
- do your own thing
- express yourself
- downer
- an unpleasant experience
- drag
- anyone or anything dull or boring
- dream-boat
- an attractive male
- dullsville
- boring
- far out
- outstanding
- flip
- get very excited
- flaked out
- exhaustd; tired
- funny money
- counterfeit bills
- get it together
- straighten out one's life
- get-up-and-go
- energy, pep
- glitch
- obstacle
- goof
- to make a mistake
- greaser
- person with long oily hair
- hardeeharhar
- false laughter at a bad joke
- hairy
- difficult
- hep or hip
- enlightened
- hoo-boy
- Oh, boy!
- hood
- small-time criminal
- hot dog
- a show-off
- howdy doody
- hello
- idiot box
- television
- iggle
- to persuade
- in the groove
- enjoying jazz
- jumbo size
- large, huge
- kicks
- thrills, fun
- lose you cool
- get angry
- make the scene
- arrive, attend
- nerf-bar
- car's bumper
- nowhere
- not hep, square
- off the wall
- strange
- out of sight
- great, unbelievable
- passion pit
- drive-in theatre
- pad
- home
- payola
- money
- rip off
- take advantage of
- rumble
- fight, brawl
- scaggy
- disgusting
- sends me
- excites me
- shag
- to leave
- shim
- one who dislikes rock and roll music
- shook up
- excited, alarmed
- shrink
- psychiatrist
- sick
- deranged, mentally ill
- skins
- tires
- slay
- to impress
- sock hop
- a dance
- space cadet
- a strange person
- spaced out
- high on drugs
- split
- to leave
- square
- old fashioned person
- teenager
- person 13-19 years old
- the end
- tops, the very best
- tired blood
- without energy
- turf
- territory
- twist
- a kind of dance
- vibes
- aura a person projects
- way out
- excellent
- whirly-bird
- helicopter
- wig out
- go crazy
- with it
- in style, hep
- yoyo
- nerd
- yuck!
- expression of disgust
- zorch
- super