Vocation Week
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- These were the first followers of Jesus.
- Apostles
- We become a child of God and a follower of Jesus through this sacrament.
- baptism
- Rul;es to live by are the ...
- Beatitudes
- Your vocation is a _____from God.
- Call
- They receive the sacrament of Holy Orders but can still be married.
- Deacon
- God made us unique with our own special..
- Gifts and Talents
- Jesus, Mary and Joseph are the _____
- Holy Family
- Priests and Deacons receive the sacrament of _____
- Holy Orders
- Understanding God's call in your life will fill you with happiness and ___
- Joy
- When a man and woman marry they choose this as their vocation.
- Married Life
- A married man and woman exchange vows in this Sacrament.
- Matrimony
- A place where Religious Sisters may live.
- Convent
- This Apostle is the 'Rock" on which Jesus built our church.
- Peter
- God helps us make important decisions through _____
- Prayer
- They can change bread and wine to the body and blood of Christ.
- Priest.
- An abbey, a monastery or a friary are some of the places this person may live.
- Religious Brother
- This is a woman dedicating her life to Jesus through a religious community.
- Religious Sister
- Someone recognized for their holiness after death.
- Saint
- The place where a person studies for the priesthood is called a _____.
- Seminary
- Our vocation is our call to holiness and ____.
- Service
- They are lay people who make a difference in others' lives but are not married.
- Single Life
- Your call from God is your _____.
- Vocation
- A person who will live in a consecrated life will take poverty, chastity and obedience as their religious _____.
- Vows