Religion 2
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- Yahweh means
- I Am
- The Trinity means
- Three Persons in One God
- The sin of Adam because of which we are all born without grace
- Original sin
- How is man free?
- Man is free to be able to choose what to do or not to do
- Did Jesus always exist?
- Yes
- Heresy that the Son of God had not really become man, for the physical world was evil ad the Redeemer only seemed to enter it
- Docetism
- The last of the Old Testament prophets and the only one who is present in the New Testament
- St. John the Baptist
- Jesus being man and God at the same time
- hypostatic union
- What is the eighth commandment
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
- Why did God send Hos only Son into the world?
- He sent Him for the salvation of the human race
- The life of God in our souls
- Sanctifying grace
- What God gave Moses
- The ten COmmandments
- Teaching office of the Church, exercised by the Pope and bishops united with him
- Magesterium
- The truths revealed by God and summarized which we believe as taught by God
- Apostles' Creed
- Number of books in the Bible
- 73
- Men chosen by God to be his spokesman to the people
- Prophets
- Pure spirits creaated by God
- Angels
- Jesus's mission
- prophet, priest, and king
- What three things are needed for a sacrifice
- Altar, priest, and victim
- Who did God give a great nation of descendants
- Abraham
- The conception, birth of Jesus, the son of God become man through Mary
- Incarnation
- The oerfect sacrifice Jesus offered to God
- Himself: his own sinless Body and Blood, soul and divinity
- The suffering, death, and resurrectioon of Jesus by which we are saved from sin
- The Paschal Mystery
- How can it be that Jesus Christ always existed if he was born of the Virgin Mary?
- He always existed as God and was born as man
- Heresy that denied that Jesus was God, and held that He was created
- Arianism