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Stauber NMJ stuff


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NM transmission can fail by action on ____ and ____.


Post-junctional membrane (muscle) 

Tell me about NM transmission failure by acting on the post-juctional membrane (muscle)

-Alter ACh binding

-Alter ACh destruction 

How does edrophonium chloride work?

Block AChE from degrading ACh to choline and acetat, thus prolonging action of ACh

How does Curare work?

Bind to ACh receptors and block ACh from binding to open cation channels, thus preventing depolarization
How can you alter ACh release?

-Decreased external Ca/increase extracellular Mg: decrease in transmitter output (dec. EPP). 

-Botulinum toxin: Most poisonous. Binds irreversibly to presynaptic nerve ending; internalized.  Cleaves do

How does BoTox work?

Most poisonous.

Binds irreversibly to presynaptic nerve ending; internalized. 

Cleaves docking proteins; prevents vesicular release of ACh. 

(With time, new nerve endings will grow.)

Ho do microtubular disrupting agents work?

They break orientation of microtubules. 

Vesicles can't find their way to membrane. 

Vesicle contents not released. 

How does alpha-bungarotoxin work?

Bind to ACh receptors and block ACh from binding to open cation channels, thus preventing depolarization

How does botulin work? 

Blocks ACh release from vesicles
How can you regulate ACh receptors?

-Number of receptors: presence of ACh at EP region directs assembly and insertion of ACh receptors there.  [Assembly requires muscle specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK)]

-Myasthenia gravis : autoimmune.  An

How does succinylcholine work?

Cause cation channels to stay open. (Persistent depolarization results in relaxation)
Tell me about NM transmission failure by acting on the neuron

Alteration of ACh synthesis

Alteration of ACh release

How can you alter ACh synthesis?

-Analogues of ACh: Hemicholinium blocks uptake of choline by the nerve terminal; limits amount of ACh synth'd

-Metabolic inhibitors: Metabolic poisons block mito function and production of acetyl CoA. 

How does cyanide work?
Metabolic inhibitor; prevents production of ACh.
How does hemicholinium work?

Analogue of ACh

Blocks uptake of choline by nerve terminal

Limits amount of ACh synth'd

How can you alter ACh binding?

-Reversible Binding to ACh recptor: Curare.  Competitive inhib ACh receptor. Non-depolarizing.

Succinylcholine:  High binding affinity for receptors; not hydrolyzed.  Depolarizing: opens ion channels, but doesn

How can you alter ACh destruction?

Reversible AChE inhibs:Edrophonium (Tensilon) prevents hydrolysis of ACh and enhance marginal NMH function.  (Used to diagnose myasthenia gravis)

Irreversible AChE inhibs: Nerve gas inhibit AChE

How does nerve gas work?
Suicide inhibitor for AChE.  (Irreversible)
How does DFP (Diisoropylfluorophsphate) work?


Interferes with ACh destruction.

Respiratory paralysis. 

What does myasthenia gravis cause? (In terms of ACh receptors)

-clustering of receptors

-Internalization and degradation of receptors.  (lost)

-Blocking of receptors.

(Weakness and fatigue) 

Weakness comes from ___.  (at NMJ)

-lack of AP innerve

-NMJ failure

-inability to generate MAPs or their spread into muscle 

Ppl w/ myasthenia gravis: what's weakness and fatigue due to?

Weakness: Non-functional NMJs

Fatigue: Marginal NMJs that fail w/ repeated use 

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