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STEP 1: Biochem


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NADPH Production
HMP Shunt
(Non-oxidative pathway)
Think ___, and _____.
1. Need for NADPH
2. Cholesterol biosynthesis in liver
Fasting after 4 hours:
blood glucose is maintained by
think________ --> _______

Oxaloacetate to phenylpyruvate
Think these 3 things:

1. Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of acyl CoA
2. Activated by glucagon
3. Deactivated by Insulin

In protein catabolism, amino acids lose their ____ to compounds like ____ in a _____ reaction.
Nitrogen, glutamate, transamination

This nitrogen is then used to form ammonia and is excreted in urine after conversion to urea

Photosensitive Porphyrias occur in later exzyme defieciencies
These will include:

1. URO decarboxylase,
2. Copro Oxidase,
3. Ferrochelotase,
4. Proto-oxidase

ascorbic acid =
Vitamin C
Vit B2 =
Lack of causes:
Cheilosis, stomatitis, glossitis, dermatitis

Think pt with small cuts in corner of mouth and swollen tongue

Folic Acid Deficiency =
Megaloblastic anemia and neural tube defects in fetus
Need Folate (= vit B____)
For ___, ___ and _____.
Nucleotide biosynthesis, remethylation of homocystein, and DNA repair
Zinc deficiency:
Look for ____, ____, and ____
acrodermatitis, growth retardation, infertility
Tyrosine is present in the body via ___ or ____ and is the precursor for _______.
Ingestion or derived from Penylalanine.
DOPA, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine

Unlike ____ and ____, _____ is derived almost soley in the adrenals.
Dopamine and norepinephrine,
Epinephrine is derived mainly in the adrenals
Converts Nore-epi --> Epi
Is up regulated by _____
Thyroid hormones act via _____ receptors

This means that they lead to direct synthesis of new products

JAK STAT inducers

Cytokines, growth Hormone, IL-2, Prolactin

Thiamine is also needed for _____ which is pertinent to alcoholics
Succinyl Co-A formation from alpha-ketoglutarate
Allosterically activates gluconeogenesis
Acetyl CoA
increases activity of pyruvate carboxylase
Acetyl CoA
Sucrose =
Lactise =
Maltose =

S = Fructose + Glucose
L= Galactose + Glucose
M= Glucose + Glucose

Fructose intolerance = ______ deficiency
Aldolase B

Remember that Fructose is also in Sucrose - so a fructose in tolerance = a sucrose intolerance as well

Classic galactosemia = ________ impairment
glactose-1 Phosphate metabolism
Baby has FTT after breastfeeding begins.

What enzyme is most likely defiecient?

Galactose-1 Phosphate Uridyl Transferase
Fructose in Urine =

Is an Asymptomatic disorder due to the formation of ______ from fructose by _____

Fructose 6 P via Hexokinase

(Note Aldolase B deficiency leads to buid-up of Fructose 1 P)

CO2 carrier
Also called Vitamin _____.
Biotin, B7
Biotin is needed for these 2 conversions:
1. Pyruvate to Oxaloacetate
2. Amino Acids (Valine) to Succinyl Co A
1. Converts pyruvate in the presence of oxygen
2. pyruvate --> _______
1. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
2. Acetyl Co-A
Amino acids that are purely ketogenic
(2) ie they have no glucogenic components

This means that they will not lead to the formation of ____.

Leucine and Lysine

Lactic acid

Amino acids that are both ketogenic and glucogenic
PIT: "both go in the PIT"

Phanylalanine, Isoleucine, Tryptophan

Infant with FTT and hepatomegaly following a diet change most likely has ____ which is caused by a defieciency in ________.
Essential Fructose intolerance

Aldolase B

Steroid receptors are on the cell _____, are ___(protein form)____ , and are bound to ______ such as ____ and ____.
Nucleus, Zinc Fingers, Heat shock proteins, hsp90 and hsp56
cAMP receptors are bound to a ______ that activates _____ which then activates more cAMP and thus ____.
G Protein, adenylyl cyclase, Protein Kinase A
The ultimate Goal of the IP3 pathway is to increase ________.
THe pathway is:

___ --> ____ --> ____ --> ____-->____

Cytosolic Ca++

Receptor --> phospholipase C
-->IP3+DAG -->increased Ca++ --> Prot. Kinase C

Ras is part of the ______ system
MAP Kinase
After the steroid receptor complex forms, the _____ are lost and the complex _______.
Heat shock proteins (hsp 56 and 90), the complex then enters the nucleus to initiate transcription
NAD+ is rejuvenated for the anaerobic process when ___ is converted to ____
Pyruvate --> Lactate
Increased concentrations of _____ inhibit the process of glycolysis
These cells are able to convert Sorbitol to _____ with the enzyme ____
Seminal Vessicle Cells

Fructose, sorbitol dehydrogenase

Cells that lack Sorb Deh, such as liver, kidney, retinal, lens, schwann.... are thus at greater risk in cases of high glucose - ie diabetes.

Pellagra is caused by _____ deficiency
When not derived from food, Niacin can be made endogenously from ____.
Arginine is neccessary for the creation of ____, ___ and ____.
Nitric oxide, creatine, urea
The precursor for vitamin A is ____.
Pellagra is characterized by ___, ___ and ___, and can be found in populations that subsist solely on ____.
Dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia.


Pyrimidine is formed from ____.
Orotic acid
GTP is produced in the TCA cycle in this step, and it is used to phosphorylate phosphoenolpyruvate in gluconeogenesis.
Succinyl Co-a --> Succinate
Valine, alanine, isoleucine + Alpha-helical arrangement =
Membrane spanning portion of membrane protein
Membrane spanning proteins are usually messengers for these types of hormones:
Glycoprotein hormones such as TSH, FSH, and LH
Creatine increases ___ in most cells of the body, is mostly stored in ______ and is first limited by the enzyme ______ in the kidneys and pancrease, and then _______ in the liver and pancrease
ATP, skeletal muscle, GATM, GAMT
Hydrophobic Amino Acids (as in the kind that could be in the membrane spanning portion of a cell membrane)
PAM VI hates water

Phenylalanine, Alanine, Methionine, Valine, Isoleucine

Beta cells release insulin when the ______ ratio increases, shutting down the _____ which opens _______ .
ATP:ADP ratio
Potassium channel (KATP) shuts down
Opens Ca++ volatage gated channels which release insulin

Glucose sensor in Beta cells.
Can be deficient in Gestational Diabetes.
Glucise 6 Phosphatase is only present in the ____
Infant with growth retardation, hepatomegaly, and hypoglycemia lacks _____
debranching enzyme
Hemolytic anemia can occur with ____ deficiency
pyruvate kinase
Muscle cramping and exercise intolerance can be caused by a lack in ______
Glycogen phosphorylase
______ deficiency causes a shunt toward _______ production from galactose via _______ causing bilateral cataracts.
Galactose Kinse deficiency causes increased Galactitol production via Aldose reductase.

Increased Galctitol causes cataracts

Vitamin _____ is useful in treating Measles.
Think child from ______.
A, deficiency is common in Asia, Africa, and S America
Tryptophan is the precursor for ____, ____ and _____.
Nicotinic Acid, serotonin, melatonin.
Tryptophan deficiency is called ________.
Children with the intestinal absorptive issues of this disease have _______ symptoms because tryptophan is a precursor for ______.
Hartnup disease

_____ bonds in ______ cause recoil abilities in ______.
Lysine, elastin, Alveolar
HbC Disease is caused by a ______ mutation that switches the normal _____ to a _____.
missense, glutamine (normal) is switched to Lysine
IN HbS, ______ is switched to ____.
Glutamic acid is swtched to valine
Movement of unconjugated bilirubin into the liver is ______ and movement of conjugated bilirubin to be excreted is ____.
passive, direct bilirubin excretion is active.
Unconjugated bilirubin is _____ and must be bound to ____.
not water soluble, must be bound to albumin
Fetal blood has 50% _______ and takes _____ to switch to HbA.
HbF, 6 months
______, formed from ______, is a methyl donor.
SAM, methionine
The START codon for all ribosomal translations is ____, which codes for ____.
Thus, it is present at all the ______.
AUG, methionine, N-terminal position for all proteins
Homocystien is converted to ____.
Homocysteinuria occurs in ____ deficiency.
Pts cannot make ____.
Vitamin b12 / cobalamin
Periodic Hemolytic anemia can be cause by _____ or ______ deficiency.
G6PD, Glutathione reductase
Chronic Hemolytic anemia will most often (95%) be caused by a ____ deficiency.
pyruvate Kinase
Pyruvate dehydrogenase requires ___, ____, ___, ___and ____ as cofactors.
Thiamine, lipoic acid, Coa, FAD, NAD+
Without lipoic acid there will be ____ because ____ cannot be converted to ____.
lactic acidosis, pyruvate cannot be converted to acetyl Co-A

The pyruvate is shunted towards lactate formation

The Hemoglobin Curve shifts RIGHT when these three things ______.

2,3 DPG
H+/ acid

THe hemoglobin curve shifts LEFT when these three things _____.
2,3 DPG
H+ (more basic)

A decreased P50 causes ______ because ____ oxygen is released to tissues.
REFLEX polycythemia because LESS oxygen is released to tissues
2,3 BPG is in _____ and increases when blood oxygen levels are ____ in order to ____ oxygen movement INTO tissues.

When blood oxygen is low, 2,3 BPG ensures that the oxygen available will be moved INTO the tissues.

Spoon nails (koilinychia) and difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) = ____
Iron deficiency anemia
heme synthesis in the liver is used for _____ as opposed to heme produced in the bone marroe, which is used for ___
liver: cytochrome P450 system
marrow: hemoglobin synthesis
decreased heme will ____ hepatic ALA synthase activity.
This can cause ___, ___, and ___.
abdominal pain, neurological issues, dark urine with standing
Acute intermittent porphyria is an _______ disease cause by _____ deficiency.
autosomal dominant, porphobilinogen deaminase.

The low heme levels increase ALA synthase activity. Thus, is can be treated with heme components.

Acute porphyria attacks can be brought on my ____ (3)_____.
Alcohol, barbituates, hypoxia
(also a low calorie diet)
RBCs use the HMP shunt to _______.
Maintain high levels of NADPH to keep glutathione reduced
G6PD is a common _________ disease (think African Americans) that can cause acute anemia.
A common symptom is ____.
____ is not formed.

Dark urine
6 phosphogluconate

G6PD deficiency leads to RBC destruction because of ____.
oxidative stress

UTI = ____ as treatment which can cause ______ leading to an anemic episode in patients with ____.
oxidative hemolysis
G6PD deficiency

The formation of ______ stabilizes the hemoglobin molecule and allows for release of oxygen at the tissue level.
These form when ____ is high, which means that _____ are available. (pH is ___)
salt bridges, CO2 is high, protons (lowered pH)

Histidine amino groups on the hemoglobin molecule can be protonated, forming salt bridges that stabilize the de-oxy hemoglobin molecule

In the lungs, hemoglobin binds ___ and loses ___.
Binds oxygen, loses protons
O2 partial pressure in blood is ____.
the amount of oxygen dissolved in the plasma.

It is NOT related to hemoglobin O2 saturation

Ferrous to _____ iron on the heme molecule leads to the formation of ____.

This _____bind oxygen.

Ferric (3+)
Forms Methemeglobin which CAN NOT bind oxygen
UV damage causes ____ formation which is corrected by ___.
pyrimidine dimer, endonuclease repair in which the damaged region is nicked and replaced.
CO poisoning is dangerous because it has a _________.
200xs greater affinity for hemoglobin than oxygen, and once bound, is irreversible.
a-ketoglutarate to Succinyl Co-A requires ___.


In an alcoholic vignette for biochem, think a-ketog to Succ Co-a

Pantothenic acid = _____
Think ___ --> ____ in the TCA cycle
Co-enzyme A

Oxaloacetate to Citrate

HbF does not bind ____.
HbF will continue to be produced if there is a mutation where ___ is replaced with ___.
2,3 DPG (in order to get blood from the placenta)

histidine, serine

1. Rate limiting enzyme of the HMP shunt
2. Deficiency causes _____
1. G6PD
2. Hemolytic Anemia

Can be exacerbated by sulfonamides, anti-malarials, FAVA BEANS

____ and _____ carry out the non-oxidative functions of the HMP shunt.

They allow for conversion of ___ to ____.

Transaldolase and Transkelotase

Fructose-6-phosphate to Ribose.

the HbS mutation allows for _________ in _____ or ____ conditions
hydrophobic interaction between Hgb molecules in low oxygen or acidic conditions
Glutamate carboxylation is carried out by Vitamin ___.
Transkelotase requires _____, is part of the _______ which is carried out in the _____.
Thiamine, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, CYTOSOL
If the individual sub units of hemoglobin were dissociated, individually they would have a much _____ oxygen affinity and ____ P50.
Their curve would be sinilar to that of ____.
HIgher O2 affinity = LOWER P50

Shifts FAR left like MYOGLOBIN

3 STOP codons

Infant with Cardiomegaly + polysaccharide deposits in muscle = ____ deficiency
RBCs use ____ to deal with the high CO2 concentration of venous blood.

The action of this enzyme causes higher levels of __ in the RBCs

Carbonic anhydrase

RBC Chloride levels are high in venous blood

HbF is made up of ____ and ___.

Therefore, in ___ thalassemia, the infant will be normal for the first 6 months.

alpha and gamma HgB


Maturing erythrocytes cannot produce heme when they lose their ___.

The 1st and last 3 steps of heme synthesis occur in the mitochondria

The greenish color in bruises is caused by the formation of ____ via ____.
Bilverden, heme oxygenase
Nitrites (ie amyl nitrite) work to resolve deathly affects of cyanide by causing the formation of _____ which binds cyanide more readily, thus keeping away from _____.
Methemeglobin (ferric hemoglobin)
Mitochondrial cytochrome complex
Radiation treatment causes _____ and the formation of ____.
Double strand DNA breakage
Free radicals
Collagen structure is ____.
Triple Helix: Gly-X-Y
Nitrogen in urea is derived from ____ and ___.
NH3 and Aspartate

"A Spartan in the NHL needs to pee."

Carbamoyl Synthetase Phosphate 1 is the rate limiting enzyme in urea synthesis.

______ is elevated in Lead poisoning and is neccessary for the production of _____.
Pyridoxal Phosphate
d-Aminolevulinic Acid
___________ participates in amino acid transfer.
Think oxaloacetate + Glutamate --> Aspartate
Pyridoxal Phosphate
Cytosine Deamination = ______
Uracil Formation
____ activates carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1.

It is Formed from ______ and ____.

N-Acetyl Glutamate

Acetyl CoA, Glutamate

____ becomes arthritis in adults. (Think darkening of ears).
It is caused by a lack of ____.
Homogentisic acid oxidase

The accumulated homogentisic acid cases brown spots throughout the body.

Bacterial Polymerase Function:

1: _____
3: _____

1. Removes RNA primer, repars knick of removing primer
3. Removes mismatched nucleotides
Joins Laggin (Okazaki) fragments
DNA Ligase
The Lac operon is turned OFF when ______ or when _____.
Glucose is present, cAMP is low
Enteropeptidase is neccessary for the formation of ______.

It is formed from trypsinogen in the duodenal wall.

____ is converted to urea via ___.

Arginine, Arginase

Deficiency causes a spasticity and choreoid movement similar to that seen in Cerebral Palsey

Increased Serum methionine could mean ____ deficiency which leads to absence of ____.
Cystethionine Synthetase
_____ (BH4) is a cofactor for the production of ______(4).

Nitric Oxide

These 3 enzymes require 5 cofactors.
NAD, FAD, Thiamine, Lipoate, Coenzyme A
a-ketoacid dehydrogenase (Maple Syrup)
Pyruvate dehydrogenase
a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase

Ehlors Danlos occurs with a defect in ____.
Think of these 2 symptoms.
Hypermobile Joints, Elastic skin
Bacterial mRNA can be ____.

1mRNA codes for several proteins

Thiamine deficiency can be determined by measuring erythrocyte ____ levels.
Lactose may also be written as ____
Galactosyl b 1,4-Glucose
"mousy" odor and European descent = ____

They need TYROSINE

Blck Urine = ______ = ____ deficiency
Alkaptonuria, homogentisate oxidase
Histone _____ is located OUTSIDE of the nucleosome.
Vitamin C is required to avoid ____ and is used in collagen synthesis within the ___.
Amino group + a-ketoglutarate = _____

Glutamate carries the amino group that results in amino acid catabolism

Methlmalonyl CoA is an isomer of ____ which can enter the TCA cycle.

Methymalonic aciduria is caused by ___ deficiency.

Succinyl CoA


Ornithine transport is part of _____.
Urea formation / ammonia conversion following amino acid degradation
Very long chain fatty acid oxidation occurs in ____. If these structures are absent, there will often be ____ issues due to problem with _____.

Neurological issues develop due to an inability to properly myelinate neurons

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