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Chemistry Test 1&2


undefined, object
copy deck
examples of matter
living and nonliving things
hetero, and homo
what 2 things can mixtures be classified as
burning of coal petroleum and natural gas
are major sources of energy
indefinite shape and has a fixed volume
physical chem.
area that deals with mechanisms the rate and energy transfer
problem solving
involves developing a plan and implementing that plan
who developed the tools and techniques for working with chemicals
contains 2 or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion
liquid boiled to produce a vapor that is then condensed into a liquid
tested explanation for a broad set of obsevation
chemical reaction
when a substance changes into a new substance
analyze and solve
steps for solving a conceptual problem
takes shape and volume of the container
always changes
matter always does what during a chemical change?
the study of the composition of matter and the changes that matter undergoes.
applies science to the production of biological products of process
chemicals formulas
what are used to represent compounds?
manipulated variable
can be changed during an experiment / independent variable
chemical symbols
what are used to represent elements?
produced during the reaction
intensive property
depends on the type of matter in a sample
solid that forms and settles out of a liquid mixture
analyze, calculate, and evaluate
steps for solving a numeric word problem
study of the process that takes place in organisms
reversible and irreverisble
physical changes can be classified as what?
is the easiest way to conserve energy
organic chem
study of all chemicals containing carbon
analytical chem
study that focuses on the composition of matter
proposed explanation for an observation
physocal change
properties of material change, and composition of material doesnt change
physical property
quality or condition of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the substances composition
matter that has a uniform and definite composition
inorganic chem
study of chemicals that dont contain carbon, not found in nonliving things such as rocks
composition is uniform throughout
chemical property
for a substance to undergoe a certain physical change
present at the start of the reaction
extensive and intensive
properties used to describe matter are what
anything that has mass and takes up space
examples for pure and applied chem are?
Nylon and Aspirin
world where you can only see objects that can be seen under magnification
blend of two or more components
has deinfite shape and volume
transfer of energy, change in color, production of gas
clues for chemical change are?
making observation, test hypothesis, develop a theory
steps to the scientific method.
used to describe any part of a sample with uniform composition and properties
when you use your senses to obtain information
seperates a solid from the liquid in a hetero mixture
measure of the space occupied by the object
responding variable
is observed during the experiment/ dependent variable
chemical change
produces matter with a different composition than original matter
is an example of storing energy
composition is not uniform throughout
applied chem
research that is directed toward a practical goal or application
another name for homo
helped transform chemistry from a science of observation to the science of measurement that it is today
material found in air,water,or soil that is harmful to humans or other organisms
organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry,biochemistry, analytical chemistry and physical chem.
5 traditional areas of study are
example of a pollutant is
a procedure that is used to test a hypothesis
products and reactants
what are always equal in mass during a chemical reaction
scientific method
systematic aproach to the solution of a scientific problem
decribes the gaseous state of a substance that is generally a liquid or solid at room temp
is a measure of the amount of matter the object contains
world of objects that are large enough to see with the unaided eye
solid liquid gas
3 states of matter
conserve energy, produce energy, and store energy
chemists play an essential role in finding what
scientific law
is a concise statement that summarizes the results of many observations and experiments
pure chem
pursuit of chemicals knowledge for its own sake.
simplest form of matter
law of conservation of mass
what law a physical change or chemical reaction mass is conserved. mass is neither created nor destroyed
extensive property
t depends on the amount of matter in a sample

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