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A & P Tissues


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What functions does the epithelial perform?
1. Protects, covers and lines
2. Filters biochem substances
3. Absorbs nutrients
4. Provides sensory input
5. Manufactures secretions
6. Manufactures excretions

Apical surface
Side of cell that faces the lumen or body cavity.
Basal surface
Side of the cell that
Are epithelial cells avascular? What does that mean?
Yes. They rely on underlying connective tissue for nutrients and oxygen since they lack blood vessels or capillaries.
What are the different types of junctional complexes?
1. Tight Junction
2. Gap Junction
3. Desmosome

Protective waterproof substance.
What are the four primary types of tissue?
1. Epithelial
2. Connective
3. Muscle
4. Nervous

Simple Epithelial
provide little protection to connective tissue and are therefore found in protected areas of the body such as internal compartments, ducts, vessels and passageways.
Stratified epithelial
Thicker and stronger, found in areas of the body that are subjected to mechanical and chemical stress.
Transitional epithelium
Ability to stretch. Found in regions of the body that are required to expand and contract as part of their normal function (aka bladder).
Exocrine gland
Tear drop shape gland in epithelial. Act locally and do not enter circulation.
Endocrine gland
Have a sinusoid and secretory cells. They produce and excrete hormones and are carried to many regions of the body.
A cell or group of cells that have the ability to manufacture and discharge a secretion.
Fixed Cells (Connective tissue)
Fibroblast. Large irregular in shape that manufacture and secrete both fibers and the ground substance characteristic of their particular matrix. Very metabolically active.
Collagenous fibers
Strong, thick strands of collagen
Organized into bundles of long, parallel fibrils composed of bundled microfibrils
Variable density and arrangement of fibers
Found in tendons and ligaments

Reticular Fibers
Thin, delicate, branched networks of collagen
Provide support for highly cellular organs (endocrine glands, lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, and liver)
Also found around blood vessels, nerves, muscle fibers, and capillaries

Elastic Fibers
Branched networks composed primarily of the protein elastin
Composed of coiled bundles of microfibrils
Occur in tissues commonly subjected to stretching (vocal cords, lungs, skin, and walls of blood vessels)

Transient Cells
Involved in the repair and protection of tissues.


Leukocytes, mast cells, macrophages, heprin, histamine.

Loose Connective Tissue
Areolar, Adipose, Reticular
Dense Connective Tissue
Dense regular, dense irregular, elastic.
Areolar CT
Loose connective tissue
Fibers and cells suspended in a thick, translucent ground substance
Surrounds every organ; forms the layer that connects skin to muscle; envelopes blood vessels, nerves, and lymph nodes; present in all mucous membranes

Adipose Tissue
Loose connective tissue
Areolar tissue in which adipocytes predominate
Highly vascular
Acts as an energy storehouse and a thermal insulator
Two types
White and brown

Reticular Connective Tissue
Loose connective tissue
Network of thin reticular fibers.
Contains loosely arranged fibers and many fibroblasts suspended in a supportive ground substance
Forms the stroma (framework of several organs)

Dense Regular Connective Tissue
Composed of tightly packed, parallel collagen fibers
Relatively avascular
Makes up the tendons and ligaments
Can be found in fascial sheets that cover muscles

Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
Composed primarily of collagen fibers arranged in thick bundles
Fibers are interwoven to form a single sheet
Found in the dermis of the skin and in the fibrous coverings of many organs
Forms the tough capsule of joints

Elastic Connective Tissue
Primarily composed of elastic fibers
Fibers may be arranged parallel or in interwoven patterns with fibroblasts and collagenous fibers interspersed
Found in spaces between vertebrae and in areas of the body that require stretching (walls of arteries, stomach, bronchi, bladder, etc.)

Specialized Connective Tissues
* Cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage

Hyaline Cartilage
Most common type of cartilage found in the body
Composed of closely packed collagen
Found in joints at the ends of long bones, growth plates of long bones, tracheal rings, and connections of the ribs to the sternum
Composes most of the embryonic skeleton Enclosed within a perichondrium

Elastic Cartilage
Contains elastic fibers in dense branching bundles
Flexible: can withstand repeated bending
Found in the epiglottis of the larynx and in pinnae of ears of animals

Usually found merged with hyaline cartilage and dense connective tissue
Contains thick bundles of collagen fibers with fewer chondrocytes than hyaline cartilage
Lacks a perichondrium Found in spaces between vertebrae of the spine, between bones in the pelvic girdle, and in the knee joint

Matrix is a combination of organic collagen fibers and inorganic calcium salts
Well vascularized

Channels within the matrix support passage of blood vessels into deeper portions of tissue.

Produce bone, develop from cartilage.
Reshape and remodel damaged bones.
Mature bone cells.
Types of blood cells

Red Blood Cells
White blood cells.
What are the 4 types of membranes?
- Mucous
- Serous
- Cutaneous
- Synovial

Mucous Membranes
Line organs with connections to the outside environment (mouth, intestines, nasal passages, etc.)
Usually composed of either stratified squamous or simple columnar epithelium covering a layer of loose connective tissue

connective tissue layer that connects the mucosa to underlying structures.
Serous Membranes
Line walls and cover organs of body cavities (e.g., thorax and abdominopelvic cavities)

Consist of a continuous sheet doubled over on itself to form two layers

The portion of the membrane that lines the cavity wall is called the parietal layer.
The portion of the membrane that covers the outer surface of organs is called the visceral layer.

In abdominopelvic cavity, visceral layers of serosa merge to form mesenteries.

Cutaneous Membrane
Also called integument (or, more simply, skin)
Composed of an outer keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, or epidermis

Epidermis is attached to an underlying layer of dense irregular connective tissue called the dermis
Dermis contains collagenous, reticular, and elastic fibers which enable skin to be both strong and elastic

Synovial Membranes
Line the cavities of joints

Composed of loose connective tissue and adipose tissue covered by a layer of collagen fibers and fibroblasts

Manufacture the synovial fluid that fills the joint spaces

Has no epithelium – exclusive to connective

What are the three types of muscle tissue?
- Skeletal

- Smooth
- Cardiac

Skeletal Tissue
Large cells

Smooth Muscle
Small spindle cells
Non Striated
In voluntary
Found in walls of hollow organs, exocrine glands and along respiratory tract.

Cardiac Muscle
Only in the heart
Specialized pacemaker cells

Connected to one another via intercalated disks (velcro)

Nervous Tissue
Found in brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
Two cell types for nervous tissue?
-Supporting neuroglial cells
Longest cells in the body and have three primary parts.

1. Perikaryon- cell body; contains nucleus

2. Dendrites- Recieve impulses

3. Axons- Impulses away from the cell body

initial reponse to injuries
Adipose = ?
Brown fat vs. white fat
- only found in new born animals that hibernate

- throughout body, in deep tissues, everyone has it.

Mast Cell
transient cell of connective tissue containing heparin and histamine used in the inflammatory response and help increase blood flow.

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