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History Exam 1-100

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6. Which one of these is not part of Middle America a. central America b. Mexico c. Caribbean islands d. south America
What group of settlers were Anglicans who disagreed with certain church practices?a. puritans b. pilgrims c. roman Catholics d. Quakers
o aleijadino's sculptures are a. angular and realistic b. bright and idealistic c. carved from granite d. dark and grotesque
What South American river is the second longest in the world a. Nile river b. Amazon River c. Cherokee river d. Thames River
. this explorer named the land he discovered pascua florida a. sir Thomas dale b. sir Walter Raleigh c. juan ponce de leon d. Pedro Menendez de Aviles
His marriage to Pocahontas removed the threat of Indian attack against Jamestown a. john rolfe b. sir Walter Raleigh c. juan ponce de leon d. Pedro Menendez de aviles
English colonists differed from the French and Spanish in all these ways EXCEPT a. they came under private investors, not government sponsorship b. they came to live with their families c.most of them were protestants d. most of them were soldiers
The Mayans on the Yucatan were more advanced than the Aztecs, and developed one of what, which is as advanced as ours.a. automobiles b. writing system c. calendar d. grocery stores
the battle on the plains of Abraham was fought for the control of what city a. Montreal b. Beauport c. cap rouge d. Quebec
3. which of these was not the reason for the start of African slave trade to the new world a. settlers were unprepared and unwilling to work b. Africans had a language similar to the native ppl c. Africans were familiar with working as slaves d. native ppl were uncooperative and more susceptible to disease
What is the name of ppl of pure Spanish or Portuguese descent born in Latin Americaa. caudillos b. donatarios c. creoles d. peninsulares
Governor Generals in Brazil were appointed to replace which earlier rulersa. caudillos b. donatarios c. creoles d. peninsulares
true/false: The Quebec act was the first act to help French Canadian become independent a. true b. false
What religious group was expelled from the new world by both the Portuguese and the Spanish? a. caudillos b. peninsulares c. donatarios d. Jesuits
What government officials' title meant literally "in place of the king" a. viceroy b. donatarios c. creoles d. peninsulares
The argentine government chose him to take independence to peru a. Pedro I b. jose de san martin c. Antonio lisboa d. thome de souza
His efforts helped pass the New Laws of 1542 a. thome de Souza b. bartolome de las casas c. Simon Bolivar d. Jose de san martin
10. All of these were among the groups who left Europe to travel to distant lands except who a. missionaries b. government officials c. doctors d. traders
true/false: by the mid-1700s there were over one million settlers in the French territory in the new world a. true b. false
What major South American product is originally from Arabia? a. silver b. sugar c. coffee d. gold
what was the site of the lost colony a. Plymouth b. Raleigh c. Roanoke d. st. Augustine
Pirates were the curse of the Caribbean Sea especially to a.the French coureours de bois b. the English buccaneers c. the Spanish navy d. the Dutch traders
true/false: lack of roads made communication across the incan empire very difficult a. true b. false
These strong men helped to over throw governments but ruled as dictators themselves a. donatarios b. caudillios c. gauchos d. gangstas
which of these are not a feature of typical upper class homes a. workers and servants lived in separate buildings b. the house opened onto an interior courtyard c. the first floor was used for business d. the second floor was used for family apartments
hernando Cortes asked this Aztec ruler for gold a. Xavier b. cortes c. Montezuma d. cuzco
By what date was slavery outlawed in all of the Americasa. 1763 b. 1812 c. 1863 d. 1888
the Durham report suggested the Britain a. relax its control over the thirteen colonies b. relax its control over Canada c. increase its control over the thirteen colonies d. increase its control over Canada
This man, known as the liberator, helped several south American countries achieve independence. a. Pedro I b. jose de san martin c. simon bolivar d. thome de souza
True/false: Before the Iberians colonized what is now Latin America most of Europe was ruling as a constitutional monarchy a. true b. false
. What two countries form the Iberian Peninsulaa. Italy and Greece b. Italy and France c. Spain and Portugal d. Spain and Italy
true/false: part of the conquistadors' missions was to convert the native ppl to Roman Catholicism.a. true b. false
True/false: Many of the Indians went back to their former ways of living after the Jesuits were expelleda. true b. false
These portugese nobles had complete control over their captaincies a. donatarios b. caudillios c. gauchos d. gangstas
In this ceremony a samurai would kill himself a. shogun b. seppuku c. calendar d. day light savings time
. true/false: William Bradford wrote an account of the pilgrims called history of Plymouth plantation a. true b. false
Why was Samuel de Champlain called the Father of New France? A. most of the French there descended from him b. he led the French to the victory over the British c. he had a great love for the French frontier d. he wrote the French constitution
the shouted "independence or death" and tore the symbol of Portugal from his military uniform a. Pedro I b. jose de san martin c. Antonio lisboa d. thome de souza
4. what was the true reason the Spanish destroyed the Incan empirea. the incans attacked the Spanish when they first arrived b. the Spanish wanted more gold than the incans were willing to give c. the incans practiced an offensive religion that included human sacrifices d. the spainards had no other choice if they were to trade with the Indians
which of these is NOT true of early education in English colonies of north Americaa. schools were usually one-room buildings b. early colleges were founded to promote biblical learning c. colonists did not think school was necessary d. schools usually had one teacher
True/false: The Spanish government never officially approved of enslaving the native South Americans a. true b. false
true/false: most black slaves brought to the new world went to the southern united states a. true b. false
the only clue to the disappearance of the Lost colony is a. a croatoan Indian stuck in a door post b. the word croatoan carved in a tree c. a pile of rocks shape d as an arrow pointing west d. an Indian with an axe from the colony
which of these are NOT a characteristic of North America that encouraged early settlers a. it was rich in gold and silver b. it was rich in natural resources c .it had a varied climate ideal for inhabiting d. it had abundant wildlife
8. He conquered the Incan empire a. hernando Cortes b. Frances Xavier c. Francisco Pizarro d. Cuzco
As acting governor of Jamestown he helped the colony improve after the starving time a. sir Thomas dale b. sir Walter Raleigh c. cabeza de vaca d. Pedro Menendez de Aviles
Cartier and his men suffered from what disease a. lime disease b. ADHD c. scurvy d. staff infection
What motivated the Spainish to explore the coastline and interior of California a.they heard there was gold rush in the north b. they wanted the rich furs and fish in the north c. spain needed land for settlements d. they heard the English were exploring farther north
the region settled by ppl from the Iberian peninsula is called a. Spanish America b. northern America c. southern America d. Latin America
what British act protected the French way of life a. British North America act b. Quebec act c. freedom act d. stamp act
True/false: outside the cities, most of the land in Latin America was owned by small farmersa. true b. false
True/false:The first Indians the Spanish met in the Americas were poor a. true b. false
This spainard often enslaved Indians and stole their grain reserves a. john rolfe b. sir Walter Raleigh c. hernando de soto d. Pedro Menendez de
These strong leaders united Japan and brought peace a. samurai b. knight c. shogun d. cuzco
They have become the symbol of rugged independence a. donatarios b. hacendados c. gauchos d. caudilllos
Where in North America did most of the French Settle?a. eastern coast b. western coast c. eastern Canada d. western prairie
Pizarro marveled at this capital city's well built buildings covered in gold a. cuzco b. Cuba c. Bahamas d. California
This monk described Japan as a country at war a. cuzco b. Montezuma c. Xavier d. Cortes
When the Spanish wanted to reward a conquistador, they usually a. named the land after him b. awarded him in encomienda c. made him a knight d. made him a viceroy
What was the main result of the French and Indian War? a. Indians were wiped out east of the Mississippi b. England lost its colonies in America c. France lost Canada to England d. Spain ceded Florida to France
true/false: America's transcontinental railroad copied the Canadian idea of their Canadian pacific railroada. true b. false
This brazilian was south Americas most famous sculptors a. thome de souza b. jose de san martin c. Antonio lisboa d. bartolome de las casa
What treaty reestablished the line of demarcation? a. treaty of san ildefonso b. treaty of brazil. C. treaty of tordesillas d. treaty of Paris
Which of these colonies offered the greatest religious freedom?a. English b. French c. Spain d. Portugal
what is the oldest continuously inhabitant city in the United states a. Plymouth b. st. Augustine c. Tampa d. Jacksonville
True/false: the wealthy built there homes on the outer edges of towns in Latin Americaa. true b. false
true/false: after the states ratified the constitution, they elected men to serve in the new congressa. true b. false
what was the name for Indian and Spanish parents . mestizos b. peninsulares c. creoles d. mulattos
True/false: San Marin chose as his troops the degradados if Brazil a. true b. false
true/false: western Canada was opened up with completion of the Canadian pacific railroad a. true b. false
This Dominican friar spoke out against the unfair treatment of the Indians a. thome de souza b. jose de san martin c. simon Bolivar d. bartolome de las casa
these country estate owners were like the lords of the medieval manor a. donatarios b. hacendados c. gauchos d. caudilllos
9. Most of the ppl on the islands such as Jamaica and Haiti are descendants of a. Montezuma b. African slaves c. Spanish conquerors d. Viking explorers
this Spaniard saw the Indians as human beings a. sir Thomas dale b. sir Walter Raleigh c. cabeza de vaca d. Pedro Menendez de Aviles
2. The Incas greastest natural resource wasa. the amazon river b. land for farming c. gold trade d. stone for building
the line of demarcation established that everything east of the line could be claimed by a. Spain b. Portugal c. England d. France
What did the British North American act accomplish? a. it granted independence to the united states b. it granted Canada complete independence from great Britain c. it granted Canada dominion status with self-rule in domestic affairs only
5. what was unique about the capital of the Aztec empirea. it was built in the middle of a lake b. it was built high on the side of a mountain c. the streets were lined with gold d. its gates were over eighty feet high
7. he destroyed tenochtitlan and built Mexico city on the sitea. Hernando Cortes b. Frances Xavier c. Francisco Pizarro d. Cuzco
. San martin crossed what mountains on his way to liberate Chile a. pampas b. Andes c. Rockies d. alps
1. People of which occupation were least likely to travel to foreign lands as sea routes opened?a. traders b. government officials c. missionaries d. craftsmen
The pampas are located in what South American region a. Andean republics b. Brazil c. Caribbean republics D. River plate republics
the country of Suriname used to be called a. Dutch Guiana b. British Guiana c. French Guiana d. Patagonia
John rolfe introduced what product to Jamestown as a cash crop a. rice b. indigo c. cotton d. tobacco
why were the Jesuits expelled from the new world a. others were jealous of their profits and powers b. they lead the Indians in open rebellions c. they refused to pay the taxes imposed on them d. the had strayed from roman catholic beliefs
the Portuguese royalty fled to Brazil bc a. the ppl of Portugal had started a revolution b. a famine had wiped out most of Portugal's crops c. Portugal had been captured by napoleon d. their ship had been chased by pirates
what settlers considered their settlements a city that is set on a hilla. puritans b. pilgrims c. roman catholics d. quakers
He funded the first attempt English colony in the new world a. sir Thomas dale b.sir Walter Raleigh c. cabeza de vaca d. Pedro Menendez de Aviles
true/false: many catholic missionaries had a genuine zeal for missions a. true b. false
Name one of the island groups in the Caribbean a. Bahamas b. New York c. Tenochtitlan d. Cuba
What resource along with the refined silver was among the two major exports of colonial Latin America?a. coffee b. gold c. cotton d. sugar
what was the favored fur for hats a. squirrel b. penguin c. raccoon d. beaver
True/false: Spanish and the portugese colonies suffered from high taxes on exports and high prices on imports.a. true b. false
He was the first governer-general of Brazil a. Pedro I b. jose de san martin c. Antonio lisboa d. thome de souza
. he brought discipline to Jamestown but had to leave after being injured in a gun powder accident a. john rolfe b. sir Walter Raleigh c. john smith d. Pedro Menendez de
what document outlines the pattern of the American government A. Constitution b. declaration of independence c. Quebec act d. freedom act
during the early period of settlement, the greatest number of Europeans came to the new world froma. Portugal, spain, England b. france, England, spain c. Africa, England, spain
He chased the French fro their settlement and established Spanish dominance in Florida a. john rolfe b. sir Walter Raleigh c. john smith d. Pedro Menendez de
true/false: mayan pyramids, like Egyptian pyramids, usually served as burial places for the king. a. true b. false
. Eliza Pinckney introduced what cash crop to the Carolinas. a. rice b. indigo c. cotton d. tobacco

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