spanish terms
spanish terms
comment on what is wrong
comment on what is wrong
undefined, object
copy deck
- vosotros
- y'all
- conocer
- to know, to be familiar with
- Andalucia
- Córdoba
- el tornado
- the tornado
- Francia
- París
- sentirse
- to feel
- Cataluña
- Barcelona
- el bronceador
- suntan lotion
- gustar
- to like
- divertido
- fun
- comenzar
- to start
- estar despejado
- to be cloudless
- poner
- to put, to place
- Castilla La Mancha
- Toledo
- la playa
- the beach
- cerrar (e changes to ie when conjugated)
- to close
- las montañas
- the mountains
- nosotros
- we
- la planta
- the plant
- tantos
- points
- ver
- to see
- mezclar
- to mix
- la catarata
- the waterfall
- querer
- to want
- ir
- to go
- dormir
- to sleep
- reclinarse en la silla
- to lean back
- patinar sobre hielo
- to ice-skate
- usted
- you (formal)
- *People*
- *People*
- Madrid
- Cuidad de Madrid
- *Emotions*
- *Emotions*
- espantado
- shocked, scared
- condcir
- to drive
- Qué tiempo hace?
- What's the weather like?
- avergonzado
- embarrassed
- sin tí
- without you
- yo
- I
- severo
- severe
- el hockey
- hockey
- *More Minorly Useful Words*
- *More Minorly Useful Words*
- el lacrosse
- lacrosse
- entender (e changes to ie when conjugated)
- to understand
- ser
- to be
- en la higuera
- day dreaming (en la higuera litterally means 'in the fig tree')
- acabar de
- to have just finished doing something
- portarse bien
- to behave well
- oír
- to hear
- Está parcialmente nublado.
- It's partly cloudy.
- hacer el surfing
- to surf
- andar en patineta
- to skateboard
- hiperactivo
- hyper
- me
- me
- los
- (y'all [formal], them masculine)
- aburrido
- bored
- el equipo
- the team
- quedarse
- to stay
- aprender
- to learn
- el bosque tropical
- the rainforest
- el voleíbol
- volleyball
- portarse mal
- to misbehave
- los patines
- the skates
- Como van?
- How are we doing? (sportswise)
- Hace fresco.
- It's chilly.
- sobre hielo
- on ice
- confuso
- confused
- mejor
- better
- el desierto
- the desert
- Valencia
- Cuidad de Valencia
- sin
- without
- garabatear
- to scribble
- encestar
- to score a basket
- la nieve
- the snow
- pararse
- to stop
- Como van el marcador?
- What's the score?
- los chapperones
- the heavy showers (of rain)
- hecho polvo
- to be exhausted (hecho polvo literally means 'ground into the dirt')
- el río
- the river
- *Vacation Words*
- *Vacation Words*
- el lago
- the lake
- Marruecos
- Rabát
- pensar
- to think
- hay que
- it is necessary to do something
- Hace (muy) mal tiempo.
- It's (really) awful out.
- cambiar
- to change
- Aragón
- Zaragoza
- empezar (e changes to ie when conjugated)
- to start, to begin
- peligroso
- dangerous
- ustedes ya'll (formal in Spain)
- ya'll (formal in Spain)
- *Spainish Neighboring Countries and Capitals*
- *Spainish Neighboring Countries and Capitals*
- con rayas
- checkered
- Navarra
- Pamplona
- Hace (muy) buen tiempo.
- It's (very) nice out.
- necesitar
- to need
- Están a cero.
- There's no score yet.
- vender
- to sell
- favorito
- favorite
- *Some Useful Verbs*
- *Some Useful Verbs*
- el bate
- the bat
- los perededores
- the losers
- Andorra
- Cuidad de Andorra
- te
- you
- el esquí
- the ski
- andar en bici
- to ride a bike
- gole (otherwise spelled gol)
- goal
- revisar
- to review, to go over
- *Direct Object Pronouns*
- *Direct Object Pronouns*
- A cuando está la temperatura?
- What is the temperature?
- la lluvia
- the rain
- llamarse
- to be called (your name)
- salir
- to leave
- la bola de baloncesto
- the basketball
- poder
- to be able to
- el resultado
- the result, the end score
- *Spain Communities and Capitals*
- *Spainish Communities and Capitals*
- *Other Minorly Useful Words*
- *Other Minorly Useful Words*
- Hace (mucho) frío.
- It's (very) cold out.
- llover (o changes to ue when conjugated)
- to rain
- la
- you ([formal], her, it)
- el bosque
- the forest
- mareado
- dizzy
- el arból
- the tree
- merendar (e changes to ie when conjugated)
- to have a snack
- la cancha
- the court
- mayor
- older
- un crac, una crac
- a star athelete or player
- perder
- to lose
- la gorra
- the cap, the hat
- Portugal
- Lisboa
- de cuadros
- plaid, checkered
- dar
- to give
- el marcador electrónico
- the electric scoreboard
- os
- y'all
- Castilla y León
- Burgos
- el estadio
- the stadium
- el marcador
- the scoreboard
- sacar fotos
- to take pictures
- deber
- ought to, should
- estar
- to be, to feel
- ellos
- they
- más
- more
- el sol
- the sun
- las tormentas
- the storms
- sin mí
- without me
- llevar la cuenta
- to keep score of
- nos
- us
- el guante de béisbol
- the baseball glove
- jugar
- to play
- al aire libre
- outdoors
- saber
- to know
- sacar
- to take out
- las
- (y'all [formal], them feminine
- *Sports*
- *Sports*
- el uniforme
- the uniform
- Islas Baleares
- Palma
- la bola de fútbol
- the soccer ball
- la niebla
- the fog
- tener
- to have
- la temperatura
- the temperature
- Está (muy) soleado.
- It's (very) sunny.
- la piscina
- the swimming pool
- ganar
- to win
- venir
- to come
- el partido
- the game, match
- hacer
- to make, to do
- menos
- less
- Hace (mucho) calor.
- It's (very) hot out.
- el cielo
- the sky; the heavens
- sorprindido
- surprised
- peor
- worse
- la raqueta de tenis
- the tennis racket
- *Weather*
- *Weather*
- los ganadores
- the winners
- de lunares
- spotted, with polka dots
- Está (muy) nublado.
- It's (very) cloudy.
- llegar
- to arrive
- nevar (the e changes to ie when conjugated)
- to snow
- tomar el sol
- to sunbathe
- tener que
- to have to do something
- hacer un gol
- to score a goal
- esperar
- to hope
- el huracán
- the hurricane
- deceptionado
- disappointed
- Galicia
- Santiago
- lo
- you ([formal], him, it)
- el viento
- the wind
- el campo
- the field
- corregir
- to correct
- menor
- younger
- las nubes
- the clouds
- el casco de fútbol americano
- football helmet
- tú
- you (informal)
- la flor
- the flower