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1. The ____ perspective on deviance argues that deviance is not inherent in act, but results from the
application of rules (or norms) to an offender.
1. normative
2. functional
3. conflict
4. reactivist
4. reactivist
2. Retreatism is one of the adaptations to deviance that is hypothesized in the ___ theory of deviance.
1. control
2. conflict
3. cultural transmission
4. anomie
4. anomie
3. Three general forms of social control were discussed in lecture (and in the text), 1) internalization of norms,
2) formal and informal sanctions, and 3) ____.
1. punishment
2. surveillance
3. norms
4. the structure of social e
4. the structure of social experience
4. According to lecture (and the text), deviance:
1. is always dysfunctional.
2. cannot be functional because it undermines trust.
3. may be functional in promoting social cohesion through opposition to deviance.
4. is functional beca
3. may be functional in promoting social cohesion through opposition to deviance.
5. TRUE or FALSE: The story that was told in lecture about “Billy,” the fraternity pledge who drank a glass
of nearly pure alcohol and then vomited on the basketball court, was used to illustrate an important
principle in the normative pers
6. An argument was made in lecture that Max Weber’s notions about the distribution of status may not apply
to contemporary U.S. society. Instead, status in the U.S. appears to be distributed:
1. in a single status hierarchy.
2. in accord
3. primarily within status spheres, as defined by patterns consumption and/or occupation.
7. According to lecture, the ___ theory of stratification, stratification exists because it benefits individuals and
groups who have the power to dominate others and maintain the system.
1. conflict
2. functional
3. interactionist
1. conflict
8. According to lecture, income, education, and occupation are ___ indicators of social inequality, and are
often used together as a measure of ___.
1. “reputational” / wealth
2. “ subjective” / socioeconomic status (or SES)
4. “objective” / socioeconomic status (or SES)
9. According to lecture, for every dollar of net worth possessed by the average white family, the average
African American family has approximately ___ in net worth.
1. 16 cents
2. 55 cents
3. 75 cents
4. 90 cents
1. 16 cents
10. TRUE or FALSE: Rates of poverty among elderly are now higher than those among children.
11. According to the lecture, part of the classic definition of __ is that they are groups of people singled out for
unequal treatment because of physical or cultural characteristics
1. racial groups
2. ethnic groups
3. lower classes<
4. minority groups
12. In response to a “MAIL BOX” question on racial identity, evidence was presented in class that white
identity ___. It was also indicated that white identity is _____.
1. is as strong as black identity is / the primary determinant of raci
4. is relatively weak / is related to whites’ racial prejudice but other factors are more important
13. According to lecture, legally enforced racial segregation would be a form of:
1. environmental racism.
2. developmental racism.
3. institutional racism.
4. racism at the individual level.
3. institutional racism.
14. One of the pieces of evidence presented in class indicating that social distance attitudes of whites regarding
African Americans have changed was a graph showing that the percent of whites who:
1. believe that whites are racially superior h
3. oppose interracial marriage has decreased over time.
15. According to the text, whites’ support for the principle of racial equality has increased over time, and their
willingness to support policies that would reduce inequality:
1. has sharply declined.
2. is now reflected primarily in st
3. has not changed appreciably.

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