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- What are shoguns?
- military leaders
- What does Japan lead in making?
- automobiles
- How many symbols were used to write hangul?
- 30
- What is a constitutional monarchy?
- emperor is the official head of the state but elected leaders run the country
- What seperates it from China?
- the Yalu River
- In the 1950s what did the armies of North Korea do?
- they attacked South Korea
- Why does Japan choose to keep their military small?
- because the suffering of WWII.
- What was the name of the kingdom that united most of the peninsula?
- Silla
- Japan's democracy is a form of a _____.
- constitutional monarchy
- Were did the religion Shinto begin?
- in Japan
- What does the communist government discourage?
- religion
- From the1100s to the 1860s Japan was ruled by _____.
- shoguns
- What does Japan lie on?
- The ring of fire
- What is Japan's major port city?
- Yokohama
- Who conquered Korea and made it part of its empire?
- Japan
- What did the Korean Peninsula hold for a while?
- a unified contry
- What industrial goods does Japan produce?
- steel, cement, fertilizer, plastics, and fabrics
- Many people believe that what first came from Japan?
- the first novel
- For a while Japan was the leading military power over who?
- Asia
- Have the two government been pulling closer together?
- yes
- How long did Japan have control over Korea?
- until the end of WWII
- What did Korea divide along?
- the 38th parallel
- After WWII what here the governments like?
- bitter enemies
- What nation is communist?
- North Korea
- Who are the samurai?
- powerful land-owning warriors
- What is its capital and largest city?
- Pyongyang
- How many people does South Korea have?
- 49 million
- Do these farms grow enough food for the country?
- no
- What dominates South Korea?
- manufacturing and trade
- What is squeeze between the mountains and seacoast?
- plains
- Who took over Korea after WWII?
- Soviet Union took over North Korea while the American troops took over South Korea
- When did Korea divide?
- after the Soviet Union and American troops both claimed pert of it
- Japan has about how many people?
- 127.1 million
- What sport beside sumo is popular in Japan?
- baseball
- About 3 fourths of its people are crowded were?
- urban areas on the coastal plains
- What is Japan's largest plain?
- Kanto Plain
- What happened when China lost control?
- separate kingdoms arose
- What is there major crop?
- rice
- Who was the 2nd communist leader?
- Kim Jong II
- Most of its people live where?
- urban areas along the coasts and river valleys
- What is Japan's capital?
- Tokyo
- Who is Japan ruled by?
- emperors
- What affects the climate?
- monsoons
- What does the government also practice?
- the needs of the communist system over the needs of individual families
- What part of Japan catches cold arctic winds and ocean currents?
- The northern islands
- Did Korea develope their own culture?
- yes
- What does Buddhism teach?
- respect for nature and the need to achieve inner peace
- Do many people still practice a religion?
- yes
- What do the people in Japan value?
- hard work, cooperation, and education
- What did South Korea have difficulties with a high power of Asia?
- economic difficulties
- What is Japan known for?
- the variety and quality of its manufactured goods
- More than 30% of the people are what?
- farmers
- What has led to disagreements with trading partners?
- trade restrictions
- What is the most popular sport in Japan?
- sumo
- Where have most people moved to since the end of the Korean War?
- United States
- The crime rate is ___ ____.
- very low
- How many people does North Korea have?
- 22 million
- Today, most Japanese people practice what religion?
- Buddhist and Shinto
- What do Japanese farmers use to produce crops?
- fertilizers and modern technology
- What are the four large cities?
- Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, and Osaka
- Japan has great influence as what?
- a world economic power
- What nation is non-communist?
- South Korea
- Who originally ruled Korea?
- China
- What type of land forms dominate Japan?
- rugged mountains and forested hills
- Who do most of their monuments honor?
- Kim II Sung
- It generally has ___ climate then the rest of the country.
- warmer
- The Pearl Harbor attack caused the United States to_____.
- enter World War II
- What went back and forth over the peninsula?
- ideas
- What is their basic food item?
- rice
- What is the most famous peak in Japan?
- Mount Fuji
- During the time of the Silla, what advances did they make?
- cultural and scientific advances
- What was the Korean Peninsula used for?
- a passage way to get from Japan to the mainland of Asia
- What does Japan need to import a lot of?
- raw minerals, sch as iron ore, coal, and oil
- Why did Japan take land from China?
- because they needed more space to farm
- Japan forces attacked who and were?
- American Navel at Pearl Harbor
- 22% of the people live where?
- in rural areas
- Japan has few what?
- mineral resources
- The capital has many monuments to who?
- their communist leaders
- What did the United States do to try and get trade with Japan?
- sent a fleet demanding trade privileges
- What does it suffer from?
- old equipment and power shortages
- What is the capital and largest city?
- Seoul
- Japan began to use western ideas to what?
- modernize the country, improve education, and set up industries
- What has grown tremendously?
- technology and service industries
- After WWII, the US helped Japan become a what?
- democracy
- What is it the leading exporter of?
- ships, cars, textiles, computers, and electronic appliances
- What does Shinto teach?
- love of simple things and concern for cleanliness
- Where do most of the people live?
- in cities and towns
- Where did the Untied Stated drop bombs at?
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Japan is one of the worlds ______.
- leading exporters
- Where is the Korean Peninsula located?
- off the northern part of China between the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea
- What is a megalopolis?
- huge urban area made up of several large cities and communities near them
- What was the name of the war between South and North Korea?
- the Korean War
- What has influinced the arts of Korea
- China
- What are the main religions?
- Buddhist, Confucianism, and Christianity
- When did Japan start trading with other countries?
- after the United States demanded it
- What has the government improved for its people?
- health care and education
- What is the names that Korea is divided into?
- North Korea and South Korea
- What does it spend much money on?
- military
- What will you discover in Seoul?
- ancient palaces modeled after the Imperial Palace
- What was one of the great achievements of the early people?
- pottery
- What was the new way to write their language called?
- hangul
- Unlike South Korea it is _____ _____.
- economically poor
- What does Japan's modern factories use?
- high technology and robots to make their products quickly and carefully
- What is a archipelago?
- a group of islands
- What does the Japanese people create that is popular around the world?
- cartoon shows
- What are the four main islands?
- Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyshu
- Both Koreas belong to what?
- the same ethnic group
- Farmers practice______
- intensive cultivation
- North Korea is _____ than South Korea.
- larger
- What is the basic home?
- tall apartment buildings
- Its has the ___ ___ ____ ___ in the world.
- lowest infant death rate
- What has Japan's industry benefited from?
- Having highly skilled workers
- Who do the Koreans trace their ancestry to?
- people who settled on the peninsula
- What would you learn if you were taught kwon?
- discipline and self-defense
- Where does it land on the Korean Peninsula?
- the southern part
- Who have Japan created close ties to?
- China and Asian mainland
- Why did North Korea attack South Korea?
- they hoped they could gain control and unite the to seperate nations under one communist rule
- Who followed the Silla?
- dynasties
- What does it own and run?
- farms and factories
- Were do Japanese people trace their ancestry to?
- clans
- Japan did not want to ___ with foreign countries.
- trade
- There is still what kind of life?
- traditional
- Japan's cities are very ___.
- crowded
- What have the done to the capital since the Korean War?
- rebuilt
- How has their religion influenced their art?
- because there religion teaches to respect nature there art reflects that
- How did the Korean war end?
- without a peace treaty and neither side won
- What covers much of South Korea?
- mountains
- Where do most of the Korean people live?
- coastal areas that are effected by monsoons
- In the 1400s what did scholars invent?
- a new way to write the Korean language
- What part gets warm ocean winds?
- southern part
- What is a problem Japan faces?
- preserving the environment
- What do the monsoons bring to South Korea?
- hot humid weather and in the winter, cold dry weather
- More than 60% of it is covered under what?
- forests
- What are plentiful to North Korea?
- coal and iron ore
- What other things do Japan's factories produce?
- consumer goods such as electronic equipment , watches, small appliances, and calculators
- What does Japan import then any other nation
- fish