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The Vietnam Era


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Agent orange
a herbicide, that causes birth defects , destroys crops, and cancer. it is illegal to use unless it is used against us.
general rise in prices
Malcolm X
An important Civil Rights Leader that belived that African Americans should become seperated from whites and they should live without them. He had ties wiht the Nation of Islam. He was assinated in 1965
the new name for guerrillas
Rosa Parks
On December 1, 1955 this important person during the Civial Rights Movement started the Montgomery bus boycott by refusing to give up her seat to a white man. She got arrested and the bus boycott took place in protest to desegration in transportation
Jackie Robinson
Broke the color line in baseball. First African American in the Pro Leagues in baseball
Montgomery Bus Boycott
This was started By Rosa Parks and lasted a little over a year. Almost every African American in Montgomery walked of took taxis to work. the result was transportation being integrated
Richard M. Nixon
When he was elected there was high inflation and economic recession from high spending in the war. His greatest success was easing coldwar tensions and with forign countries. He was impeached because of the Watergate Scandal but resigned before he was removed from office.
The plan to withdrawl troops from Vietnam over a period of time
Ho Chi Minh
He was the ruler of Vietnam and directed the fight for the independance of Vietnam from France. He was communist when he took over so the USA backed France but we didn't win. He was the dictator of North Vietnam and wanted to take over South Vietnam so the USA backed South Vietnam and again they lost so he
Earl Warren
He was the Chief Justice in the Supreme court. He heard many important cases as the head of the court. he interprated the constitution with flexibility.
those who oppose war
Neil Armstrong
The first man on the moon ever. He flew up in Apollo 11 and him and Buzz Aldwin did the first space walk on the moon
Thurgood Marshall
In 1938 he became the head of the NAACP's legal section. His main goal was integration. His knowledge of the Constitution helpd him attack the foundations of segration
explosive, jelly-like substance that would burst in to flameand stick to people's bodies, causing severe burns.
Guerrilla warfare
A fighter who works as a part of a small band to make hit and run attacks
those who support, or are in favor of, a particular war
A form of protest in which African Americans Sit at an all white lunch counter and refuse to leave until they are served
Martin Luther King Jr.
An important Civil Rights leader that lead the Montomery Bus Boycott. He believed in non-violent protests such as sit-ins. He was assiated on April 3,1968
Plessey Vs. Ferguson
In 1896 this Supreme Court ruled that it was legal to have Seperate but equal. Brown vs. Board of Education reversed this discision.
affirmative action
a program to providemore job and education opportunities for people who faced discrimination in the past
Brown Vs. Board of Education
In 1951,this case his daughter went to a run down African American school and he wanted her to go to the white school. It went to the Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall helped fight for them and the discision was Seperate but Equal wasn't equal.
Henry Kissinger
He is Nixion's sucerity advisor. He secretly began to confer with North Vietnamese leaders. We were withdrawling the troops from Vietnam.
James Meredith
An African American student that enroled in the University of Mississippi. When he arrived at the campus riots broke out and 2 were killed. President Kennedy sent troops to maintain peace.
Jimmy Carter
He was elected in 1977. He went down in history as a failure as a president but he is known for the work for charity he has done with his power as a former president.
nonviolent resistance
a protest that was nonviolent but proving a point
John F. Kennedy
This President was the youngest President when he was elected in the year of 1960. His three goals during PresidencyFight povety, to fight disease, and ensure justice. Another goal he had was to get a man on the moon. He was assinated on Nov. 22,1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald. The assination was caught on tape and was aired on TV.
Integration of Little Rock Central High School
According to the approved desegration. 9 African American students were going to desegrate the school. The govener said that no school will be integrated when im govener. He put troops infront of the school so that they couldn't go in. President Eisenhower sent fedral troops to let the kids into the school
Vietnam War
A war that got vietnam's independance from France, it started in Augest of 1945 and in 1954 is when it ended.
Civil Disobedience
the peaceful refusal to obey unjust laws
Greensaboro sit-ins
In 1960 these kids sat at a whites only lunch counter and wouldn't leave unless they were searved. They got food dumped on them and it became a common form of protest.
Lyndon B. Johnson
This President took over for John F. Kennedy. His goals in Presidency were to create the New Deal. He continued with Kennedy's bill for a major Civil Rights bill. He created wellfare, so poor children get an education, he also created food stamps. He also created Medicare, and Medicade.
domino theory
idea that if one country fell to communism , neighboring countries would follow
Gulf of tonkin
The USA reported that they were in international waters and were attacked. it was later that it was reported that it was in Vietnams waters
Conscientous objectors
A person that refuses to take part in a war because of the belief that war is wrong

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