undefined, object
copy deck
- charismatic
- inherent in persons personality
- (Marx-Weber)
- whole world is based on social class; social class determines how you see the world.
- "me"
- self of memory; our self image; who we think we are
- Mead- the play stage
- learn to interact with one other role
- who coined "symbol interation"?
- Blumer
- weber: parties in control over?
- the house of power
- front stage
- our performance
- externalization
- an individual who thinks up a new idea
- organic solidity
- weak collective conscioness society; not cohesive; high division of labor; abstract ideas; no single view point
- "I"
- The spontanious self who you are in the moment engage in immediate socila interaction
- why we satisfice
- we do not have enough information
- when are 2 people most likely to interact?
- people who are most like you in class, looks, and education
- bourg
- owns the means of production
- Mead "self" "i" "me"
- product of social interactions; developed through significant symbols
- generalized other society
- we are able to put ourselves in others positions and take on the attitude of the whole group
- why blumber didnt like survey research
- the human mind cannot be reduced to simple yes or no questions
- how to prevent free riders
- sanctions and monitoring
- Joint Action
- where people begin to think alike; popular/ public opinion
- Intrinsic rework
- most effective because it comes from social approval
- preist has ____ status, but ____ class.
- high; low
- anomie
- normalessness
- objectification
- when these ideas catch on to each other
- why is micro more than psycological?
- interpretation of objects
- Social construction of reality
- when individuals shape reality through social interation
- Cooley
- Internal Conversation give imaged person social reality
- The Free-Rider Program
- when too many people take advantage of a public good without ever contributing back
- Homan's Law
- The more individuals interact with each other, the more they become like each other. the more they can form to social standards
- Homan's
- why there is social stratification. people want to interact with people at some social level because they are more likely to get social approval
- Cooley
- The looking glass self
- The Thomas Theisms
- if men define a situation as real it is real in its consequences
- Mead
- game stage is like baseball
- Assumption of R/U
- we know what is in our best interest; we have perfect information; people are rational
- examples of public good
- public radio, pbs, air water public transportation
- internalization
- when they internalize the ideas and pass them on to the next generation
- meaning behind "prisoner dilemma"
- individuals pursing their self interest will always end up with worse punishment than if individuals act in the collective good
- R/U- Define power
- the person who has the most resorces to exchange
- cooley is accused of
- solipsism
- super structure
- everything that is not money. (not base) education and society
- durkheim book and study
- suicude
- R/U- explanation for rise in divorce rate
- economic- more women can earn their own living
- back stage
- where we prepare for our performance.