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What was the freedom journel?
It was written by african americans and had job ads for blacks.
Why did Ricky tell Robertson that he could not talk back to foul langue?
Because he didnt want to have bad press and make him seem like a bad person.
What kind of photos did branum do?
a game of baseball played by the british. you have to run around the bases.
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How did the Benjiman day turn crime into news?
By telling all about the victim and the criminal.
What is a Massachusette game?
a type of ball game where you use a soft ball.
What was a New York game?
A game where you used a hard ball
Deceptive or false
Why did Ricky chose Robertson to play?
Because he went to a good collage and he excelled in a lot of sports.
Why was times square called the white way?
because they had a lot of lights everywhere you started to see white.
Who was Zora Nelson?
She was a black artist.
Renaissance man
a man with many talents

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